Showing posts with label lessons for life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lessons for life. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2024

Whispers in the Wind ️

Whispers in the Wind ️

Humans are curious creatures. We crave information like squirrels crave nuts – the nuttier, the better. 
It's as natural as breathing. Humans have been doing this act of craving information since we were grunting around in caves.

It's time we celebrated this glorious pastime, the original social media, the provider of endless entertainment.
 Most of the time that information involves other people's lives, which is where the glorious art of gossiping comes in.

Now, before you declare yourself above it all, be honest.
 Haven't you ever widened your eyes and whispered, "Did you hear about...?" with a mischievous glint in your eye? We all have! and that's okay! Gossiping is ingrained in human society.

what exactly is gossip?

Is it just mindless chatter!

 Back before the days of tweets and TikToks,  gossip was the original social media. we relied on the trusty human grapevine to spread the news

People talk about it like it is a disease, but really, it is more like a guilty pleasure – like watching a TV reality show. , it is scandalous, and sometimes, it's downright hilarious too.

Take a look into the wonderful world of gossip

The Gossipers, We all know them the friend who can sniff out a juicy story a mile away, the neighbour who seems to have all the information of the town.

The Different Breeds of Gossipers

The Parrot: This one simply repeats everything they hear, accurately. be damned. 
Their motto? "A heard a thing, a thing I share!".

Caution: This may cause international incidents.

The Detective: Pieces together, clues like Sherlock Holmes, 

Their motto? "The truth is out, but I will dig out to the roots''
The Dramatic Narrator: Takes a rumour and runs a marathon with it, adding special effects and a soundtrack.
Every story becomes an epic saga with this gossiper.
 Prepare for exaggerated sighs, wide-eyed gasps, and enough body language to rival a mime convention.

Their aim is to dramatise to make you curious to know the story. Their style of narration,'' Do you know the news?  or ''shall I tell you a new story?

It's Not Just Chatting:  Gossip Like a Boss is an Art

There's a certain skill to gossiping, believe it or not. A good gossiper knows how to deliver the information in a way that's both entertaining and discreet.

Quality Over Quantity

Maintain Plausible Deniability: "Oh, I just overheard..." is your best friend.
Beware the Backfire: Gossip can boomerang faster than a toddler throwing a tantrum. Before gossipers spill,  will consider the consequences.

Know Audience:  Good gossipers tailor their stories to the needs of their listeners.
Embrace the Giggles: Gossiping is a real fun! Laugh it off,  It is a time pass at the end of the day.  Do not take the gossip seriously, and remember, what goes around comes around ''hopefully not the gossip''!😉

Keep it spicy Let's be honest, boring gossip is a snoozefest. A good gossiper adds a dash of drama, a sprinkle of humour, and maybe a pinch of speculation.

The Ethics of the Gossip 

If someone tells you something in secret, keep it that way. You're not James Bond, you're a friend. Gossip should be lighthearted, not malicious

Believe it or not, gossip can actually serve a purpose, besides pure entertainment.

Social Bonding: gossipers find curious listeners to make their friend circles. and if you see society's patterns closely you will find people always discuss others. They rarely talk about themselves, finding faults in others, and discussing the life events of others is their main aim. It's like saying, "Hey, we both belong to this secret society!"

Pure Entertainment: Gossiping is like a reality show with actual people we know. When we feel dull and bored, what do we all do? we often visit our friends and relatives, and chit-chat most of the time about others. Finding other people's topics as sources of our time pass and entertainment. And after spending some time in discussions we feel time well spent!  

Moral Compass Check: In gossip, we generally feel we are the best judge of society. We give our opinions in such a manner that we are the best in the world and only we know how to live on this planet.

Information is Power: Knowing what's happening around us makes us feel informed, powerful and part of society. We all want to know what's going on around us.
 Gossip informs us about the local drama around us.

Learning from Others' Mistakes:  It is okay, to learn from the experiences and mistakes of others. But not always, sometimes gossip can be a cause of inviting a new set of problems in your life.

Is ''Gossip''A Guilty Pleasure or a Social Sin?

 Is gossiping good or bad? The answer, like most things in life, is, it depends!  As long as your discussions are respectful of others, and not spreading negativity, then it is a good refreshing session and can be a fun way to bond with friends and colleagues. Always keep in mind, that sometimes the best secrets are the ones you keep to yourself.

Gossiping is a natural part of human interaction. It can be a source of amusement, connection, and even sometimes information. But remember, with great gossip comes great responsibility.
Don't be a malicious rumor-monger. Keep it light, keep it funny, and most importantly, keep it between friends.😎

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Maids & Myths

Maids & Myths, "Hiccups in Harmony''

The hiring of maids by families can be convenient, especially to families with tight schedules but the process is not as easy as it is expected. However, while their contributions are often invaluable, there is a less discussed side to this relationship: the possibility of bringing negative energy into a home that maids often possess. Some behaviours may cause the experiences of frustration or disappointment.

Maid Habits"Creating a Stress''

In most cases, the introduction of maids in a particular house does not necessarily mean that it is all positive. It is important to understand that the changes that the addition of the new member brings to the house interactions may be quite unpredictable and can result in numerous complications.
These are individual and interpersonal as well as systematic and societal.

Privacy Invasion

A home is usually regarded as a haven and this is the place where one can be liberal and free from societal pressure. This room is menstruation throughout the day by the constant presence of a maid.
To fully know that one’s private space is entered by an unknown at a given time is not comforting and erases the safety and comfort that is afforded by a home.
People may not like the feeling that comes with knowing that there is always someone out there who knows their schedule, their behaviour, and even what they never told anyone. Such discomfort may result in the feeling of intrusion and henceforth development of stress and anxiety.


Living with a maid to do most of the cleaning and other chores for you have been found to have some negative effects such as making one lazy. As the disease progresses some of the most simple things one can take for granted such as cooking, cleaning or even organizing may be lost.
Such dependency is not always advantageous; whenever the maid is unable to work, it becomes difficult for the household.

Interpersonal Conflicts

People are not always compatible with each other according to the type of personality they have. The working mode, attitude or behaviour of a maid can be not in harmony with the owners and can compromise and quarrel.

Jealousy and Competition

Sometimes having a maid causes jealousy in the home. These feelings affect children and make them think that the maid is the preferred person to be around within the house. This can cause all sorts of problems within a family including disturbing the emotions of the individuals involved.
But sometimes the situation is otherwise maids develop a feeling of jealousy, maids start comparing their own lives with the lives of certain members of the family.
They start raising their eyebrows and you can almost feel jeer of comparison in their tone.
This type of situation can lead to a lot of negativity in the household it means that every day you wake up and go to bed with a negative attitude.

Over expectations and comparison

The majority of the maids have a culture of relating an experience concerning the other families where they work, how those families treat them, and what they provide in terms of monetary remuneration, gifts, food and other incentives during special occasions.
In fact, these are some of the stories they tell in a bid to pass their messages across to their leaders. They are now telling stories as a way of giving their emotions about how they want to be handled.
These are probably not to be taken as actual stories, but they seem like something to help dictate how to approach them.
Of course, we don’t need to fact-check the story, but it feels like it’s here just to push towards a particular behaviour.
And if you ignore their demands you can feel noteworthy behavior alteration. Sometimes they may decide to go on a rebellious spree which only increases tension in the household.
Inconsistent Attendance

The most prevalent behaviour seen in many households by these maids includes generally poor attendance habits such as erratic truancy. They are also likely to absent themselves from work without proper authorization, or even at short notice; the household is usually affected in the worst way.
Such unpredictability can affect the flow of day-to-day activities and cause undue stress especially because parents rely on such helpers to manage their households.

Lack of Attention to Detail

Maids sometimes miss certain spots when cleaning, which leads to dust and dirt building up in these forgotten areas. This lack of care can make the whole house less clean and healthy.

If the maid keeps doing this over and over, it can create more stress for everyone.

Reliability Issues

Showing up on time and being dependable matter a lot to families. Housekeepers who often come late or back out at the last second throw off daily schedules and cause trouble for everyone.

Unprofessional Behavior

This covers talking about family issues using personal phones too much while working, or even bringing guests into the home without permission. These actions can put the household's privacy and safety at risk.

Getting a maid can take a lot of work off your plate, but it's crucial to know about the possible downsides. Not showing up being careless missing details, acting, and not taking the initiative are some habits that can make the experience less than ideal.


There are benefits to hiring a maid, but you should be ready for any obstacles that may arise. Open and honest communication is essential to maintaining a good working relationship with your maid and a calm household. Be courteous, establish ground rules early on, and show your maid some care. You may establish a peaceful atmosphere that benefits all parties involved by doing this.

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Pennies Down, Spirits Up


''Pennies Down, Spirits Up-The

 Power of Perspective''

There'll be times when our wallets resemble a forgotten melody – silent and empty.

But fear not, friends!
hold on a minute!
An empty wallet doesn't have to spell an empty life!

''An empty wallet can be a nudge for a delightful detour''
 It can be a springboard for some fantastic adventures (both financial and emotional). Before you descend into a financial funk, let's flip the script and see this as an opportunity for some delightful desi jugaad (frugal innovation)!
This is an opportunity for a delightful detour on the path to financial zen.

From Empty Pockets to Emotionally  Richer Life

When your wallet is on a diet, you're automatically freed from the pressure to buy the latest gadgets and spend on fancy dinners to impress others.

It can be a great excuse for some introspection. What are your true priorities?

An empty wallet can be a nudge - to rediscover, to reconnect with the simple joys.

Maybe it's time to dust off that forgotten board game collection and have a laughter-filled game night with friends or family.
Reconnect with loved ones over a potluck dinner – everyone brings a dish, and the conversation flows freely!
Carefree laughter was shared with friends over steaming cups of chai in the evening.

A walk in the park, a board game night with friends, or a heart-to-heart chat with a loved one. The thrill of a good book (borrowed from the library, of course!),in case you like reading books.

Turning Financial Woes into Winsome Adventures

This is your chance to unleash your inner social butterfly – the frugal edition!

Forget fancy restaurants, Organize a potluck with friends Reconnect with loved ones over a potluck dinner – everyone brings a dish, and the conversation flows freely!
Carefree laughter was shared with friends over steaming cups of chai in the evening.
You'll find your true friends appreciate your company, not your wallet size.

Volunteer your time at a local cause. Not only will you have a blast, but you'll also be strengthening connections and building a wealth of good karma.

Plus, exploring free or low-cost activities with your buddies can lead to some unforgettable shared experiences.

Explore your city's free events – museums often have free admission days, and parks offer endless possibilities for nature walks

 An empty wallet is a wake-up call to become a financial whiz! 

You start budgeting, track your expenses, and explore ways to earn more.
 This period of resourcefulness can lay the foundation for a future of financial stability.

 Embracing Simplicity and Purposeful Living in a World of Excess

This "jeb khali" phase can be a powerful teacher.
 It fosters resourcefulness and creativity. You become a master of making the most of what you have. Maybe you have discovered a hidden talent for mending clothes.

  Be mindful of, resourcefulness is a superpower! 

Boost in Creativity: Necessity is the mother of invention, right? 
An empty wallet sparks creativity!
 you get creative with leftover ingredients. 
whipping up a delicious meal from pantry staples. 
 You become a master chef with budget-friendly recipes.
There's a certain nobility in living frugally; 
it teaches you to appreciate the simple things and avoid mindless consumerism.

Appreciation for What You Have: A tight budget makes you truly appreciate the things you already own – a warm home, a supportive family, and good health. It's a chance to re-evaluate your priorities and find joy in what truly matters.

Compassion for Others: When you've experienced financial tightness, you develop a deeper understanding of those who struggle. It fosters empathy and a sense of community, encouraging you to help those in need.

Frugal Fun Master: You become the king or queen of finding free or low-cost entertainment. You unearth hidden gems in your city – free museums, community events, and scenic hikes. You'll be the go-to person for planning amazing (and budget-friendly) adventures!

The Takeaway
An empty wallet is a temporary state, not a life sentence.
 It's a chance to flex your emotional muscles, strengthen social bonds, and become a financial whiz.

Next time when your wallet feels a little light, don't despair! Embrace it as an opportunity for growth, connection, and creativity.
Always keep in mind, that a joyful life isn't about how much money you have, but about the richness of experiences and connections you build along the way! Jeeb khali ho sakti hai, lekin dil to humesha full rakh sakte hain! (Your wallet may be empty, but your heart can always be full!)

 Chin up, friends! Let your empty pockets be a springboard to creativity, connection, and a renewed appreciation for the simple joys in life.
Do not forget, a joyful heart is a wealth in itself, and that, my friends, is always within reach!😊😊😊

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

How to Spot a Certified,'' foolish''

''Ah, foolishness''

Ah, foolishness. It's the spice of life, There's a certain kind of person we all encounter – the one who consistently misses the mark.
But how do you identify a true champion of foolishness?
 Fear not, for this handy guide will equip you with the tools to recognize a goofball in the wild!

Some folks are just a few fries short of a happy meal. But hey, that's what makes life interesting, right?

 Here's your crash course on identifying these champions.
 Tell-tale signs to recognize the brand  ambassadors of foolishness:

The Helpful Hurricane: This character is a whirlwind of misplaced energy. They swoop in to "help" with everyone else's tasks, leaving their own work a disaster zone.

The Mastermind of Maybe: This individual is the Picasso of procrastination. They can dream up the most elaborate plans. Their plans are more elaborate than a space opera, with flowcharts and inspirational quotes. But when it comes to actually doing something? Their plans mysteriously deflate faster than a birthday balloon after a toddler encounter.

Speaking Before Thinking: This individual suffers from a rare condition known as "Mouth Opens Before Brain Boots Up." without considering the consequences

Chronic Impulsiveness: They do things with half the wisdom and twice the questionable flavours, and take unnecessary risks without considering the potential consequences. 
They may blurt things out or make rash decisions. followed by an awkward cough and a mumbled, "Maybe I should Google that first..."

The Trusty Rusty: They believe everyone has the purest intentions. Their trust knows no bounds, which often leads them to situations that would make even a superhero need therapy.

The Fashion Faux Pas Fanatic: Believes that clothes make the man (or woman), even if the outfit screams, '' I am not for you".
Spotting tip: Look for the person who seems to be auditioning
 for a lost episode of "What Not to Wear."

The Chronic Challenger: They love pointless debates, They are Champions of the Pointless. Even if it's about the proper way to eat a KitKat bar. They might even argue with a brick wall... and lose, all with a goofy grin.

From Rags to Riches...Right Back to Rags: A stroke of luck brings instant gratification, with luxury purchases overshadowing responsible financial planning.

The Moral of the Story:

A wise person understands that true success lies in balancing ambition with action, discernment with trust, and delayed gratification with responsible enjoyment. Life's rewards come not just from good fortune, but from the choices we make every day.

 Thanks for taking the time to read this content. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please consider leaving a comment.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Friend Who Overstayed- A short story

The Friend Who Overstayed, A Plate of Peace


Anjali was a constant presence, a social vine that had somehow twisted itself around my life. We used to be friends, back in the carefree days of college. Classmates thrown together by circumstance. But somewhere along the way, our friendship had morphed into something suffocating. Now, years later, our connection felt more like a burden. Anjali wasn't malicious, but she was a bottomless pit of need, fueled by a jealousy that simmered just beneath the surface. A constant drain of positive thinking.

My successes, big or small, were met with a barrage of questions. Aced a presentation? "Oh, wow, you must've stayed up all night studying. Did you get any sleep at all?" A new promotion? "That's great! They must have really needed someone to fill that spot." Her "congratulations" always felt laced with a bitter aftertaste.

Her visits were like clockwork. In fact, her visits were timed with military precision. Right around lunch or dinner, she'd materialize at my door, a practised smile on her face. The second I opened it, the interrogation would begin. "What are you having for dinner?" she'd ask, eyes scanning my kitchen like a hawk. If I dared to mention a dish I hadn't made myself, she'd launch into a ten-minute story about a similar recipe her "aunt" (read: a random cooking website) had.

One evening, I was having a simple dinner of samosas. Big mistake. Anjali, who wouldn't touch fried food "for her health," spent the entire visit calculating the cost of two samosas, down to the last rupee. "So, each samosa must have cost you..." she'd trail off, expecting me to reimburse her imaginary expense.

Visits to her house were financial landmines. A single samosa devoured transformed into a two-samosa "debt" I owed. The worst part? Anjali had no shame. She'd call me any time of day, interrupting my work or leisure with mundane updates about her life.

Her requests were bolder still. "That new saree looks lovely," she'd coo, "Can I borrow it for that party next week?" Borrowing, of course, was a euphemism. She'd casually "borrow" sarees, conveniently "forgetting" to return them for weeks. I rarely saw my clothes again. The worst part? She wasn't shy about it. "That new blue one you got would look lovely at my cousin's wedding," she'd announce, leaving no room for refusal.

One day, I decided enough was enough. "Anjali, "I value our friendship, but lately, it feels one-sided. The constant irritating behaviour, the unannounced visits…" Anjali blinked, feigning innocence. "irritating behaviour? I'm just being friendly!"

"Is it friendly to expect a free meal every time you visit?" I countered. "Or to borrow clothes with no intention of returning them?"

A flicker of anger crossed her face, but it was quickly masked. "Oh, come on," she scoffed, "Don't be so uptight."

I held her gaze. "Look, if we're going to be friends, it has to be genuine. Not this… this leeching behaviour."

The silence stretched. Finally, Anjali huffed and stood up. "Fine," she said, her voice tight. "If that's how you feel."The door clicked shut behind her. A wave of relief washed over me, bittersweet but undeniable. Maybe our friendship was over, but a part of me felt lighter like I'd finally shed a cumbersome weight.

Anjali might have called a few times after that, but I didn't pick up. My life was quieter now, less dictated by the irritating behaviour of a one-sided bond. I found myself cooking for myself, enjoying the peace. Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of a new kind of friendship, one built on mutual respect and genuine care.

I learned a valuable lesson: It's okay to set boundaries, even with someone who used to be close. I missed the easy camaraderie of our initial friendship, but the constant undercurrent of jealousy had been a festering wound. Sometimes, letting go is the healthiest option for everyone involved.  It wasn't easy. It felt like a weight had lifted.

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Life vs. Existence

Life vs. Existence: Are You Sure You Know the Difference?

"To pass time is life, and to live is existence." That basically says to make good use of our time and live life to the fullest. It's a nudge to not spend life frittering away time on crap that doesn't matter and to zero in on things that really count for you. 
Great reminder that time is super valuable and we need to make the most of it. It is as if life nudging towards contentment. Besides, it tells us that even if we are not being all that productive, we are actually living life and should take complete note of that fact.

The Art of Living with the Ticking Clock:

Living life without stressing over the ticking clock.
Life's one big wondrous journey, woven with threads of great joy and deep sorrow, love for everyone and everything in between. It is a precious gift, albeit a temporary one, and cherishing it can only mean true appreciation for the beauty of life; cherish your life and live.

Slow down and enjoy the roses:
You don't always have to be doing something big and great to enjoy life. Just think of that cool breeze in the morning hitting your face, the laughs you have with your friends and family, the tranquillity of a starry night, loving those monsoon rains, the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets—the list is never-ending. So much in life for us to notice and appreciate.

Find thankfulness: 
Appreciate the good things big or small. Be thankful for good health, family, and opportunities that come in one's way. Gratitude brings a deeper appreciation for life's gifts.

Live With Intention: 
Don't let life just pass you by. Follow your dreams, take chances, and enjoy new experiences. Allow your curiosity to guide you, and live a colourful life.

The Art of Letting Go: 
Life is transient. Clinging too tightly to the past or fearing the future makes life difficult. Learn to let go, enjoy the present moment, and trust that the future will unfold as it may.

Embrace the Full Spectrum of Emotions:
Life ain't just all sunshine and rainbows, nor a bed of roses, my friend. It is not all perfect but hard at times and sad with obstacles. And gonna hit hard, bein' very rough. But such knotty moments make one grow and the happy moments special. Don't shut out your feelings; live fully through them. It's part of life. It will knock you down and keep you there if you let it. Don't be afraid to fully feel all of your emotions. That's called being alive.

Life is all about love, you know? 

Just let your loved ones know how much they mean. Grudging is bad; release all that negativity from your soul. And keep an open heart, very much delight and happiness come from the connections that this heart should have.

Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination More often than not, we're fixated on the destination and achievements.
Enjoy the Journey, Not the Destination We tend to be too serious about our goals and their many outcomes. However, life is not a sprint; it's what people call a journey. Let life be a journey, not a race. Savour the experiences, lessons learned, and growth that you shall arrive at along the way. There is beauty in the present moment, not just the finish line.
It is just a matter of appreciating life all the time, really. It's all about living for that moment and savouring little things while really enjoying every great moment that comes by. Enjoy the experiences, embrace lessons learned, and realize growth made along the way. Therein lies beauty, not just at the end but also in the present. Inhale deeply, open up your heart toward everything around you and simply appreciate this beautiful gift called life. 
In constant practice, cherishing your life means being in the present; it is looking at the joy in small things and holding each moment totally dear. So take a deep breath, open your heart to the world around you, and savour the magical gift of life.😊😊😑

Please share your thoughts on life in the comments. Thank you.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Love Paints, Respect Mends


Love is a great feeling; it is profound and, most of the time, timeless in nature. It brings with it deep relationships, shared experiences, and mutual understanding certainly hefty in all aspects!

Love whispered in the significance of snatched moments,??

 The power that binds hearts across seas, a symphony that echoes beyond centuries. 
However, love, like the most delicate flower, can quickly be changed. Passions fade, flames flicker, yet embers of love may stay warm for a lifetime.

Respect, on the other hand, is far more sensitive
. It is built on consistent demonstrations of trust, admiration, and respect for ideals and behaviours.

However, the expression goes, "Love does not die in a day, but respect does."

 As much as this provides fuel for thought, the reality differs slightly.

Love in its early stages is vivid, attractive, and lively. It uses brighter inks to paint the world, ignites a fire within our spirits, and forces us to see the best in our partners. 
We appreciate defects, see beauty in blemishes, and ride out life's storms with a helping hand. 
The erosion, however, proceeds over time as it marches ahead with determination.
Love instils itself in us via experiences, whispered secrets, and profound gratitude for another soul. It relies on trust, empathy, and the willingness to be vulnerable.
 However, even the most profound love may be tested to its limits. Familiarity, habit, and life's hardships can all dampen the passionate flame, but that doesn't imply love is gone.

Genuine love transforms into understanding, a peaceful and faithful partnership.

When the flame of love flickers, it is simple to remember what has passed—silent laughter, buried hopes. The embers still carry some warmth, reminding us of the connection that once existed.

 A crackling campfire is an excellent example of this, representing a passionate love. It burns bright and warm, casting swirling shadows. Yet, as the hours pass, embers sparkle with a gentle fire.

 Respect, like the careful maintenance of coals, keeps the fire going. The listening ear validates a partner's sentiments, allows for individual growth, and provides unflinching support during life's adversities.
Respect recognizes that the path is shared.

It evolves through open discussion, in which opposing viewpoints may be heard with an open mind.
Respect allows differences to be addressed constructively, establishing a secure environment for personal growth within the partnership. 
Respect permits us to hang on to all of the wonderful qualities of the relationship, appreciate those memories, and move forward with serenity and thankfulness.
Respect does not cease with romantic affection. Perhaps more crucially, it serves as the foundation for strong friendships, family ties, and even professional partnerships. Consider a friend who will not cross your limits, a parent who will respect your decisions or a coworker who will appreciate your work: those are connections that will last. 
Respect fosters trust, overcomes gaps, and allows individuals to be themselves.

The respect inscription is exactly what it says. Love may not always be present in the same form, but its inscription of respect ensures that the legacy endures. In my perspective, love has drawn beautiful scenes with passionate brushstrokes. Respect is the thread that binds everything together.😊

 Thanks for taking the time to read this content. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please consider leaving a comment.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The All-Seeing co-resident

The All-Seeing co-resident-A short story

It was all about sunshine and the lovely aroma of filter coffee once we shifted to Chennai. The auto-rickshaw dropped me in front of my apartment; I was aware that it was not going to be easy for me, merely because of the fact that I am a north Indian.

Before I could say, Jack Robinson, my next-door neighbour Amma Lakshmi materialised faster than a fly on a sweet shop window. Her smile was as big as a banana leaf unaware of all her other reactions, and there was something in her that made me shiver: curiosity, and she was ALWAYS watching me, my serenity was destroyed by her.

“Welcome dear! New arrival in our little paradise!” she greeted me before I could even say a word to her. She was inside my apartment watching the contents of still-closed boxes with the intensity of a temple priest examining for a sacrifice.

From the first day I came home unpacked, Amma Lakshmi became a fixture. Surprised, unannounced visits were her speciality on arrival of friends, relatives or colleagues. She'd comment on everything. She would comment on the groceries I bought, the music that I played, the food I ate, to the clothes I wore.
There had been regular lectures from Amma Lakshmi on how to wear clothes, I wore a casual kurta in the evening, and it was her main task every day to instruct me ‘A married woman shouldn’t look so shabby!’
She had been instructing me to wear a saree and kum -kum on my forehead, to wear bangles, and to put a rangoli in front of my house, this would be good for a happily married life, as if she was my, mother-in-law.

Even worse were her relatives. As if receiving mangoes falling from a tree, they’d visit Amma Lakshmi's house. Her relatives were appendages of herself. And so, any relative – a cousin, a niece, a distant aunt – who came to visit Amma had to pass by my home. ‘This is the new tenant, Meenakshi,’ she would proclaim, to an open censuring turned necks of curious stares and judgemental whispers.

The real creepiness? Amma Lakshmi noticed everything.

Leaving for the market?

walking outside?

Every day, she'd be making rangoli in front of her apartment's main door while putting rangoli her constant focus was on my main door and my activities. For example

“Going shopping again, are we?''

coming home late from a movie,?”

Her lamp would be turned on as I tried to open the door with my key. . .
At what time does my husband come to have lunch, why are you eating so late, if I ate lunch late then I would have an issue with acidity was her daily concern.

Worse of all was the fact that she had sharper eyes than a hawk. . . If any person visited our house whether he or she is related to us or not, then how did you guys turn into friends. It was more or less like being on guard all the time.

Her behaviour was increasingly irritating me and, I felt as if she was getting on my nerves I decided to talk to her. I said, voice firm, ''I appreciate your. . . concern, but I need some privacy. ''

In this, she found herself incredibly constrained, and for a moment she was surprised. This was triggered by the fact that sometime later she had a wicked grin across her lips. 'You know Meenakshi, privacy is not all that important, we are a family here looking out for each other’.

And that’s when it struck me, she was not suffering from loneliness; she loved power. The pleasure that she got out of this information was immense; it gave her control over my life and other people’s lives.

I became aware, that a direct confrontation would not work. The solution came in the form of boundaries. I stopped her coming to my house politely. It was not all plain sailing, but eventually, The visits lessened. Even now, Amma Lakshmi continues to peek at the neighbouring houses but from a distance.

But now it is of a different scale, it is a more restrained observation.

Amma Lakshmi. Perhaps, and perhaps for the first time in my life, knew what it meant to respect other people’s privacy.

A Few words:

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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Energy of Words: Uplifting, Enlivening, and Transforming

The Energy of Words: Uplifting, Enlivening, and Transforming

"The Power of Words " looks at the way words and thoughts said or thought can make much difference. From the earliest scriptures to present-day motivational speeches, there is little denying the power of words in uplifting, enlivening, and transforming.

The Energy of Words

"The Power of Words" tries to see how speech and ideas can have a great deal of impact. There is little doubt as to how words can uplift, inspire, and even change from ancient text messages down to contemporary motivational speeches.

Words are much more than just sounds or scribbles on a page but dynamic energy with the potential to change our lives in some pretty fundamental ways. The energy of words is important to recognize, as also is the responsibility connected with their potency. Whether we speak for others or ourselves, our words can uplift or tear down, inspire or discourage. When heard audibly or thought over in silence, they can heal and nourish the mind and soul in a way that few other things can. It shows how powerful words and creative thoughts can uplift, soothe, and transform people's lives for good.

Words have this amazing way of perking us up. To hear reassuring words from a loved one or to read some inspiring quote gives a sense of assurance and strength. It fires within a spark of determination to keep holding on when things get tough. If spoken with sincerity and compassionate feeling, such words go way beyond mere utterances-they are strong wells that make one feel heard and less alone in one's struggles.

Words have the beauty of really shaping our perception and the world we come into. If repeated daily, positive affirmations nurture self-esteem and make one more optimistic. Words have even changed personal beliefs and behaviour. The change in the way we relate to ourselves- for instance, substituting self-criticism for self-compassion-may afford a more positive self-image and improve our well-being.

Let us deliberately choose words for their inspirational values that would encourage and instigate positive change.

The choice of words is, therefore, like the picking of a masterstroke; it requires an extremely sensitive understanding of their shades and an intentional act of will to portray precisely what is intended.

Understanding the Power of Words

Emotional resonance: Words can also cause a riot of emotions inside a person, sadness, anger, and so on and so forth. If you reflect words that denote exactly how they are feeling, then it becomes all that more memorable, and the audience is likely to remember it.

Cognitive Effect: Words may engender cognition, the thought and perception processes. They can also affect beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours. You will want to choose words that are exact, clear, and informative as you express your thoughts.

Cultural Context: Words may connote cultural associations and meanings. Understanding the cultural context in which you are writing, will help you to choose appropriate words which will not show any disrespect.

How to Choose Between Words

Know Your Audience: Know your audience; their background, interest, and level of understanding. You would want to use such vocabulary as they understand and like.

Consider Your Purpose: Determine the intent of your communication. Are you trying to inform, persuade, or entertain? Choose words that help fulfil this purpose.

Be Specific: Being specific, rather than general, allows your audience to paint a mental picture in their minds.

Use Imagery: Make your writing very colourful with imagery and metaphors to make it living and memorable.

Avoid Jargon: When writing for an audience that is not very specific, avoid technical terms or jargon that will foil the readers' understanding.

Consider Tone and Style: Your writing should reveal one tone and style since each is conveyed by your purpose and audience. Choose words to provide your tone-formal, informal, or humorous.

Revision/Editing: Take the opportunity to go back and review your draft for revisions after you have written the text. Paying attention to how each word functions and if it will serve your intention.

It is the choosing of the right words that stirs up that dynamism within you, from which powerful and impacting communication ensues. Remember, words are much more than just symbols-they change worlds and inspire revolutions.
Undoubtedly, words soothe minds and souls. The energy of words is a force that uplifts spirits, brings imaginations alive, and changes perspective while flying through and beyond time and space.

Please share your thoughts in the comments. Thank you.

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