Showing posts with label hidden lessons for life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hidden lessons for life. Show all posts

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Strong Women: Forged in the Fires of Adversity

 The saying, "Strong women aren't born; they are made by the storms they walk through," has perhaps been one of the greatest tributes to the indomitable spirit of women.

 It is meant to connote that it is not strength and courage that make a person resilient but quite the reverse resilience breeding both strength and courage. 

The Nature of Storms
 Any individual's life is a journey peppered with storms. They could be storms of personal loss, health crises, financial stress, relationship breakdown, or societal pressures. They are the unwelcome, the tumultuous, and those events that make the tectonic shift in our sense of normalcy. As much as these storms can be devastating, they also offer growth, transformation and opportunities. 

The Forging Process Women can perform miracles when pushed to the wall; it is then that one rises above the storm.

These are the times the seeds of strength are laid. Becoming strong doesn't take a linear route; it's an interplay of emotions, decisions, and actions.

 Self-Actualization: Storms force us to confront our vulnerabilities. We often find many women begin journeys of self-discovery during times of quiet after the storm. 
The inward look into one's inner world reveals the hidden strengths and potentials not yet put into practice.
 Resilience building is the ability to be able to bounce back from any setback, being able to return and take up what life may throw your way. 
Storms you battle through add up, making it just that little bit easier to weather the next one. Essentially, one might say it is like tanning or developing callouses on the soul—the more one endures, the tougher one becomes.

 Perspective shift: Hardship is mostly able to make us rethink, that is, it charges us with reviewing what's important to us. Perhaps what seemed central to our lives will not be any more; other values will still spring into action. 
This shift in perspective may then create a clearer sense of purpose and direction.

 Empathy development: Confronting adversity can engender empathy. Women who have gone through their dark times frequently develop an in-depth understanding of others' pain and problems. This is a strong bonding and compassionate agent.

 Growth mindset: Strong women take on challenges as a means to growth. They do not define setbacks as failures but as the stepping stone towards attaining success. 
In this regard, a growth mindset plays a vital role in tapping potential and getting over obstacles.

 Many stories in history are inspiring and speak of women who came from the lower ranks and became strong and influential personalities.

 Suffragettes, women wanting the right to vote, civil rights activists and those who struggled against race discrimination were shaped by the adversities of their generation.

Modern society is full of amazing women, who are fighting with courage and strength for their rights and freedoms. 
Women who are ageing but still striving to run their homes, women who are fighting for their lives after being abused by their male partners, women who are struggling with cancer, single mothers who are trying to fend for their families, women who are becoming the first in their companies, these are strong examples of strength in action. 

Women can perform miracles when pushed to the wall; it is then that one rises above the storm. 
These are the times the seeds of strength are laid. 

 Becoming strong doesn't take a linear route; it's an interplay of emotions, decisions, and actions.

However, this is where the use of the dialogical structure of possible interaction between storms and characters demonstrates that strength can be obtained passively during storms but also can be built up actively as well.

 Here are some strategies: To overcome the storms in life

Mindfulness and self-care: Prayer, deep breathing, keeping a diary and so on buttress the spirit while making one less sensitive to stress hence, mindfulness strengthens the spirit.
To overcome all the storms in life, one has to be physically and mentally fit, and as a result, doing ab workouts regularly is very essential.

Building support networks: Astronomical mortality rates mean that the survivors understand the need to have emotional and companionate relationships.
 One has to associate the self with good people to encourage in the case of encountering an issue.

Continuous learning: Optimistically, the various barriers might be overcome, if people can be enabled to acquire more knowledge and skills to cope with the difficulties. 
This is perhaps one of the significant messages of this show which I have pointed out, that learning and personal change are the two factors that foster the establishment of solid character.

Setting goals: This brings purpose and meaning to existence. Thus, the existence of well-articulated goals facilitates providing direction to people. In the same vein, one can suggest that achievements that have been made halfway through the process should also be appreciated as this can motivate people.

Embracing vulnerability:  It is very normal to feel emotionally touched and fearful. At the same time, openness is not a sign of weakness, and it is critical to remember that vulnerability is people’s strength.

A strong woman does not blossom from her mother’s womb like a butterfly from the cage of a cocoon. They are formed by the process they undertake. The storm that they step into is not for beating them to a pulp but for shaping them.

 Suffering is the best exercise for their strength; and boldness for them to act the natural man. These are steps that, when set, help women put down the structures that would enable a full-strength and purposeful life.

As I said folks, even the rainy and dark-soaked day will turn into a bright and positive sunny day with a post-storm goodness, a rainbow in other words.

Thanks for reading! please leave a comment if this resonates๐Ÿ˜Š

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Allure of Sweet Words

Never Trust, ''The Allure of Sweet Words''

Words are powerful. Words may build empires and even kindle love; they can provide comfort during times of adversity and launch revolutions. However, words can be deceiving, with sugar-coated lips delivering a harsh reality. This idea is most evident when nice words are delivered without sincerity and backed up by no actions.

The saying "never trust sweet words" may sound negative, however, it contains some extremely valuable lessons. The true intentions are often revealed via actions rather than words.
 Sweet words frequently conceal deeper, darker intents. The guy who is showering you with compliments will make you turn a blind eye because he has ulterior motives. Sweet words develop trust, which is then damaged by the guy who is showering you with compliments and expecting you to turn a blind eye since he has bad intentions. Sweet words instil trust, which is ultimately broken by the devious and seductive individual.

 Words as sweet as sugar can seduce. Maybe they soften our fat, stroke our egos, and instil a sense of trust. Especially when we feel frightened or doubtful.

The danger stems from the lack of intent in the words spoken. They will be utilized to deceive or get anything from us.
Politicians use them to win votes, advertisers use them to sell things, and people may use such phrases to exploit others.

 When the truth is revealed, we are hurt and discouraged because of the hollow promises and flattery.

Why do individuals use nice language?

Flattery can sometimes be used to gain favour or manipulate for selfish objectives. Let us look into this.

Charm of Sweet Words

Humans, as social creatures, want only connection and recognition. Sweet words would trigger the release of dopamine, a feel-good hormone in the brain. This fosters a positive relationship with the speaker, so we are more likely to listen to their thoughts, opinions, or even requests in one spot. 
Critical thinking may take a backseat to positive reinforcement in the superstructure.
Sweet talkers take advantage of this susceptibility to manipulate the situation for their own gain.
The trust that a person may have created towards another person by saying nice things to them can be manipulated further to acquire anything. 
This particular tactic is particularly frequent in scams when fraudsters seduce their next prey with promises of easy money, free presents, and business.

Insecurity is wrapped in honeyed words. Someone who flatters you may require similar compliments themselves.

''Observations beyond the words''

Observe not only words but actions: Examine how well someone's translation of emotion to behaviour corresponds.
Are they saying one thing and then doing something else? Make sure everything is consistent.

Observe how they treat you and other individuals in their lives. 
Do their acts demonstrate respect and consideration?

Our behaviours provide far more certainty about character and intention. If someone has consistently been there for you, even when he does not have to, and if what he says is supported by real actions, then he is trustworthy.

Listen to your instincts: Our intuition can often serve as very excellent guidance. A modest sense of discomfort might sometimes be a useful warning indicator. Don't disregard that small voice. If anything does not sound correct in someone's words, it is most likely not true. Do not ignore your instincts.

Look for discrepancies
: do the words and actions match? If someone is continually contradictory with their opinions and contradicts themselves, it is a red sign.

Empty promises are like balloons -- empty at the centre

Instead, concentrate on accomplishments. Are they making an effort to keep their promises?

Are you noticing genuine attempts to live up to their words?

Is their behaviour consistent with their words?, ''Consistency is key''

Beware the Flatterer: Excessive flattery is typically a red flag. Really nice compliments would express and acknowledge your true characteristics. Flattering is a broad and exaggerated attempt to manipulate others into feeling bad.

The Smooth Talker
: They have a solution for everything and can weave solid arguments together effortlessly. But are the statements full of facts and rationale, or are they hollow rhetoric designed to sway you?

Charming: They are polite to you, compliment you, and make you feel special and appreciated. However, a charmer's attitude may burst into a bubble when you need to be truly cared for. 

Are they there for you when times are rough, or do they disappear when you confront a challenge?

Beware of instant connections: Genuine friendships and true love take time to build. So don't be taken aback by an out-of-control display of pleasant emotions that appears too quick or is simply too good to be true.

Don't give away your trust for free: True trust emerges from common experiences, truthfulness, and reliability, which are carefully formed over time. Consistent acts construct a solid foundation, brick by brick.

But isn't complete trust a beautiful thing? Absolutely! However, trust must be earned, not given freely.

Life is a journey, and we travel with other people.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

So, the next time someone showers you with compliments, pause. Thank you for your kind sentiments, but remember that they are only words. Keep an eye out for their action lines, consistency, and commitment.

Recognizing that deeds speak louder than words, we make room for connection and develop a true life full of relationships that will continue until the end of time. In this way, you develop connections based on genuineness, so you're not hurt by the thorns that lay beneath sweet nothings.

''Thank you for reading! please comment with your views''

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Fleeting Present


This one moment is all we have in truth; enjoy it, live it, and make it count. It's about being in the moment, in mind of the experiences one is undergoing, and relishing small pleasures in life.

"All there is is this very moment" is in that deep life truth

It is an expression repeated in every culture that resonates deeply within us. It's one of those powerful feelings that remind us of how short time really is, and how we must make the most of living in the present.
Life is a continuous flow. We look back or live in the past, at times with nostalgia and at times with regret. We look forward, filled with hopes and aspirations of a great future. But the only time which we have any control over is the present, and it slips by unnoticed.

However, the present often seems scary in its transient nature; one might feel overwhelmed by the urge for instant action, the fear of missing something, or the urge to immortalize those strong moments.

The whole world moves; now, more than ever, this phrase holds its strength: "It is now or never."

The catchy idiom underlines that every good opportunity has to be seized in due time and action taken, otherwise, it may slip away.
Sometimes you gotta seize an opportunity where it really counts-or it's just plain gone. Whether personal growth, environmental action, or societal change, this essence of "now or never" can be a guiding principle for impactful living. It does apply to jobs, dreams, and anything you really want.

 Now or Never: The Essence
Thus, the term 'now or never' means to convey that this is the one and only moment to seize an opportunity. 

Here's how "Jo bhi hai, yehi ek pal hai" makes sense.
It conveys a sense that not taking action at that moment could either mean a missed opportunity or undesirable things happening.

How to seize the moment "yehi ek pal":

Be Centered: Being attentive to your surroundings, notice sights, sounds, smells, and textures we are experiencing.

Appreciate small things: Enjoy each day, relish every aloo parantha or pani poori that tastes great, and chat with your loved one.

Let go of distractions: Put aside the phone, switch off notifications, and let some space be present.

 Accept impermanence: Neither cling to good nor oppose what is bad. Both arrive in this constant flow called the present moment.

Living on the mantra of "now or never" and the philosophy of "jo bhi hai, bas yehi ek pal hai," we can bring about such a big change not only in our personal lives but also in the communities and the world.

Reminding us how the present moment is so precious and what we do today matters for a better tomorrow.

It is not that the past or future is irrelevant; it's just a matter of balance. 

We learn from the past and anticipate the future, but we savour the present. Only here, at this present moment, is life truly lived with its assorted joys and sorrows and complexities.

So, take a deep breath, look around you, and really take in this moment. This is all there is, and it is a precious gift.

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Monday, June 24, 2024



Life is a journey and not a destination, an overnight and treacherous with tempests and hidden shoals. Under these circumstances, a partner needs to be strong and steady, too.
A Sanskrit verse from Durga saptshati articulates this expectation  "Patni manormam dehi manovritanusarnim tarnim durg  sansar sagrasya kulod- bhwam."
Which, in simple English, means: "May my wife be beautiful, understand my mind, and be a boat to take me across the rough sea of this world, which is full of distress. and from a good respectable family"

The following line depicts more of a wish or hope to have a wife, who should not only be beautiful and fair but also caring and sharing. It has been interpreted to symbolize the journey of life that is often considered a voyage full of hazards and perils. 
The wife plays the sailboat that carries the husband across this voyage and provides him with the strength and support he needs to achieve success.

This verse illustrates marriage as something more than the living together of two people

''Wife Being Smart and Not Just Pretty''

It describes the importance of the wife being smart and not just pretty. A good wife guesses what her husband is thinking and what he needs before he says it. 

Their presence and poise during the worst moments in life can fill people with strength and comfort. A good partner, because of the winning personality, lights up moods and brings positive vibes along with them wherever they go. 

A Bond of Understanding 

This bond of understanding creates a feeling of togetherness and turns them into a team against life's ups and downs.

Of course, charm alone isn't enough. The huge ocean is symbolic of the world with all its tricky parts. It portrays the stuff that gets heavy, problems, and surprise issues we face in our lives.
The wife keeps things steady when life gets rough, like a strong ship, supporting her husband through the turmoil. She gives him a feeling of safety when everything's disturbed and uncertain. 

A partner who gets what is in your mind listens to you without judgment.  Understanding what you are going through, is all that is worth their weight in gold. 
They provide a place where one can drop his guard and where the people actually care about what one thinks and feels.

It goes even further. A good captain needs a strong ship. One that can weather the storm and sail into the unknown. Without a capable and trusted right-hand person, though, even a good captain is useless.

But for a particularly hardy boat, a good sailor needs an equally sure compass to plot his path across the water. She is his compass, and with her insight into her husband, they power through life together, side by side, against bad weather and strong currents, and end up where they hope to be.
Life is full of uncertainties and risks. Searching for a person who is not only nice but also an understanding soul is like searching in the ocean for a sturdy boat that would see you through even the most violent tempests. You can withstand any problem that suddenly rears its head, knowing you've got each other's backs.

This part isn't about one person only; it goes both ways. A husband should try to be a helpful and caring partner, giving strength and advice to help them both move ahead as a team.

The beauty of the sloka lies in the perpetuity of its message. It soars beyond cultural barriers and speaks to the perennial humanness, to the need for a mate, a beautiful and useful mate-one who understands them and sees them through life's ups and downs. The poem reminds an age that can be vastly lonely of the sustained power of a sensitive and supportive partnership.
It is a relationship acting as a safe haven of trust, guiding one through life on earth, which keeps on changing.
So kindly, if you have found a companion who keeps you going and finds you desirable- well they are there to guide you.
 May you both enjoy a journey with loads of love, care, and plenty of trips.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Impermanence of Life: Embracing Change

The Impermanence of Life: 
Embracing Change

Nothing is permanent in the flow of life and its ebbs. The transient nature of everything is a core belief that has been passed through various philosophies and traditions. This impermanence is found in nature’s cycles, and human rhythms, which always remind us of how our experiences and possessions are fleeting.

In the natural world, time passes on through constant change or transformation. The seasons perfectly exemplify this. Spring’s flowers give way to lush greenness in summer then turn to golden-brown leaves of autumn before winter takes over with its drab bareness. Although these stages are all vividly true for their moment, they are also transient making room for the next ones in an unending cycle of growth and decay.

Human existence similarly exemplifies the reality of impermanence
“change is a universal truth” which is widely known as an extremely profound statement. It means that change is a basic aspect of being and can be seen in different aspects.

From birth to death, we grow up, age then die. Relationships go through evolution sometimes unexpectedly so. Friendships flourish and wane; love sprouts then dies; social roles transform over time.

Life is always changing, as society and culture evolve. Nothing is eternal, lasting whether it is good or bad. Flavours of transitoire, life, and experiences, where we find peace and solace. Acknowledging that change is not complete allows us to see and appreciate life right here and now. Hastening or giving an estimate of one's own identity can make one more graceful and more grateful for the experiences and connections.

"Many of the seemingly solid structures we build homes, careers, and social structures we depend upon and evolve over time. Organizations can rise and fall just as civilizations have done throughout history."

Life is not measured only in big moments; the small events are also part of our journey. These sweet and sour moments of life together make a great experience. This transit nature of existence helps us realise life's impermanence and encourages us to cherish every moment.

The impermanence of life teaches us, that good and bad times will pass. We do not have to be very sad in sorrow and not very overwhelmed in good times. When we think this way, this gives us inner strength and comfort in hardships. This perspective helps in facing the challenges with hope. knowing that nothing lasts forever.

Societies evolve, changing technology, norms, values,
and cultures. Sometimes through migration and conquest, through ideas and innovation, cultures evolve, amalgamate, and disperse. So do those ever-shifting foundations for life, our houses, work histories and social institutions.

Reminding ourselves, that everything is transient can deepen our gratitude for life, making us more appreciative of the gifts of experience and connection that here and now make possible. It leads us to reach out and touch the world, cherishing it in the warm light of love. No wonder, then, that the wise teachings of every tradition speak again and again of impermanence.

Every person needs to grow. Every person changes. Change can be good. Some things have to stay the same. We need some things to stay the same.

Change doesn’t have to be scary. Change can help us turn over a new leaf. It can open doors to new things. It’s easy to keep trying to better ourselves, adjust, and keep going as the world moves.

The stock market is always up in the air. You don’t see every store stay open for years. Advances in technology drive our economy, moving over all industries puzzle everybody differently. Policy and lifestyle have been subject to change for centuries.

It is a well-worn religious reflection for humans to note that “This too shall pass”. 
For instance, Buddhism describes all conditioned phenomena as being in a state of constant flux or impermanence (annica or anitya. And Heraclitus, the ancient Greek selected, once said, “You can never step in the same river twice”.

Knowing that nothing stays the same helps you make the most of every day and live your best life. Expect the unexpected and you'll be able to embrace new things, survive whatever comes your way, and always be improving.

Once you get used to changing and uncertainty, you can use them to your advantage, which gives you a huge benefit when things do shift. It's a constant process of turning uncertainties and setbacks into learning opportunities, even when they come with more failures than successes.

''Paradise in the heart of desert''- A Short Story

Rajasthan's desert was alive and breathing. The golden sands looked to go on forever, undulating in a single pattern resembling a sparkl...