Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Fleeting Present


This one moment is all we have in truth; enjoy it, live it, and make it count. It's about being in the moment, in mind of the experiences one is undergoing, and relishing small pleasures in life.

"All there is is this very moment" is in that deep life truth

It is an expression repeated in every culture that resonates deeply within us. It's one of those powerful feelings that remind us of how short time really is, and how we must make the most of living in the present.
Life is a continuous flow. We look back or live in the past, at times with nostalgia and at times with regret. We look forward, filled with hopes and aspirations of a great future. But the only time which we have any control over is the present, and it slips by unnoticed.

However, the present often seems scary in its transient nature; one might feel overwhelmed by the urge for instant action, the fear of missing something, or the urge to immortalize those strong moments.

The whole world moves; now, more than ever, this phrase holds its strength: "It is now or never."

The catchy idiom underlines that every good opportunity has to be seized in due time and action taken, otherwise, it may slip away.
Sometimes you gotta seize an opportunity where it really counts-or it's just plain gone. Whether personal growth, environmental action, or societal change, this essence of "now or never" can be a guiding principle for impactful living. It does apply to jobs, dreams, and anything you really want.

 Now or Never: The Essence
Thus, the term 'now or never' means to convey that this is the one and only moment to seize an opportunity. 

Here's how "Jo bhi hai, yehi ek pal hai" makes sense.
It conveys a sense that not taking action at that moment could either mean a missed opportunity or undesirable things happening.

How to seize the moment "yehi ek pal":

Be Centered: Being attentive to your surroundings, notice sights, sounds, smells, and textures we are experiencing.

Appreciate small things: Enjoy each day, relish every aloo parantha or pani poori that tastes great, and chat with your loved one.

Let go of distractions: Put aside the phone, switch off notifications, and let some space be present.

 Accept impermanence: Neither cling to good nor oppose what is bad. Both arrive in this constant flow called the present moment.

Living on the mantra of "now or never" and the philosophy of "jo bhi hai, bas yehi ek pal hai," we can bring about such a big change not only in our personal lives but also in the communities and the world.

Reminding us how the present moment is so precious and what we do today matters for a better tomorrow.

It is not that the past or future is irrelevant; it's just a matter of balance. 

We learn from the past and anticipate the future, but we savour the present. Only here, at this present moment, is life truly lived with its assorted joys and sorrows and complexities.

So, take a deep breath, look around you, and really take in this moment. This is all there is, and it is a precious gift.

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