Showing posts with label personal growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal growth. Show all posts

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Expressive Aphasia -"Got a Lot on Your Mind, But Can't Get the Words Out?"

Having a Lot to Say, But Struggling to Find the Words"
The experience of harbouring numerous thoughts and emotions inside, yet finding it tough to voice them affects everyone. It resembles a disconnect between our idea-filled mind and our reluctant mouth. This internal conflict can arise for several reasons each as intricate as the individual experiencing it.

When someone has plenty to say but struggles to express it, this might stem from their reliance on the internet as their main source of information. The web overflows with unreliable content. Many people relate to this feeling in various ways. This situation reflects uncertainty about reaching out to others or avoiding potential judgment. If someone finds themselves at a loss for words other approaches exist to portray a learning difficulty or to discuss confusion such as being speechless...

The feeling of having lots of thoughts and feelings inside, but finding it hard to say them out loud, is something we all go through. It's like there's a gap between our mind full of ideas, and our mouth, which doesn't want to speak them. This inner struggle can happen for many reasons, each one as complex as the person feeling it.

In the moments when one feels that they have a lot to express but can't quite put it into words. It's like having a vast ocean of feelings inside, but only being able to use a few drops of language to describe that feeling. 

This challenge can come from different situations and Several reasons:

Too Many Emotions
: When you’re flooded with emotions, it’s hard to sort through them and explain them clearly. This lack of self-awareness of their own emotions or thoughts leads to difficulty in expressing themselves accurately.

Fear of Judgment
: Worry About Being Judged and the fear of being misinterpreted or negatively judged can stop people from opening up about their deepest thoughts. These fearful thoughts might lead to us suppressing our words and feelings and stop people speak what they feel intentionally.

Not Finding the Right Words: When you're dealing with complicated feelings, it can be tough to find the right words to describe them well. This clash between what you feel and what you can say can lead to frustration and feeling like you're not good enough. Sometimes, our experiences are so detailed that we can’t find the perfect words to describe them.

Bad Past Experiences: If you’ve had negative experiences talking about your feelings like being ignored or criticized, it can make you hesitant to share in the future.

Cultural and Societal Influences: Social pressures may come from the people who expect you to behave in a set way or say what is likely because you're from a certain place or culture. They determine how we present ourselves, hence forcing us to censor what we say.

Processing Speed: There is a disconnection in our brain because most times we think faster than we speak.

Being boxed inside can make you lonely and wronged and feel like you can't get your point across like no one gets it.

Knowing these things can help bridge the gap and enable effective communication.

The important thing is to understand that many battle with what you are going through. But, it is really hard to express all of those feelings.

 However, there are ways available to deal with these kinds of emotions:

1. Simply Keep a Diary: Writing down what you think and feel provides a quiet space to keep your thoughts and also helps you understand them better.

2. Be Intellectually Passionate: For emotional expression, but also through music, movement and painting, some can share their feelings without having to speak.

3. Look for Assistance: If there is a person that you trust, like a friend or family member seeing a counsellor could allow you to vent your feelings and provide possible solutions.

4. Like Right Now: With mindfulness, you become more familiar with your thoughts and feelings and don’t need to respond.

5. Be happy.

It's okay if you only sometimes say the right thing. Feelings are often hard to explain so sometimes simply acknowledging and letting yourself feel is what you need. This can help us feel better, by knowing and admitting that's how we feel.😊

Also, being open can make it tough to express yourself. Sharing deep feelings can be scary, as it requires you to trust and be close to someone. For many people, admitting they're vulnerable can feel like showing a weak spot, so they hold back from sharing their deepest feelings.

Realising that internal dialogue can be a struggle is something most of us employ in one way or the other. It is this all—emotions, Their concerns, and what society wants from us. You don’t need to feel this way, but still, it is necessary to know – you are not alone. Everyone goes through this. If we follow what it is that makes it so difficult to express our intentions – emotions and fear of others’ opinions – we can begin speaking of what we are.

To be able to communicate requires time to be allocated to this activity and practice made to be able to have a master on the issue. You can: write in a diary doing something artistic or talking to someone you know and trust. The first broad move is to discover how you are and realise that it is all right to be like that. Do not panic if you can’t find the right words, or if it is all too much. It is perfectly okay to be nice to yourself as you seek to be more receptive because your emotions count.

Finally, only if one is willing to take that leap further and reveal what is in one’s heart is it possible to make it blossom so that one may open up towards other people. When you open up, you do not feel better because everyone else gets it, but you also assist everyone else to do the same.

We should accept our multilayered emotions and with love and respect it should be our aim to foster a society that honours everyone’s thoughts and feelings.😊

A few words

 Thanks for taking the time to read this content. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please consider leaving a comment, if this material resonates with you. 

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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Power of Routine

chedules, which are boring and constricting by definition, are the essential source of effectiveness, satisfaction, and results. It offers a clear framework for our existence, and as such it offers a great deal of certainty, which is really the feeling of being in control of our lives.
Flexibility is very important but a plan, however loosely drawn, can be a great ally in getting where we want to go and improving the quality of our lives in the process.

Let me start by dwelling on the fact that the definition of a routine is an activity that is done regularly.

Master you mornings

In its form, it can be as uncomplicated as having a cup of coffee in the morning as it can be as elaborate as having a schedule for reading a newspaper or making breakfast and getting ready for the work of the day. The main idea is, however, to be consistent.

Find your flow with a routine

 Having a schedule helps to predict certain actions or events and thus causes the brain to be less drained when making decisions on what to do next, which leaves the brain to focus more on intellectual matters.

It is therefore clear, ''that structure will go a long way in improving time management''.

One can prioritize his or her to-do list and reduce procrastination because every task is assigned a slot of time within the day. It can also result in high performance and a feeling of being on top of things hence leading to great achievement.

Building a better you

 A routine is beneficial as it allows the formation of some new good habits.
 Whether it is exercise, proper diet or adequate sleep among others, their incorporation into peoples’ lifestyles is easier when it is routine.

The Hidden Benefits of a Structured Life

 Besides productivity and optimization, routines are good for psychological health.

They enable people to build a quite stable and predictable social environment, which is especially helpful during stress.

 As mentioned, regularity provides some structure to our lives so that our body can better prepare for sleep, lessens feelings of anxiety and contributes to a better mood.

 Also, it can create focus and a direction in life is achieved gradually as we work towards the big picture.

But it is essential to realise that all this structure can become rather oppressive after a while. Perlmutter by awarding pension points for flexibility reduces rigidity and stress in the work process. I can confirm that is an acceptable thing to do once in a while to observe the lay of life or for some other reasons.

In other words, the general objective is to work out an optimal balance between order and chaos.

Life Transformation

 Establishing a proper schedule presupposes several stages.

 The first of them is to determine your objectives and tasks. 

Where do you want to be?

 What specific behaviours do you wish to develop?

 Having set your objectives, justify your day into time portions and then assign your work portions to those time portions. 

Ensure that you do not stuff your schedule way beyond the limit because not all activities need much of your time.

There must also be time for fun; how much depends on the specific dependence.

 A routine should actually be an agenda that doesn’t cause any strain. Include an element of fun that you enjoy, be it reading, playing with friends or families or just relaxing.

Cultivate success

 Routine is one of the most efficient strategies to reach success and self-development. 

In fact, by giving structure, order, and the illusion of control, it can make life all the better. 

Nonetheless, the same should not become a routine and definitely should not be monotonous to discourage any individual from continuing with the exercises. In this way, we can establish the necessary routine and, consequently, use its positive effects to make people’s lives happier and more productive.😊

A few words

 Thanks for taking the time to read this content. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please consider leaving a comment, if this material resonates with you. 

Thank you.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

How to Stop Failure and Barriers from Derailing Your Success

verybody knows that life is not always on the top, it has ups and downs, collapses and impressions, and it will give you a few storms, that’s for sure.

This grace does not imply that a person has to worry about challenges but has to wake up with new energy and spirit after going through them. Even resignation is the concept of grace in the face of adversity, it is in fact a cocktail of strength, dignity, and option.

Instead, it is experiences like the ones described above that enable individuals to know who they are and what they are capable of when they face the storms of life with proper decorum and purpose.

Thus, how one would go about dealing with these odds might just be the course of action one would choose. To get up from failure is slowly repositioning oneself from failure not only with grace,  strength, grit determination and patience with one’s self.

Here’s how you can navigate life’s hurdles gracefully: 

1. Embrace a Positive Mindset

Acceptance: Understand that you have a fall in your lifetime and everyone goes through it. Understandably, being able to acknowledge this can reduce how much one is scared of it and how much she or he assumes that there is something off about having it.

Growth Opportunity
: Look at every single problem as a way of sensing not as a defeat. Thus, in any problematic circumstance, you have to pause for a second and ask yourself, “What can I get out of it?”

2. Cultivate Resilience

Stay Committed: One must recall specific goals and think about them no matter what; It means that we should press on.

Problem-Solving Skills: Enhancement of problem-solving acumen in the sense that it is made more innovative and or efficient. This will help move smoothly in difficult times.

3. Practice Self-Compassion

Be Kind to Yourself
: Treat yourself the way you would treat a best friend who made a mistake or is sad/ angry.

: The thing is that it is also necessary to apologize to oneself for the misdeeds. I am not a criminal but I carry guilt, and I believe regret should not be entertained, it slows you down. 

4. Build a Support System

Seek Support
: Be with your friends, relatives or those who can spare some time and offer you some pieces of advice and moral support.

Share Your Journey
: It’s good to share your problems with others as this will relax 
you and also probably you will be able to see things from a different perspective.

5. Embrace Flexibility

Adaptability: Sometimes, even the best plans and strategies that you and your team come up with may need to be changed. Flexibility makes it easy for one to handle miscellaneous with less stress.

: Be also open to change according to the situations of life. Open your mind to new ideas, working styles and everyday changing technology.

6. Set Realistic Goals

Small Steps: To make goals more realistic, break big and complex assignments into small manageable parts.  Do not keep them personal, and do not forget to enjoy the results on the way to reaching the main goal in life.

Realistic Expectations
: Avoid setting very high goals because this will have several complications and disappointments.

7. Practice Gratitude

Focus on Positives
: This should be done habitually to always encounter the positive aspects of life. Expressing thanksgiving is good in that it assists in shifting a person from a negative perspective, complaining about his or her problems to a positive perspective that is focused on finding solutions to the problems.

Daily Reflection
: The mere act of writing down at least 5 things you are grateful for on a piece of paper for ten minutes a day. With this, you can get some more bonuses for your comprehensive well-being.

8. Develop Equanimity

Balanced Mindset: It is an effort that should be made to keep the end happy and also to keep the mind moderate and stable even in trouble.

Calm Acceptance
: We should be able to change with ease as we do with the water that we take, a sip with little effort.

In Nutshell

This is a feature that is more extensive than persistence and unstoppable determination; it is understanding how to cherish and live depending on the given objectives despite these interferences, learning how to regain the path, and having positive energy, empathy, and encouragement from other individuals. That is, due to these character features, one can get through the difficulties in the life course and, in addition, emerge as a winner.👍

A few words:

I hope you have enjoyed the article please continue reading the blog. If this article in any way relates to something that you have gone through or anything that you may wish to try…feel free to share your opinion in the comment section.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Power of Positive Reinforcement: Celebrating Wins

We tend to mark certain occasions, the special occasions such as the day we graduate, the day we are engaged, the day we get married, the day we buy a car or the housewarming occasions, our birthdays.
They are embraced as chances in which we can rejoice with our loved ones.
Big wins are those victories that give a feeling of achievement, that is similar to the emergence on the top of the mountain and the view of the trekking goals.
However, the little triumphs, being disciplined in doing your workout regimen, learning a new trade, and facing your phobia, are the paths that lead up to the said overlook.

It is also equally significant to note that such accomplishments are just as valuable as those larger, cognizable successes, as they feed the drive to continue striving, add to one’s confidence, and sustain forward progress.
In general, celebrations make us feel that we are appreciated, admired and recognised by the society. But we almost always neglect these minor achievements.

How about marking the completion of little things?

Do we take time to celebrate what we have achieved?

How many times do we clink glasses to acknowledge how far we have come, how strong and mature we have become?

But, why get happy about the little things? It is necessary to acknowledge and celebrate

Smaller achievements are stepping stones that pave the way towards that glorious finish line.

Celebrating your wins no matter how big or small helps you take stock of your personal growth.

A simple reward for any achievement no matter the magnitude is one of the more effective methods of encouraging people and ensuring that they remain on track. Did you finally do that thing you have been procrastinating to do?

You know, you know, that project that is been pending on your to-do list for years now?

And what about sticking to that healthy eating plan for a whole week? That's pretty cool if you did!

Don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back for the little things you've managed to do.

I mean, it's not just about bragging rights, right?

Celebrating those tiny wins is really about saying, "Hey, good job," to yourself for putting in the work and seeing some progress.

It keeps you pumped for whatever's coming up next.

When you finish something, even if it's small, it's like throwing gasoline on the fire of motivation.

Whether it is a very big goal or the smallest of them, each time you achieve any one of them, it builds up your morale as well as your abilities.

It's a self-confidence booster

It also helps you build up a positive view towards yourself because when you notice what you are doing right and give yourself a high five it encourages you.

The nice thing is that it is as if every first step builds the next block to the castle of self-belief.

It is very crucial because having positive feelings towards our capabilities encourages us to do more and more.

Therefore, do not shy away from celebrating all the small wins because, in fact, those are extremely important to maintaining motivation levels high and confidence.

It is all about saying it loud ‘Watch me go, watch me shine’ and feeling it from head to toe.

Did you actually do that thing that you have been meaning to do for a long time?

That project that has been with you almost more than a guardian for what seems to be an eternity?

Well, if you made it a week on your health kick then that is pretty good going in this day and age!

"You go, you!"

Don't forget to give yourself some credit for those small victories. It's not just about showing off, it's about saying "You go, you!" for putting in the effort and actually seeing some results. 
It keeps your motivation levels up, you know?

It could be the smallest thing or it can be a big event, as soon as one finishes something, it’s like fueling the fire of desire to continue doing more.
That kind of feeling about yourself and about what you can achieve is worth getting excited!

Mini Jackpot

Well then, why become so worked up over the seemingly small stuff?
Because for some reason it feels like you are getting a small bonus each time you complete a task from the list. It makes one look forward to the next level.
It’s such a delight, you know I feel so much happier if I have sweets or snacks.
Every time you pull something right and say to yourself ‘Good job’, it is as if you are building up one more block in your self-esteem castle.
It’s like very important because having a positive attitude towards the skills that you have helps you to continue with the practices you have in mind.

So, go on and party for those teeny-tiny wins, because they're a big deal for keeping you pumped and full of confidence.

It's all about saying, "Check me out, I've got this down!" and actually believing it.

It's like school for life

When you cheer on the journey and not just the prize, it shows you that hard work pays off.

It helps you understand that success is not only about the victory but the small steps you are willing to make to win.
And when you achieve those little goals, you somehow find a way of continuing even if things become all the more difficult.

It's like rocket fuel

Getting something right, no matter how little or big it may be motivates you to move on to the next thing.
There is a science that says if you relax and take it easy and attend to minor triumphs, you will get more done and you will be more alive.

A reality check

In some way, it feels like the map of the trip you are about to take.
It is also important to celebrate small achievements in life so that you may be able to realize how far you have come in life.
It’s a reality check of all the efforts put in and all the odds that have been overcome.

It's like brain candy

Doing celebrations assists you to be more effective in matters concerning concentration, planning and identifying goals and tasks.
It is a kind of motivator that rewards you and encourages you every time you are creative.

The happy chemicals

Every time you do something you’re supposed to, your head celebrates by releasing dopamine, the ‘happy hormone’.
Thus it means that, when you celebrate, you get to celebrate victory over personal failure by throwing confetti at it.

I lied, the only trick that is good for a party is a thankful one.
Gratitude is the grand prize Let me explain. When you take a moment to say, "Thanks, life," you're really just having a party for being awesome.

You don't need to break the bank

You can celebrate without spending a rupee if you want.
Just do something that makes you feel like a champ, you know?

Here are some free ways to party hard for your success

Chill with a good book.
Take a stroll in nature.
Catch up with your bestie.
Take a day off to chill and love yourself.
Play games on your phone.
Jam out to your favourite tunes.
Eat like a king or queen.
Sleep in like you're in a marathon.
Hang with the little ones.
Browse through old photos.
Cook up a storm.
Take some cool pics.
Get cosy with some tea and cookies.
Explore a new place. 
Watch a flick.
Take some munch on some good food with your posse.
Have a backyard bash.

So, the next time you get something done, do not forget to celebrate by taking a bow, or at least patting yourself on the back.
Keep it up and enjoy the fact that you are doing such.

It is important to always feel like. We must love our wins even if they are small and even if there is only a small probability they are the best ones.

Far from being a frivolous activity, Too much celebration isn’t frivolous, they copy: it is actually an integral process of growth.

It is like saying ‘I acknowledge you, I value you and let us continue kicking life’s ass!’.

I would like to live life and paint it with hues of thankfulness and joy, instead of making it drab in any colour. Cheers to the little moments! 🎉.

Thanks for reading! If you like it please leave a comment😊

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Taking the Wheel: Seizing Control

Taking the Wheel: Seizing Control

Taking control of your life is a milestone toward personal empowerment.

External forces tug you in different directions, societal expectations and circumstances, leaving us feeling like passengers on a runaway train. And you feel that everything is going out of control, and you're just a passenger along for the ride.
Taking charge of your own life is about consciously shaping your path towards a fulfilling future.

But what if I tell you that you hold the steering wheel?
 The wheel is in your hands. So, grab it firmly, steer with purpose, and enjoy the ride!

Here are a few tips
How to take control and become the driver of your own journey

Self-Reflection: The journey begins within. Dedicate time to self-reflection. Journal, meditate or talk to a trusted friend. Identify your values, passions, and what truly makes you happy. 
Are you driven by creativity, helping others, or adventure? Understanding your core motivations helps set a clear direction.
Take time to reflect on what you genuinely want in life. This could be related to your career, relationships, hobbies, or personal growth. Understanding your true desires helps you set clear goals and priorities.

Envision Your Dream Life: Imagine your ideal life in vivid detail. What are your core values?
 What kind of lifestyle do you crave? 
Think about your career, relationships, hobbies, and overall sense of purpose.

Setting Meaningful Goals Once you know your destination, you need a roadmap to get there. This is where goal setting comes in.
Don't confuse goals with vague desires. 
A goal is a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound Smart objective that propels you closer to your values.
Set short, medium, and long-term goals to create a roadmap. Break down large goals into smaller, achievable steps.

Craft Your Vision: With a clearer picture of yourself, start dreaming! What does your ideal life look like?
 Imagine your career, relationships, lifestyle – the big picture.
 Don't be afraid to dream big, but also be realistic.
 This vision will serve as your guiding star.

Identify What’s Within Your Control and What’s Not: Life throws curveballs, but we can’t control everything. 
Accept the circumstances which are beyond your control.
Instead, focus on what you can influence, your thoughts, reactions, and choices. This shift in perspective empowers you.

Embrace Responsibility: Taking control means accepting responsibility for your choices. We often blame others or external factors for our choices. Take responsibility for your actions, even the mistakes. By owning both responses and decisions, you reclaim control of your narrative.

Learn to Say No: Taking charge doesn't mean doing everything on your own. It's about setting healthy boundaries and delegating tasks when necessary.
 Saying "no" is a powerful tool that allows you to prioritize your time and energy for the things that truly matter.
Not everything that comes your way aligns with your goals. It's okay to politely decline requests that drain your time or energy.
 Saying no empowers you to focus on what truly matters.

Embrace Discomfort: Growth often happens outside your comfort zone.

Self-Discipline: Self-discipline is your reliable copilot. Develop routines that support your goals.

Adapt & Adjust: Life rarely goes exactly according to plan, Be prepared to adapt your plan, goals and strategies as needed. 
Review your goals regularly and adjust them based on your experiences and growth.
 Don't be afraid to take calculated risks and explore new opportunities.

Prioritize Self-Care: You can't pour from an empty cup. Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential.
 Eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. 
Prioritize activities that de-stress and recharge you.

Embrace Lifelong Learning: The world is constantly evolving, and so should you.
Never stop learning new things. Take courses, read books, and surround yourself with inspiring people.
This will keep you sharp and will open doors to new possibilities.

Self-Awareness: Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and passions is crucial for designing a life that aligns with you.

Growth Mindset: Believe in your ability to learn and grow.
 Embrace challenges as opportunities to improve.

Prioritize and Organize Your Time and Tasks: Time is your most valuable resource.
 Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency.
Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, and time-blocking techniques to manage your days effectively.

Visualize Success: Take a few minutes each day to visualize yourself achieving your goals. Seeing yourself succeed can boost your confidence and motivation.

Practice Gratitude: Focus on the positive aspects of your life. Gratitude fosters a positive mindset and attracts more good things.

Seek Support: You don't have to go it alone. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who believe in you. Having a trusted friend, mentor, or therapist can provide invaluable guidance and encouragement.

Taking Control is a Continuous Journey

Always keep in mind, that taking control of your life is an ongoing process. There will be times when you feel lost or discouraged.
There will be setbacks, failures, and moments of doubt.
That's okay.
 Instead of viewing them as roadblocks, see them as opportunities to learn and grow.

 Reframe your perspective by adding the word "yet" to negative self-talk.
 For example, "I can't write a good story" becomes "I can't write a good story yet." 
This subtle shift encourages persistence and fosters the belief that you can develop your skills over time.
The key is to keep showing up for yourself, keep learning, and keep moving forward.
 Do not forget, you are the captain!  Of your own destiny. Enjoy the process of creating the life you desire.😊

Thanks for reading! If you like it please leave a comment😊

Monday, July 15, 2024

Work with Pride

Many people feel ashamed of their employment when they don't match the "high-powered" or "prestigious" mould in a society that is obsessed with status and achievement.

Society bombards us with narrow images of success making many think their jobs fall short. But the work that feeds you, no matter what it is, merits huge respect.

We need to break down this story and honour the worth of all honest work.

Stand tall!
Work gives our lives shape and meaning, offering a chance to grow and improve.
From a skilled craftsperson's eye for detail to a caregiver's non-stop commitment, each role helps society run.

 Be proud of what you do!
Working, no matter what you do, is a key part of being human.
 You might sometimes think your job isn't fancy or high-status. But don't forget, it helps you live with self-respect and give back to your community.
Powerful sense of self-reliance & dignity
Having a job gives you a strong feeling of being self-reliant. When you make your own money, you get the freedom to take care of yourself and the people you care about.
 This money safety helps you feel proud and lets you decide things that affect your life.

A sense of self-worth and accomplishment
Work's worth goes beyond just paying the bills. It builds self-esteem and a feeling of achievement.
 When we fix issues learn new things, and team up with others to reach a shared goal, it shapes who we are.
 Doing a good job brings joy, taking pride in our work feels great, and bonding with workmates adds to a rich life.
All these things make our lives more complete.

Security and independence
It allows us to provide for ourselves and our families, fostering a sense of security and independence.

The Symphony of Society: Every Role Plays a Part

A man sweeping streets or transporting garbage are not as appreciated as CEOs, but their efforts keep diseases from spreading. What would people do if the offices and public utilities of the city’s sanitation department were removed? 
This feature of glamour would be replaced by the ordeal of life in this large city.
Some examples can be hospitals without nurses, or farms without farmers, which is impossible.

It means that the huge number of people with manifold occupations makes society work organism-like. 
The nurse who attends to the ailments of the sick, the educator who fosters the development of our children, the mason who puts up our structures and roads, the deliverer who brings our basic needs. 

Thus, whether the play is called ‘’Hamlet’’ or ‘’Henry V’, it is a significant part of that symphony of great and small puppet plays.

Often, the jobs deemed "unskilled" are the very ones that keep the world running

While such jobs may not necessarily need one to go to school for years, they call for personality, stamina, time consciousness and the ability to work with all strata of populations.

These make a comfortable and healthy life possible and are indispensable.
Thus, every job is a segment of a jigsaw that collectively forms the function that maintains the existence of society.

Beyond the Stereotypes: Redefining Respectability

There is social prejudice in society that relates the worth of an individual to the job description. Societal prejudice contributes to shame because of the occupations their members perform. Sometimes stems from classist thinking that believes that work that involves the use of one’s hands is more so associated with lower classes.
This view fails to capture the modern generation’s employment situation where most of the skilled technical professions pay better than desk jobs.

Besides, it reduces the worth of human muscles and vigour and overlooks strength, endurance and techniques.

Change in mindset contributes to a more respectful work culture:

Shift Your Perspective: It is again important that you change the way you look at your job. Replace the thoughts about the low positions’ underrating with the appreciation of the practical utility of such positions. Consider what you help, what you offer and what you help create on the general scale.

Find Your Passion Within Your Work: Try to locate the positive aspects that can bring happiness and contentment to the particular job. Maybe you are skilled in communication with the buyers, like the processes of the problem-solving part of the work, or the indication of partnership with the coworkers. Thus, attention must be paid to those aspects.

Surround Yourself with Supportive People: Develop relationships with people who have good things to say about people and their worth, there is no superior profession, and everyone deserves appreciation.

Embrace Continuous Learning: Understand the job you are in as a temporary situation. A person should continuously be willing to learn and hence should be ready to acquire new knowledge in different fields. This not only increases your worth to the employer but it also gives you the much-needed self-confidence when handling tasks.

Acknowledge the value of all professions: The next time you come across a person who performs a service, take time and thank him or her for the job done. Politely acknowledging the other person is also an important aspect of showing respect and nothing embarks more respect than a simple thank you.

Support vocational training: The youth must be encouraged to go for vocational education and training as an equally good and realistic form of employment.

Promote a work-life balance: Advocating for pay, work hours benefits access and job satisfaction can lead to a better quality of life in the workplace. 
Achieving a balance, between work and personal life often results in employees approaching their tasks with enthusiasm and concentration.

''Be proud of your job'' and  ''Celebrate all your work'' because 

''Our work is a part of who we are''
 it is the work you do to make money and help your family.

''Respect and esteem all professions''
Careers are not just a source of income but should also make you proud. Always bear in mind, that no profession is low in comparison to other ones, every job plays a part in the external world.

''You contribute to society''
Remember this and take pride in providing a respectable living for your family and positively impacting someone else's life.

People may dismiss your job, but every job you take on is a chance for something good in the world to be done.
The things you get to do are part of your identity, even if the job you do is not something you do for a long time. It is also proof of your character.

Be proud of your job, work hard, and make a difference.👍

''Thank you for reading! please comment if it  resonates''

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Allure of Sweet Words

Never Trust, ''The Allure of Sweet Words''

Words are powerful. Words may build empires and even kindle love; they can provide comfort during times of adversity and launch revolutions. However, words can be deceiving, with sugar-coated lips delivering a harsh reality. This idea is most evident when nice words are delivered without sincerity and backed up by no actions.

The saying "never trust sweet words" may sound negative, however, it contains some extremely valuable lessons. The true intentions are often revealed via actions rather than words.
 Sweet words frequently conceal deeper, darker intents. The guy who is showering you with compliments will make you turn a blind eye because he has ulterior motives. Sweet words develop trust, which is then damaged by the guy who is showering you with compliments and expecting you to turn a blind eye since he has bad intentions. Sweet words instil trust, which is ultimately broken by the devious and seductive individual.

 Words as sweet as sugar can seduce. Maybe they soften our fat, stroke our egos, and instil a sense of trust. Especially when we feel frightened or doubtful.

The danger stems from the lack of intent in the words spoken. They will be utilized to deceive or get anything from us.
Politicians use them to win votes, advertisers use them to sell things, and people may use such phrases to exploit others.

 When the truth is revealed, we are hurt and discouraged because of the hollow promises and flattery.

Why do individuals use nice language?

Flattery can sometimes be used to gain favour or manipulate for selfish objectives. Let us look into this.

Charm of Sweet Words

Humans, as social creatures, want only connection and recognition. Sweet words would trigger the release of dopamine, a feel-good hormone in the brain. This fosters a positive relationship with the speaker, so we are more likely to listen to their thoughts, opinions, or even requests in one spot. 
Critical thinking may take a backseat to positive reinforcement in the superstructure.
Sweet talkers take advantage of this susceptibility to manipulate the situation for their own gain.
The trust that a person may have created towards another person by saying nice things to them can be manipulated further to acquire anything. 
This particular tactic is particularly frequent in scams when fraudsters seduce their next prey with promises of easy money, free presents, and business.

Insecurity is wrapped in honeyed words. Someone who flatters you may require similar compliments themselves.

''Observations beyond the words''

Observe not only words but actions: Examine how well someone's translation of emotion to behaviour corresponds.
Are they saying one thing and then doing something else? Make sure everything is consistent.

Observe how they treat you and other individuals in their lives. 
Do their acts demonstrate respect and consideration?

Our behaviours provide far more certainty about character and intention. If someone has consistently been there for you, even when he does not have to, and if what he says is supported by real actions, then he is trustworthy.

Listen to your instincts: Our intuition can often serve as very excellent guidance. A modest sense of discomfort might sometimes be a useful warning indicator. Don't disregard that small voice. If anything does not sound correct in someone's words, it is most likely not true. Do not ignore your instincts.

Look for discrepancies
: do the words and actions match? If someone is continually contradictory with their opinions and contradicts themselves, it is a red sign.

Empty promises are like balloons -- empty at the centre

Instead, concentrate on accomplishments. Are they making an effort to keep their promises?

Are you noticing genuine attempts to live up to their words?

Is their behaviour consistent with their words?, ''Consistency is key''

Beware the Flatterer: Excessive flattery is typically a red flag. Really nice compliments would express and acknowledge your true characteristics. Flattering is a broad and exaggerated attempt to manipulate others into feeling bad.

The Smooth Talker
: They have a solution for everything and can weave solid arguments together effortlessly. But are the statements full of facts and rationale, or are they hollow rhetoric designed to sway you?

Charming: They are polite to you, compliment you, and make you feel special and appreciated. However, a charmer's attitude may burst into a bubble when you need to be truly cared for. 

Are they there for you when times are rough, or do they disappear when you confront a challenge?

Beware of instant connections: Genuine friendships and true love take time to build. So don't be taken aback by an out-of-control display of pleasant emotions that appears too quick or is simply too good to be true.

Don't give away your trust for free: True trust emerges from common experiences, truthfulness, and reliability, which are carefully formed over time. Consistent acts construct a solid foundation, brick by brick.

But isn't complete trust a beautiful thing? Absolutely! However, trust must be earned, not given freely.

Life is a journey, and we travel with other people.😊😊😊

So, the next time someone showers you with compliments, pause. Thank you for your kind sentiments, but remember that they are only words. Keep an eye out for their action lines, consistency, and commitment.

Recognizing that deeds speak louder than words, we make room for connection and develop a true life full of relationships that will continue until the end of time. In this way, you develop connections based on genuineness, so you're not hurt by the thorns that lay beneath sweet nothings.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Path to Forgiveness

The Path to Forgiveness: Lighter Hearts, Lighter Lives Life is not always easy; unexpected turns of events frequently hurt, betray, and disappoint us.

 There's no way to avoid it. Marks of negativity crashing down on us with the pressure of continuing to forgive others do not excuse their acts.

Forgiveness is profound and transformational in ways that words cannot express. Forgiveness frees us of resentment, rage, and bitterness. It basically gives us back control of our emotional well-being, allowing for healing, growth, and, finally, inner peace.

Forgiveness is a purposeful decision to let go of all the baggage that weighs us down, such as anger, resentment, and negativity. This allows us to move on to the light of the heart. One liberates oneself from the emotional load and exposes oneself to other possibilities.

It does not erase the crime, nor does it absolve the culprit of culpability. It's just about letting go of the emotional baggage associated with the hurt.

Leaving the Past Behind

If we choose to hold onto our anger and bitterness, we become bound to our past. Forgiveness allows us to move forward in life. Forgiveness does not imply forgetting what was done, but rather not allowing it to define you or your future relationships. It frees us to heal and live in the present moment.

Forgiveness is a gift to ourselves, not to those who have mistreated us.

Keeping a lot of negativity in our brains and systems does not serve us well. It is about self-care rather than the one who hurt us. How can you love yourself if you are harbouring so much hatred?

Health Benefits of Forgiveness:

(1) Lower levels of depression and anxiety

(2) Less hostility

(3) Higher self-esteem

(4) More life satisfaction

Why forgiveness matters

Personal Liberation: Forgiveness frees one from the bonds of bitterness and hatred. This act allows one to feel free and restore their emotional well-being. It has a relaxing effect on our brains and spirits.

Improved Relationships
: Forgiveness toward others promotes stronger relationships and elicits sentiments of empathy.

We must remember that forgiveness is not a submission to the other party's atrocities; rather, it is the result of actions of bravery motivated by self-compassion. When we forgive, we begin to let go of our past and make room for healing, love, and progress.

Let us go on this transforming path towards emotional liberation and a brighter, more compassionate society.

Remember that forgiveness is not about endorsing the offence; it is about freeing oneself.

It may appear simple, but it is a lifelong commitment. It requires consistent practice and an agreement with oneself to achieve self-awareness. Yes, there will be potholes in the road—times when forgiveness seems out of grasp, almost like a distant ideal.

But the important is to keep moving forward, acknowledging your efforts and applauding each step you take in that direction.

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Monday, July 8, 2024


''Non-judgment: The Gateway to Inner Peace and Harmony''

Happiness is a state of being that everyone seems to be after, from across borders and cultures. However, how one reaches this mysterious state of happiness and fulfilment remains obscure for many.

"Do not judge and you will never be mistaken.".

Passing judgment on someone or something is certainly an inherent human tendency that many of us have. We all judge through acts and decisions made by people, be it appearances or options, typically arising from our experiences and attributes that we deem necessary.
 Furthermore, we go ahead to judge people or pick situations or even objects based on a meagre account of information out of what is being presented to us at that moment.

It provokes blocks in the mind, creates a feeling of superiority or inferiority, and ceases the person's capability to empathize; it breeds conflict and is, therefore, the negativity that spawns thoughts.

Working round the clock with the habit of judgment is this continuous fraying force inside of us; it is the tension it exerts on relationships with others.

We view everything in this world based on our own perspectives. More often than not, our judgments are honestly being tainted by our experiences and prejudices.

Requires less judgment and more of a perspective shift.

Replace judgment with curiosity.

Instead of jumping to conclusions, ask the question, "Why?"

Try to understand what is really motivating and the actual context in which an agent acts or decides.

Stop judging and let a thousand possibilities come rushing in. We see people differently and embrace the power of empathy and understanding as it brings the level of stress down, connects better, and makes one look at life more positively.

The judgement itself is succumbing:

What it really means is just becoming aware that you don't know everything indeed, far from it. But it's your choice not to harbour bad feelings or judgment against yourself for not knowing everything.

Judge Nothing:

When we really make a conscious choice not to judge other people, we free our minds and hearts from so much negativity.

We start our journey to understand by seeing the world through a window filled with awe and a sense of opportunity followed by a view that allows us to feel value in the natural beauty and complexity of something without necessarily anything attached or labelled concerning the phenomena of the experience.

Looking deeper than what meets the eye:

  • That can be powerful reasoning for us to know more about the other and yet not judge.
  • Instead of any conclusion or judgment being drawn immediately based on what one might be observing on the outside, consideration can be taken into the deeper motivations and reasons that are propelling him. 
  • Surely, he can be having an inner struggle that remains invisible to us, or his behaviour can be because of the circumstance and environment in which he is trapped. 

This change of perspective is immense; it has empathy toward others and opens doors for better, more humane ways for us to come together with them.

Much more constructive dialogue becomes possible in a wide variety of contexts when we simply approach them with genuine inquiry rather than automatically seek to find something wrong. 

We learn to realize and accept what is wrong without necessary judgment of the situation itself. 

That would be quite a paradigm shift, one that might just make conversations of division into unity for a world that is less divided and more unified. Probably the most significant and applied application of the concept of judgment has to do with learning how not to be judgmental and to learn to be more forgiving toward oneself. 

We let our self-talk verge on abuse all too often, where we pound relentlessly on our failures, character defects, and so-called inadequacies. The attitude of non-judging gives us a chance to embrace our less glorious selves with a modicum of compassion to embrace our faults and imperfections in such a way that one can lead to internal peace. 

The most important building block of real happiness and well-being is self-acceptance. 
Life, of course, brings along its own set of struggles and hurdles that definitely do come across our path sometimes or the other in life. But the real test in life really manifests, when we are really trying in earnest practice this cardinal principle of non-judgment, and one tends to take a bit more in our stride with far greater resilience realizing some intrinsic peace and valuing the process in and of itself. 

True happiness is ultimately found deep inside of us. Fertile, rich soil is built by the open choice of not judging, whether that be ourselves or other people. Happiness itself grows into something that can be shared with others in one way. 
We are open to fully recognising and taking in life's richness. We are open to life in its massively wealthy form. So beautiful is it that, at times, it seems hard to take in. 😊

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ice on the surface, fire within.

Ice on the surface fire within Break the ice
connect with the fire.

In this world we are surrounded by many faces, some etched with smiles, some crinkled with laughter, some etched with worry, others seemingly carved from stone, many shrouded in a mask of indifference, a cool, impassive facade.

The story behind all these faces is a little different. Not always do people's inner feelings and motives get mirrored by their faces. We should not take things at face value.

We all wear masks more opaque than others. At times, they are carefully crafted. That aloof colleague, that stoic neighbour, that apparently emotionless fellow passenger on the bus or fellow driver on the road: confident smirks, stoic facial expressions, and walls of sarcasm. 
But sometimes, behind such exterior coldness lies a very powerful truth: behind each mask of ice that people wear is a heart that beats like fire.

The "ice" of the metaphor may refer to all our various and multiple motives for fanning a decision to mask our true selves from other people.
This wildfire symbolizes that wellspring, so very powerful and alive, with deep feeling within each of us, often hidden from view—that abundant reservoir of feelings ranging from love to grief, anger, joy, and all those in between, all of those fueling and sustaining life here on earth.

However, the "ice" masks are varied due to diverse life experiences.

It serves varied and many purposes that are important to our emotional well-being, thereby donning a mask of ice. 
We have all been hurt at one time in our lives or another, some of us most probably feel disappointment, betrayal, and emotional heartache so much that it feels unbearable. And the sting of that experience made us cautious and wary, and we are afraid to open ourselves once more and let others in. 
In this emotional turmoil, walls are built to protect from harm and hurt. As such, the mask is an important defence mechanism, working actively in shielding vulnerability from further hurting and harming and causing distress to trouble one's peace of mind. And of course, this cold surface is a reflection of the past: the experiences of trauma, loss, or neglect leave scars that are wary of the bond. 
We might shut ourselves off, become suspicious, and emotionally distanced—aloof, cynical, even angry.

Social pressures 

Social pressures play a very influential role in our lives, and expectations set by society can, at the end of the day greatly dictate how we are supposed to act, finally making us suppress emotions that might be inappropriate or unacceptable in someone's judgment. The man may be driven to suppress his sadness, but a woman may try to hide her ambition. Sometimes this mask is used for protection from any adversely hostile judgments.

 In our current world, densely anchored on categorizing and then trying to shove people into those categories, we are attuned to a version that is a bit more compellingly insipid—fearing the rejection that may follow laying bare authenticity in totality. So those masks then become ways to fit in, to avoid judgment or disapproval.

For strength and resilience

Sometimes, it's a mask that we put on each day, not because we are afraid or nervous, but because there is an inner need to care for the people who, we believe, rely on us. For example, a single parent has to have a mask on his or her face that shows strength and resilience. That way, the child does not see the personal battle or adversity going on, and the child has a sense of normality and safety. 
The same hearts behind all the protective masks wish for a life where kindness and love are manifested and determine desperately how to direct the fiercely tenacious drive to protect the little ones from unnecessary anxiety or pain.

Indeed, it's a tough world out there; sometimes a mask is the required armour, and often for very valid reasons, it is carefully constructed. At the very least, it means receptivity to the thought that behind those expressionless eyes lies an ocean of passion, and experiences.

But yet, those innermost fires remain cloaked in the thick layer of ice, never really extinguished. It is the state deep inside us that eventually becomes the epitome of being human through passion, dreams, and desires.

How can one connect with the hidden depths inside themselves and also with others?

Here are some food for thought that may further help us bridge the gap between the mask and the fire:

Empathy: Not being judgmental about the frozen cover; it is best to think through these and why. What could have driven them to such extremes in protecting who they are or were?

Active Listening
: Engage in a process of really absorbing and understanding the spoken and unspoken words. Observe changes in tone of voice, hesitancy at times, and finally, outbursts of passion that may suddenly break through the veneer one may present.
Active listening creates an environment where another feels free to open up and express themselves as who they truly are, without fear or hesitation.

Kindness: A simple, unsolicited act of kindness goes a long way toward melting cold and hardened barriers that people may have put up around themselves. It shows another person that it is, indeed, both a safe and welcoming world in which to make a meaningful connection with others.

The quest to find that fire within is certainly two-way traffic:

For self-affirmation and confirmation of the presence of fire in those around us. Perhaps it appears at times that these ice monsters govern the entire globe, but this is not the case; behind the mask is an orchestra of emotions, a river overflowing with passion and terror mingled with hope. True, genuine relationships emerge only when we choose, with full awareness, to connect with the fire blazing underneath the cold, impermeable ice.

Oh, yes, our world is so much richer and more colourful when we just decide to join that fire that burns deep within each of us. The more we have begun to shed our own masks, piece by piece, bit by bit, the more our true selves have begun to be revealed to others and to ourselves, with all of our true passions for others and with others, the beginning of a world in which our interactions with others are characterized by warm feelings and heartfelt connections rather than coldness and indifference.

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Inner Peace

Finding Inner Peace: The New Definition of Success.

or centuries, this has been the benchmark of success that was to be achieved for a human being: the trappings of titles to jobs, money in the bank, and, of course, material possessions.
But success per se is like the compass pointing north: it keeps getting revised, apart from the old definition of it. 

Today, our journey is being charted by another compass, that of the one from within. It doesn't mean that ambition goes with a faint or diminished spirit; rather, it means you've got to strike the balance between the desires of the world and the basic development of an inner oasis. 
Of course, life throws all kinds of problems or obstacles at you, but it is the growth of an inward state of peace that makes you glide through the mess with a sense of poise and balance as you cope with the difficulties of it all, let alone the thrills and spills life serves up with serenity, lucidity, and cool. You stay centred and balanced as the whole world turns topsy-turvy around you. 
Butterfly, the anchorage, though life may try to plunge one into the depths of unchartered and choppy waters. That's what great calm brings forth in a person: a stubborn kind of patience when facing storms, in fact coming out not just stronger but richer with experience from said storms.

How has inner peace become the new North Star of success?

The age of madness and the relentless chase after ambition, dictated by that almost cavalier disregard for one's own well-being, are over.

Beyond Materialism: The Dawn of a New Value Reality makes some quite compelling descriptions of how the world is changing and the concerns and priorities of one generation that have become very different over the years. 
It has gone on to affect concepts of work-life balance and mental health for generations, but above all, one can foster deep meaningful relationships. At the very heart of this fact lies a much deeper change in the conventional definition of success. 
Getting to achieve material possessions, people come to understand that inner peace ought to be born from the inside and is possible only if a person is holistic. 
On top of that, personal growth, mental well-being, and the concept of meaningful relationships are moved to the very front of what leading a good life looks like.

World Connectivity, Feeling Disconnected: The connectivity that globalization has brought into our lives is full of experiences, but at the same time, it has also initiated us to have a chance to witness negativity and comparison in performance from around the globe. Inner peace equips humans abundantly with emotional intelligence, which is important in manoeuvring challenges without pressure and envy.

How do we bring inner peace into daily life?

When one starts mindfulness practices, like meditation or breathing techniques, one observes the thoughts and feelings without any form of judgment or bias. 

Gratitude is the powerful practice that sets in moments to reflect consciously on appreciation of the many positive features of our lives, little or big in scale, that will redirect us away from what we do not have towards all the plenty that lies at our fingertips. 
It changes the way one sees the world and brings a sense of rest, a feeling of peace deep within the heart. 

Self-compassion means treating oneself exactly as one would treat a good friend with as much care and support as possible. One needs to let bygones be gone by forgiving oneself for all the wrong things done. 
That is said because your worth of being who you are is beyond your achievements and failures but in your uniqueness of soul at the core.

 Healthy relationships and work boundaries help save a lot of time and energy. 

All these taken together result in enabling a person to focus on the main crucial tasks, freeing an individual from stress and becoming calm at the end of a work-life state.

Nature Connectedness
: When one is in a natural set-up it is quite a silent experience to be there. This makes one feel very replenished. If a human being can feel this stillness in a natural setup, then all the pressure and nervousness an individual experiences must be easily whisked off to give a person total relaxation. This contact finally leads to tranquillity and increased levels of well-being.

Chasing Your Passion: If we do something for which we have passion, it will fill our inner self with delight and satisfaction. It adds to the richness and energy within us and gives us some unexplainable feeling of great happiness, delight, and satisfaction. and fulfilment deep inside.

 Inner Peace is meaning, purpose, and contentment, It's an ongoing journey with ebbs and flows. Doubtless among those will be moments of stress and negativity, just as there will be those of profound peace and joy. Far from being a selfish pursuit, inner peace enables you to be there, patient, and loving in your relationships.

This inner peace endows one with the strength to face the blows of life and yet remain a source of strength and resilience to others who are weaker to face challenges. That is to mean, making a contribution toward the general good mission that human beings will have in this life—a better and more peaceful life.😊

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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Beyond the Spotlight

Beyond the Spotlight: The character test

Developing authenticity in the inner self is the process of self-realization and embracing one’s identity. It is about inherent being or essence as well as about values and after all it is about living. Authenticity is not about having the perfect inside and out. It became my understanding that only if a man is thoroughly honest to himself then he can be as honest to everybody else.

Integrity is a core value of the relationships that we establish with other people in society. However, there is so much more to the concept of honesty, which means telling the truth. It is all about the positive relationship between intentions, a statement or a written word and the action plan.

Integrity, on the other hand, refers to the purity of an individual’s principles or values that he or she follows. These ones whether individual, occupational, or societal play the role of a beacon that directs our choice and personality. 

It is an integration of human conduct and speech with ideas that can be regarded as a specific set of values possessed by people. It’s about maintaining and upholding these values regardless of the chance or desire to fall for the tempting offers. 

Integrity in a person means that such an individual can be trusted and his actions will not depend on the circumstances. 

They walk the talk in a manner that would make them not compromise their ways, even if they are not observed.

Having integrity, Telling the truth when it would be more convenient to tell a lie, taking into account everyone’s interest and equity, and showing respect to those you do not accept. Accepting responsibility for the decisions that one makes or makes on behalf of the larger group and the outcomes that result from such decisions. 

They tell a story about your character, your personal standard, and a sense of what is right and wrong, right and wrong will not change with the company’s culture.

Telling the truth Applying justice because everyone has a right to that and respecting people’s rights even if we do not share the same ideas. The responsibility that is taken for the decisions that are made and the outcome of such decisions. It is about honesty, a feature that helps to make decisions without considering other people’s opinions or presence.

The Power of Intrinsic Morality: Picking the right path because of the self-fulfilling joy and not for mace or recognition as a result strengthens your self-esteem. Effectively, it strengthens an individual’s predisposed notion that he or she is a good person based on his or her own standards.

Building Trust and Respect: Praise ethical behaviour that was observed internally as it strengthens the trust of subordinates to you. It shows that you are an individual that can be depended on and this is irrespective of the circumstances of the situation.

The Challenge of Temptation: The big challenge is when they call for doing right in rods. Choosing not to take a shortcut or be greedy at a time when you do not want to be seen by other people is also beneficial in terms of moral fibre.

Habit and Character: The more often they make the right choice more often they will be able to make the right decision even in the minor options. They both want ethical behaviour to become part of one’s personality and character in the long run.

’’A Way of Living: Basil of Caesarea on Integrity’’.

Integrity is not something one can flaunt; it is a principle that has to be practised. And it is a process in which one has to learn to live an authentic and ethical life ceaselessly. 
That is the strength that makes one able to hold his or her head high knowing that the course that has been taken is right and upright. As much as honesty is, it is not always about making big impressive statements. It is about the decisions that we make in our lives on a day-to-day basis. 
Thus, through seeking intent, verbal communication, and nonverbal communication, they merely be trusted, respect themselves and others, improve relationships and create a more positive environment in and around us.

When opting for integrity, not only do we make ourselves moral human beings, but we also help create a more ethical society.

If I could give you any virtue to guide your life it would be this: let integrity be your light. 😊

Please share your thoughts on integrity in the comments. Thank you.

''Paradise in the heart of desert''- A Short Story

Rajasthan's desert was alive and breathing. The golden sands looked to go on forever, undulating in a single pattern resembling a sparkl...