Showing posts with label life management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life management. Show all posts

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Expressive Aphasia -"Got a Lot on Your Mind, But Can't Get the Words Out?"

Having a Lot to Say, But Struggling to Find the Words"
The experience of harbouring numerous thoughts and emotions inside, yet finding it tough to voice them affects everyone. It resembles a disconnect between our idea-filled mind and our reluctant mouth. This internal conflict can arise for several reasons each as intricate as the individual experiencing it.

When someone has plenty to say but struggles to express it, this might stem from their reliance on the internet as their main source of information. The web overflows with unreliable content. Many people relate to this feeling in various ways. This situation reflects uncertainty about reaching out to others or avoiding potential judgment. If someone finds themselves at a loss for words other approaches exist to portray a learning difficulty or to discuss confusion such as being speechless...

The feeling of having lots of thoughts and feelings inside, but finding it hard to say them out loud, is something we all go through. It's like there's a gap between our mind full of ideas, and our mouth, which doesn't want to speak them. This inner struggle can happen for many reasons, each one as complex as the person feeling it.

In the moments when one feels that they have a lot to express but can't quite put it into words. It's like having a vast ocean of feelings inside, but only being able to use a few drops of language to describe that feeling. 

This challenge can come from different situations and Several reasons:

Too Many Emotions
: When you’re flooded with emotions, it’s hard to sort through them and explain them clearly. This lack of self-awareness of their own emotions or thoughts leads to difficulty in expressing themselves accurately.

Fear of Judgment
: Worry About Being Judged and the fear of being misinterpreted or negatively judged can stop people from opening up about their deepest thoughts. These fearful thoughts might lead to us suppressing our words and feelings and stop people speak what they feel intentionally.

Not Finding the Right Words: When you're dealing with complicated feelings, it can be tough to find the right words to describe them well. This clash between what you feel and what you can say can lead to frustration and feeling like you're not good enough. Sometimes, our experiences are so detailed that we can’t find the perfect words to describe them.

Bad Past Experiences: If you’ve had negative experiences talking about your feelings like being ignored or criticized, it can make you hesitant to share in the future.

Cultural and Societal Influences: Social pressures may come from the people who expect you to behave in a set way or say what is likely because you're from a certain place or culture. They determine how we present ourselves, hence forcing us to censor what we say.

Processing Speed: There is a disconnection in our brain because most times we think faster than we speak.

Being boxed inside can make you lonely and wronged and feel like you can't get your point across like no one gets it.

Knowing these things can help bridge the gap and enable effective communication.

The important thing is to understand that many battle with what you are going through. But, it is really hard to express all of those feelings.

 However, there are ways available to deal with these kinds of emotions:

1. Simply Keep a Diary: Writing down what you think and feel provides a quiet space to keep your thoughts and also helps you understand them better.

2. Be Intellectually Passionate: For emotional expression, but also through music, movement and painting, some can share their feelings without having to speak.

3. Look for Assistance: If there is a person that you trust, like a friend or family member seeing a counsellor could allow you to vent your feelings and provide possible solutions.

4. Like Right Now: With mindfulness, you become more familiar with your thoughts and feelings and don’t need to respond.

5. Be happy.

It's okay if you only sometimes say the right thing. Feelings are often hard to explain so sometimes simply acknowledging and letting yourself feel is what you need. This can help us feel better, by knowing and admitting that's how we feel.😊

Also, being open can make it tough to express yourself. Sharing deep feelings can be scary, as it requires you to trust and be close to someone. For many people, admitting they're vulnerable can feel like showing a weak spot, so they hold back from sharing their deepest feelings.

Realising that internal dialogue can be a struggle is something most of us employ in one way or the other. It is this all—emotions, Their concerns, and what society wants from us. You don’t need to feel this way, but still, it is necessary to know – you are not alone. Everyone goes through this. If we follow what it is that makes it so difficult to express our intentions – emotions and fear of others’ opinions – we can begin speaking of what we are.

To be able to communicate requires time to be allocated to this activity and practice made to be able to have a master on the issue. You can: write in a diary doing something artistic or talking to someone you know and trust. The first broad move is to discover how you are and realise that it is all right to be like that. Do not panic if you can’t find the right words, or if it is all too much. It is perfectly okay to be nice to yourself as you seek to be more receptive because your emotions count.

Finally, only if one is willing to take that leap further and reveal what is in one’s heart is it possible to make it blossom so that one may open up towards other people. When you open up, you do not feel better because everyone else gets it, but you also assist everyone else to do the same.

We should accept our multilayered emotions and with love and respect it should be our aim to foster a society that honours everyone’s thoughts and feelings.😊

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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Power of Routine

chedules, which are boring and constricting by definition, are the essential source of effectiveness, satisfaction, and results. It offers a clear framework for our existence, and as such it offers a great deal of certainty, which is really the feeling of being in control of our lives.
Flexibility is very important but a plan, however loosely drawn, can be a great ally in getting where we want to go and improving the quality of our lives in the process.

Let me start by dwelling on the fact that the definition of a routine is an activity that is done regularly.

Master you mornings

In its form, it can be as uncomplicated as having a cup of coffee in the morning as it can be as elaborate as having a schedule for reading a newspaper or making breakfast and getting ready for the work of the day. The main idea is, however, to be consistent.

Find your flow with a routine

 Having a schedule helps to predict certain actions or events and thus causes the brain to be less drained when making decisions on what to do next, which leaves the brain to focus more on intellectual matters.

It is therefore clear, ''that structure will go a long way in improving time management''.

One can prioritize his or her to-do list and reduce procrastination because every task is assigned a slot of time within the day. It can also result in high performance and a feeling of being on top of things hence leading to great achievement.

Building a better you

 A routine is beneficial as it allows the formation of some new good habits.
 Whether it is exercise, proper diet or adequate sleep among others, their incorporation into peoples’ lifestyles is easier when it is routine.

The Hidden Benefits of a Structured Life

 Besides productivity and optimization, routines are good for psychological health.

They enable people to build a quite stable and predictable social environment, which is especially helpful during stress.

 As mentioned, regularity provides some structure to our lives so that our body can better prepare for sleep, lessens feelings of anxiety and contributes to a better mood.

 Also, it can create focus and a direction in life is achieved gradually as we work towards the big picture.

But it is essential to realise that all this structure can become rather oppressive after a while. Perlmutter by awarding pension points for flexibility reduces rigidity and stress in the work process. I can confirm that is an acceptable thing to do once in a while to observe the lay of life or for some other reasons.

In other words, the general objective is to work out an optimal balance between order and chaos.

Life Transformation

 Establishing a proper schedule presupposes several stages.

 The first of them is to determine your objectives and tasks. 

Where do you want to be?

 What specific behaviours do you wish to develop?

 Having set your objectives, justify your day into time portions and then assign your work portions to those time portions. 

Ensure that you do not stuff your schedule way beyond the limit because not all activities need much of your time.

There must also be time for fun; how much depends on the specific dependence.

 A routine should actually be an agenda that doesn’t cause any strain. Include an element of fun that you enjoy, be it reading, playing with friends or families or just relaxing.

Cultivate success

 Routine is one of the most efficient strategies to reach success and self-development. 

In fact, by giving structure, order, and the illusion of control, it can make life all the better. 

Nonetheless, the same should not become a routine and definitely should not be monotonous to discourage any individual from continuing with the exercises. In this way, we can establish the necessary routine and, consequently, use its positive effects to make people’s lives happier and more productive.😊

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 Thanks for taking the time to read this content. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please consider leaving a comment, if this material resonates with you. 

Thank you.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Why Worry? A Spiritual Perspective

nxiety, one of the natural feelings everyone experiences at some point in their life,  can be attributed to fear of the future or concern over the past. 

 Anxiety, which in its aspect might be understood as a chatter in the mind, is an agent with which any individual might be familiar.

It is an influential mental perception resulting from the fear of the unknown, the absence of religious faith, and an overreliance on personal skills.

Psychologically, worry is considered to be a form of spiritual attention deficit, in which one forgets his or her spiritual self.

The Roots of Worry

Worry grows out of the root of severance and division which is the exact opposite of the reality of union. We convince ourselves that we are lonely, and have no one to turn to within a society that is so unpredictable.
 The very illusion of division thus makes the corresponding environment ideal for the thriving of fear, anxiety, and, consequently, worry.
We stress over the future, over the past, about our health, money, relationships and everything else. This is like having a mental checklist of things that our minds constantly work on as if there is always something to be worried about.

Worry and the Spiritual Life

Anxiety does not only indicate a psychological status, but it also points to a mini Spiritual condition. It acts as a shield between us and our souls, so we cannot feel the inner peace, happiness, and contentment that are part of our divine nature. As the opposite of anxiety, when involved with worry we are blinded to the guidance system within our spirituality.

Worry is
 a form of disbelief on the part of the individual in the existence of a divine plan.
 It suggests that we cannot rely on life's happening in the sequence of a divine plan. It points out that we need to dominate and manage every aspect of life while leaving and getting carried away by the currents of life.

Among the amazing sources, the Bhagavad Gita provides purpose and inspiration on how to know and not worry.

Overcoming Worry Through Spirituality

Worry is not something that can be eliminated or even stifled and this is why overcoming worry cannot be explained as a process of suppressing worry. It’s more about the change of approach to it.

The Bhagavad Gita
often referred to as the Gita is part of the great Indian epic the Mahabharata.

Self-analysis of the passage of the work of the Bhagavad Gita helps in understanding the causes of worry and specific advice to do away with it.

Here are some key teachings:

Karma yoga is one of the resources for dealing with detachment from outcomes that is practised by people.


कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन ।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि ॥४७॥

karmaṇy-evādhikāraste mā phaleṣu kadācana
mā karma-phala-hetur bhūr mā te saṅgo’stv-akarmaṇi

Your right is to perform your work, but never to the results. Never be motivated by the results of your actions, nor should you be attached to not performing your prescribed duties.

Verse 2. 47: ''That right which is well-deserved can be followed by the prescribed tasks, But you are not entitled to the results of the actions done by you, Nor are you to be considered as the performer of the result of the activities done by you''


न हि प्रपश्यामि ममापनुद्याद्
यच्छोकमुच्छोषणमिन्द्रियाणाम् ।
अवाप्य भूमावसपत्नमृद्धं
राज्यं सुराणामपि चाधिपत्यम् ॥८॥

na hi prapaśyāmi mamāpanudyād
yac chokam ucchoṣaṇam indriyāṇām
avāpya bhūmāv-asapatnam ṛddhaṁ
rājyaṁ surāṇām api cādhipatyam

Even if I gain a substantial kingdom beyond compare and the power of the demigods, I see nothing that can remove this grief that is eroding my senses.

The eighth verse of this text points out the message that we should engage in an action We should work without worrying about the outcome.  

This way, one can avoid anxiety and stress because he or she has done his or her part in doing the right thing and the rest has been left in the hands of the almighty.

However, it should be noted that excessive hardness is not a proper attitude to choose to remain equal in success and failure.


योगस्थः कुरु कर्माणि सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा धनञ्जय ।
सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्योः समो भूत्वा समत्वं योग उच्यते ॥४८॥

yogasthaḥ kuru karmāṇi saṅgaṁ tyaktvā dhanañjaya
siddhy-asiddhyoḥ samo bhūtvā samatvaṁ yoga ucyate

O Dhanañjaya, stand firm in yoga, perform your activities give up attachment and be equipoised for both success and failure. Such balance is known as yoga.

Verse 2. 48: ''Fix your mind on the performance of the action and do not Geld in performing it, whether you meet with success or failure; such a state is said to be Yoga"

Worrying is lessened as well as emotional fluctuation when we anchor ourselves to have a balanced view of success and failure.

Submit to God’s Will 


सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज ।
अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः ॥६६॥

sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ

Abandon all types of dharma – come and surrender unto Me alone! Do not fear, for I will surely deliver you from all reactions.

Verse 18. 66: ''Give up all other forms of religion and just devote yourselves to Me alone; I will set you free from the wicked reactions of the world; you should not be afraid''

Compliance with religious beliefs can help to reduce the load of concern; the concept of turning to the powers above.

Faith and submission to the plan of the almighty decrease the load of the cares and concerns.

They serve as a reminder that you are not in this struggle alone; someone cares and is actively working to make better the things that have gone wrong.

Though there is a difference between the terms mindfulness and present moment awareness, they are both closely related.


उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् ।
आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मनः ॥५॥

uddhared ātmanātmānaṁ nātmānam avasādayet
ātmaiva hy-ātmano bandhur ātmaiva ripur ātmanaḥ

Living beings must elevate themselves by the mind – they must not degrade themselves. Certainly, the mind is the friend of living beings as well as their worst enemy. 

Verse 6. 5: ''One has to cleanse the passage for the august Self by one’s own mind. Mind is the friend too of the fractioned soul and his foe as well''

Awareness and detachment enable a person to control his or her thoughts and feelings.

Therefore focusing on the present moment helps one to get out of the worrying system of the past and future.

''Practical suggestions on how to eliminate worry from one’s life''

Practice Detachment

Trust the process and what can come out of it, do not concern yourself with results. Remember that your grim work is not to go unrewarded but rather that which in due time will be rewarded.

Cultivate Equanimity

Have a positive attitude towards all that you do, this includes success and failure. Realize that both are included in that process and there is always something for one to learn.

Surrender and Trust

Pray, leave your concerns with the Lord/put your faith in God to take care of things. Believe that there is something better out there and someone is leading you in the right direction.

Stay Present

Meditation and deep breathing are critical in helping a person focus on the present moment and not get easily carried away by stressful thoughts. This can seriously assist to lessen a anxiousness and enhance the quality of your idea approach.

Reflect on the Teachings

Defining the recommended activity, one should state that it is crucial to read and ponder over the content of the Bhagavad Gita continually. It means that you should turn to its wisdom when you have to think about what to do concerning worry and uncertainty.

In Nutshell

The Gita presents instructions on how to eliminate the tumour of worry and attain a state of positive evolution. That is why one must learn to detach, cultivate equanimity, and surrender to divinity and presence in our lives to learn how to avoid worry and lead a joyful life. Yes, worry is a mode of existence and we should practice managing worry with the help of Gita counselling.🙏

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 Thanks for taking the time to read this content. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please consider leaving a comment, if this material resonates with you. 

Thank you.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

How to Stop Failure and Barriers from Derailing Your Success

verybody knows that life is not always on the top, it has ups and downs, collapses and impressions, and it will give you a few storms, that’s for sure.

This grace does not imply that a person has to worry about challenges but has to wake up with new energy and spirit after going through them. Even resignation is the concept of grace in the face of adversity, it is in fact a cocktail of strength, dignity, and option.

Instead, it is experiences like the ones described above that enable individuals to know who they are and what they are capable of when they face the storms of life with proper decorum and purpose.

Thus, how one would go about dealing with these odds might just be the course of action one would choose. To get up from failure is slowly repositioning oneself from failure not only with grace,  strength, grit determination and patience with one’s self.

Here’s how you can navigate life’s hurdles gracefully: 

1. Embrace a Positive Mindset

Acceptance: Understand that you have a fall in your lifetime and everyone goes through it. Understandably, being able to acknowledge this can reduce how much one is scared of it and how much she or he assumes that there is something off about having it.

Growth Opportunity
: Look at every single problem as a way of sensing not as a defeat. Thus, in any problematic circumstance, you have to pause for a second and ask yourself, “What can I get out of it?”

2. Cultivate Resilience

Stay Committed: One must recall specific goals and think about them no matter what; It means that we should press on.

Problem-Solving Skills: Enhancement of problem-solving acumen in the sense that it is made more innovative and or efficient. This will help move smoothly in difficult times.

3. Practice Self-Compassion

Be Kind to Yourself
: Treat yourself the way you would treat a best friend who made a mistake or is sad/ angry.

: The thing is that it is also necessary to apologize to oneself for the misdeeds. I am not a criminal but I carry guilt, and I believe regret should not be entertained, it slows you down. 

4. Build a Support System

Seek Support
: Be with your friends, relatives or those who can spare some time and offer you some pieces of advice and moral support.

Share Your Journey
: It’s good to share your problems with others as this will relax 
you and also probably you will be able to see things from a different perspective.

5. Embrace Flexibility

Adaptability: Sometimes, even the best plans and strategies that you and your team come up with may need to be changed. Flexibility makes it easy for one to handle miscellaneous with less stress.

: Be also open to change according to the situations of life. Open your mind to new ideas, working styles and everyday changing technology.

6. Set Realistic Goals

Small Steps: To make goals more realistic, break big and complex assignments into small manageable parts.  Do not keep them personal, and do not forget to enjoy the results on the way to reaching the main goal in life.

Realistic Expectations
: Avoid setting very high goals because this will have several complications and disappointments.

7. Practice Gratitude

Focus on Positives
: This should be done habitually to always encounter the positive aspects of life. Expressing thanksgiving is good in that it assists in shifting a person from a negative perspective, complaining about his or her problems to a positive perspective that is focused on finding solutions to the problems.

Daily Reflection
: The mere act of writing down at least 5 things you are grateful for on a piece of paper for ten minutes a day. With this, you can get some more bonuses for your comprehensive well-being.

8. Develop Equanimity

Balanced Mindset: It is an effort that should be made to keep the end happy and also to keep the mind moderate and stable even in trouble.

Calm Acceptance
: We should be able to change with ease as we do with the water that we take, a sip with little effort.

In Nutshell

This is a feature that is more extensive than persistence and unstoppable determination; it is understanding how to cherish and live depending on the given objectives despite these interferences, learning how to regain the path, and having positive energy, empathy, and encouragement from other individuals. That is, due to these character features, one can get through the difficulties in the life course and, in addition, emerge as a winner.👍

A few words:

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Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Universe Speaks: Are You Listening?

''Heed the whispers of the universe''

There are some moments when it seems like the universe is sending us messages. Whether it's recurring numbers, meaningful symbols, or a chain of events that appear more than mere chance, these signs and synchronicities are the subtle cues the universe provides to steer us on our path.
Recognizing these Signs and Synchronicities in Life, and Understanding the language of the Universe, is truly something special.
understanding this communication refers to a profound awareness and comprehension of deep feelings or thoughts in your mind. It is like experiencing an emotion or a very profound thought. By attuning to these cosmic signals and understanding them, we can discover profound insights and guidance to light up our destined path.

Honouring intuition and gut feelings

Have you ever experienced a strong feeling about something that later on turned out true?

Any logic to explain this feeling?

This feeling some people name it intuition, gut feeling or sixth sense. It just happens, no logic, hard to define, but it is there.

Intuition, that deep-seated gut feeling, serves as a potent compass guiding us toward our predetermined journey.

We generally do not pay much attention to our intuitions. But... the universe allows us to listen to our true voice.

 It has all the wisdom, listen to it.

By respecting our intuition and attuning to it, we connect with subtle echoes of the universe harmonizing with life's rhythm.

It represents wisdom, a gentle prompting aiding us in surpassing logic and rationale.
Embracing inherent sag empowers us to navigate decisions with assurance and sharpness, assured that our destined path willingly unfolds before us.
Sometimes these intuitions are not right but we cannot ignore them completely

How to understand your intuitions

Clearing the mental clutters

we are constantly being swayed by what others say, the'' shoulds'' we feel and the busy life. It is very challenging to tune into what truly feels right for us.
The best way to access our intuition is by decluttering our thoughts and removing external distractions. Whether it is through meditation, spending time alone in the lap of nature, or simply finding a quiet space for reflection, giving ourselves the gift of solitude helps a better way to recognise and understand our intuitions. Allowing us to follow the right path free from distractions.

Pay attention to gut reactions

When something feels right, there is a sense of excitement, relief, happiness, satisfaction and contentment. And when something is not right you feel suffocated, or uncomfortable.

''Try it''

 Take a minute to think about a situation where you have to make a decision. Sit quiet, free of your mind of clutters and just think about the situation for which you have to make a decision and the available options.
Think of yourself in different situations with the help of available options. When something is right for you, will give you the feeling of happiness, satisfaction, contentment, relief and a feeling as if you are breathing in open air free and light at heart and enjoying.
When something is not right for you, will give you the feeling of suffocation, blocked, heavy and a feeling of discomfort.

Now ask yourself, which choice gives you peace and satisfaction?

 Which one feels heavy and resisted?

Paying attention to your feelings will introduce you to your Gut feeling.

Pay attention to your physical sensations

Our mind and body are closely linked. How we feel emotionally can affect our physical state through our nervous system. For example, when we experience negative emotions, such as discomfort or concern, our body may react by tensing up, feeling upset might make us hunch our shoulders, feel a weight in our chest, or have tummy troubles.
On the other hand, positive emotions can result in happiness, smiling faces, shining eyes, light and openness in our body, expansiveness within the body, and even a touch of excitement.

Past experiences

Do not forget those times when you just had a strong feeling about something, It can really help you pick up on that intuitive sense in future. try to recall the feeling of that hunch especially in a past situation where your intuition turned out to be right.

''The universe gently uncovers our true selves, much like a caring friend, not passing any judgment, and holding all the wisdom of everything you can think of. Take a moment to listen. It is not urging you to take action, just sharing what's happening.''

''Have you ever heard the whispers of the universe? If so, please share in the comments. Thanks for reading!''

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Divine Timing

In a world of quick results, patience and trust often take a backseat. but embracing the concept of divine timing, surrendering control, and trusting the journey can bring profound rewards. 
However, there is much wisdom in learning to slow down and trust in the universe's timing.

 Always remember, what is meant for you will come in its own time.
''Join us as we explore the concept of surrender, interpret universal cues, and cultivate serenity for a deeper understanding of our personal path. Through this exploration, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of our individual paths and appreciate the beauty of allowing life to unfold at its own unique pace''. 

Understanding the Concept of Divine Timing

The idea of divine timing suggests that everything happens at the right time, guided by a higher purpose that we may not understand immediately.
When we talk about divine timing, we mean that everything that happens in our lives is part of a bigger plan. Believing in this concept, we let go of trying to control everything and accept that the universe is working in our favour, providing what we truly need.

Embracing Patience and Trust

By embracing the virtues of patient perseverance, relinquishing control, and cultivating inner peace, we can experience the beauty of surrendering to the flow of life.

Things do not happen or change overnight. Nature has its own ways of doing things, have patience and let the universe do its work. Even if things are not working in your favour right away, know that it is all because of a greater plan for you. The higher power is in control and knows what is best for you, what you need and when to bless you.

 Divine timing works on its own time. It may push something on you that you do not think is for you. If it does, then do not hold yourself back, surrender trust the divine power accept the change and move forward things happen when you are ready for them.  

Exploring the Intersection of Fate and Free Will

The concept of divine timing educates us that there is a predetermined path for us, but we still can influence its direction.  Finding a balance between fate and free will involves taking inspired actions staying true to our values, and working with the universe to create our own reality.
When we honour both the guidance of the universe and our own choices, we navigate the delicate interplay between surrender and empowerment, and finally, we become happier.

The transformative magic of surrendering

With the concept of divine timing comes the idea of surrendering yourself completely to the universal power.

Surrender differs from giving up or passivity, it suggests releasing the need to control every aspect of our lives. Trusting and believing in power beyond our control. Surrendering to this trust can bring unexpected moments, coincidences, and blessings as we go with the divine flow of life. 
This gives relief from the grip of control mode and the suffocation of relationships, expectations of society, and the feeling of frustration that this thing is not working and that thing is going out of hand, you feel calm, peaceful and safe too. 

Releasing Attachment to Outcomes

librates from anxiety and  impatience

When we release our attachment to specific outcomes, we liberate ourselves from anxiety and impatience. We start believing that everything is happening as it should, we feel relaxed and enjoy the present moment rather than worrying about the future. 
Changing our focus from the goal to the journey. We discover wonders, knowledge, inner strength, peace and contentment. this improves mental and physical health too. And allows you to function better.

Increased Awareness

Trusting in divine timings and believing that everything is happening for a reason, we may be more likely to seek lessons and opportunities for growth in every situation. Leading to a deeper understanding of life and becoming aware of our thoughts and emotions, helps us stop worrying about the past and future.

Trusting in divine timing can be challenging when things do not go as planned. Resulting in impatience and disturbing the inner peace.

Overcoming Impatience and Cultivating Inner Peace

Identifying Triggers of Impatience

Impatience often comes from wanting immediate results, worrying about missed chances and comparing our progress with others.
Understanding these triggers helps us deal with the underlying causes and be kinder to ourselves.
Seeing impatience as a sign to take a break, breathe and trust the divine power, that things will work out, helps us handle life's uncertainties in a better and more meaningful way.

Practical Strategies for Cultivating Inner Peace

To find inner peace when facing life's challenges, we can practice mindfulness, gratitude, and self-care. 

Mindfulness means being present in the moment and accepting things without judgment.

Gratitude helps you focus on the positive side of your life giving a feeling of satisfaction and contentment.

No one can predict divine working

To find ease and comfort in uncertainties learn to be at ease in uncomfortable situations. universe exposes us to difficult and uncomfortable situations to test our faith, strength, and patience.

Go with the  flow

''Be patient, surrender, flexible, detached, and comfortable in discomfort'' believe that everything will work out, and God will not let you down. Let go of fear and doubt.


The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you. 

It is the belief that nature is very precise and perfect, everything happens when it is supposed to happen.

What is meant for you will always come in unexpected and beautiful ways at the right moment.

Thank you for taking the time to read this content. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please consider leaving a comment if this material resonates with you. Thank you.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Regaining inner peace and happiness,navigating disconnection

Feeling disconnected, unhappy, stuck
Maybe a bit sad and lonely.😞
You feel like days and nights are just passing.

Physically you are OK, but nothing interests you; you spend the whole day just thinking aimlessly, feeling bored, restless, and having no direction. You forget so many things in daily life. Sometimes at heart, you feel heavy.
You feel as though you are standing on an island surrounded by water and cannot see your way to escape. Isolated from every sign of life, the spark of joy feels like a memory, and peace—just a fleeting dream. Our existence feels empty of joy because we are cut off from ourselves and the world around us, and even simple activities seem devoid of delight.
When we go out of touch with ourselves and the world around us, happiness and peace become somehow estranged.
We all get disconnected at times. The world seems to fade in colour, the things we used to love to do become hollow, and life is kind of saturated with a feeling of unhappiness.
This state of emotional disengagement can be a symptom of various factors, but the way to repossess our inner light is always the same—an act of conscious will to rebuild the bridge between our inner world and the external world.

How to find happiness again?

First, understand the root causes of disconnection. It is important to understand the root causes of your feelings to find the solutions.

Occasionally, however, the disconnection might come from multiple sources; let's take a look at these.

Stress and Burnout: Work, family, and social demands leave little space for attention to self.
Chronic Health Conditions: Prolonged illness and bad health conditions can make it difficult to connect with others and experience joy.
Disconnection from Values: Most of the time, a lost connection to values results in a mind and heart in an unhappy state.
Lack of Purpose: Aimlessness can create the feeling of floating adrift.
Social Isolation: Infrequent and poor social ties will make one feel lonely and socially disconnected.
Unresolved Emotions: Trapped emotions or unresolved trauma may contribute to lingering unhappiness.
A great deal of utilization of Social Media and Technology: The advanced digital age has knitted complex threads of connectivity throughout the world.
Social media scrolling provides an illusion of connectivity which is deficient in depth and richness as compared to face-to-face encounters.
Has made us feel all alone on the other hand.

Take a big step away from the computer, and go out in the world and find real-life connections: Meet a friend for a cup of tea, check on a local event, or maybe a hobby group. Real human connection nourishes the soul.

Fear of Rejection: Ahh!, fear of rejection. We have all felt that one. Remember always that rejection isn't the final verdict about your life.
It's just a mismatch—a puzzle piece that doesn't fit your picture.
 Be vulnerable. Be a risk-taker. 
Not all connections will come into bloom; some never will. That's okay.

Every rejection you face is a re-direction to the one belonging in your life.
Emotional Disconnection: There are those times when we want to cocoon ourselves within emotional numbness.
Depression, anxiety, or life can blanket us in a thick fog that separates us from others.
Break the silence, and be honest with loved ones. Share your feelings. Let them know that you are struggling.

How to connect in the time of disconnection

Acknowledge and Validate Your Feelings: The first step is the acknowledgement of your emotional state. There is no need to suppress or even judge your emotions of disconnection and unhappiness.
Reconnect with Yourself: Most of the time, disconnection begins with disconnecting from ourselves.
Take some time to reflect. It can be through meditation, spending time in nature, or doing what you have not done in a long while but used to love.
Establish What Matters to You and Your Needs: What are your deepest needs?
Are you omitting your requirements for attachment, imagination, or growth?
We feel that life has no meaning if we lose the ability to look after things that really matter. Take time to go through what your values were.
Follow Your Passions: Are there hobbies or other interests that you may have put on the back burner that brought you joy?
Treat Yourself Kindly: Be kind to yourself. Let go of your mistakes.
Nurturing Your Mind and Body: Make Sure you get adequate Sleep ( 7-8 hours of good sleep ), Eat a Healthy Diet, Exercise and an important thing is to try to regularly be in the lap of nature. Spend Time in Nature just by sitting outdoors breathe some fresh air.
Limit Social Media: Comparisons and unrealistic portrayals are on social media to assist in feelings of inadequacy.
Take breaks or set a limit in time on these platforms.
Connect with Loved Ones: Humans are social in nature.
Strong social connections are required for our emotional well-being.
Embrace New Experiences: Moving beyond one's comfort zone will invite unexpected happiness and long-term growth.
Practice Forgiveness: Resentment is a weight one should not carry.
Even if it is only toward yourself, forgiveness is huge in terms of moving on.

The states of disconnection and unhappiness are overcome with effort, time, and forbearance.

You achieve peace and happiness by slowly rediscovering mindfulness, relationships, exercise, gratitude, meaning, and self-compassion.
There may be some setbacks on the way, but consistent efforts at self-care can help one come out of that fog and ensure peace and happiness from within. ❤️

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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Taking the Wheel: Seizing Control

Taking the Wheel: Seizing Control

Taking control of your life is a milestone toward personal empowerment.

External forces tug you in different directions, societal expectations and circumstances, leaving us feeling like passengers on a runaway train. And you feel that everything is going out of control, and you're just a passenger along for the ride.
Taking charge of your own life is about consciously shaping your path towards a fulfilling future.

But what if I tell you that you hold the steering wheel?
 The wheel is in your hands. So, grab it firmly, steer with purpose, and enjoy the ride!

Here are a few tips
How to take control and become the driver of your own journey

Self-Reflection: The journey begins within. Dedicate time to self-reflection. Journal, meditate or talk to a trusted friend. Identify your values, passions, and what truly makes you happy. 
Are you driven by creativity, helping others, or adventure? Understanding your core motivations helps set a clear direction.
Take time to reflect on what you genuinely want in life. This could be related to your career, relationships, hobbies, or personal growth. Understanding your true desires helps you set clear goals and priorities.

Envision Your Dream Life: Imagine your ideal life in vivid detail. What are your core values?
 What kind of lifestyle do you crave? 
Think about your career, relationships, hobbies, and overall sense of purpose.

Setting Meaningful Goals Once you know your destination, you need a roadmap to get there. This is where goal setting comes in.
Don't confuse goals with vague desires. 
A goal is a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound Smart objective that propels you closer to your values.
Set short, medium, and long-term goals to create a roadmap. Break down large goals into smaller, achievable steps.

Craft Your Vision: With a clearer picture of yourself, start dreaming! What does your ideal life look like?
 Imagine your career, relationships, lifestyle – the big picture.
 Don't be afraid to dream big, but also be realistic.
 This vision will serve as your guiding star.

Identify What’s Within Your Control and What’s Not: Life throws curveballs, but we can’t control everything. 
Accept the circumstances which are beyond your control.
Instead, focus on what you can influence, your thoughts, reactions, and choices. This shift in perspective empowers you.

Embrace Responsibility: Taking control means accepting responsibility for your choices. We often blame others or external factors for our choices. Take responsibility for your actions, even the mistakes. By owning both responses and decisions, you reclaim control of your narrative.

Learn to Say No: Taking charge doesn't mean doing everything on your own. It's about setting healthy boundaries and delegating tasks when necessary.
 Saying "no" is a powerful tool that allows you to prioritize your time and energy for the things that truly matter.
Not everything that comes your way aligns with your goals. It's okay to politely decline requests that drain your time or energy.
 Saying no empowers you to focus on what truly matters.

Embrace Discomfort: Growth often happens outside your comfort zone.

Self-Discipline: Self-discipline is your reliable copilot. Develop routines that support your goals.

Adapt & Adjust: Life rarely goes exactly according to plan, Be prepared to adapt your plan, goals and strategies as needed. 
Review your goals regularly and adjust them based on your experiences and growth.
 Don't be afraid to take calculated risks and explore new opportunities.

Prioritize Self-Care: You can't pour from an empty cup. Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential.
 Eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. 
Prioritize activities that de-stress and recharge you.

Embrace Lifelong Learning: The world is constantly evolving, and so should you.
Never stop learning new things. Take courses, read books, and surround yourself with inspiring people.
This will keep you sharp and will open doors to new possibilities.

Self-Awareness: Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and passions is crucial for designing a life that aligns with you.

Growth Mindset: Believe in your ability to learn and grow.
 Embrace challenges as opportunities to improve.

Prioritize and Organize Your Time and Tasks: Time is your most valuable resource.
 Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency.
Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, and time-blocking techniques to manage your days effectively.

Visualize Success: Take a few minutes each day to visualize yourself achieving your goals. Seeing yourself succeed can boost your confidence and motivation.

Practice Gratitude: Focus on the positive aspects of your life. Gratitude fosters a positive mindset and attracts more good things.

Seek Support: You don't have to go it alone. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who believe in you. Having a trusted friend, mentor, or therapist can provide invaluable guidance and encouragement.

Taking Control is a Continuous Journey

Always keep in mind, that taking control of your life is an ongoing process. There will be times when you feel lost or discouraged.
There will be setbacks, failures, and moments of doubt.
That's okay.
 Instead of viewing them as roadblocks, see them as opportunities to learn and grow.

 Reframe your perspective by adding the word "yet" to negative self-talk.
 For example, "I can't write a good story" becomes "I can't write a good story yet." 
This subtle shift encourages persistence and fosters the belief that you can develop your skills over time.
The key is to keep showing up for yourself, keep learning, and keep moving forward.
 Do not forget, you are the captain!  Of your own destiny. Enjoy the process of creating the life you desire.😊

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Whispers in the Wind ️

Whispers in the Wind ️

Humans are curious creatures. We crave information like squirrels crave nuts – the nuttier, the better. 
It's as natural as breathing. Humans have been doing this act of craving information since we were grunting around in caves.

It's time we celebrated this glorious pastime, the original social media, the provider of endless entertainment.
 Most of the time that information involves other people's lives, which is where the glorious art of gossiping comes in.

Now, before you declare yourself above it all, be honest.
 Haven't you ever widened your eyes and whispered, "Did you hear about...?" with a mischievous glint in your eye? We all have! and that's okay! Gossiping is ingrained in human society.

what exactly is gossip?

Is it just mindless chatter!

 Back before the days of tweets and TikToks,  gossip was the original social media. we relied on the trusty human grapevine to spread the news

People talk about it like it is a disease, but really, it is more like a guilty pleasure – like watching a TV reality show. , it is scandalous, and sometimes, it's downright hilarious too.

Take a look into the wonderful world of gossip

The Gossipers, We all know them the friend who can sniff out a juicy story a mile away, the neighbour who seems to have all the information of the town.

The Different Breeds of Gossipers

The Parrot: This one simply repeats everything they hear, accurately. be damned. 
Their motto? "A heard a thing, a thing I share!".

Caution: This may cause international incidents.

The Detective: Pieces together, clues like Sherlock Holmes, 

Their motto? "The truth is out, but I will dig out to the roots''
The Dramatic Narrator: Takes a rumour and runs a marathon with it, adding special effects and a soundtrack.
Every story becomes an epic saga with this gossiper.
 Prepare for exaggerated sighs, wide-eyed gasps, and enough body language to rival a mime convention.

Their aim is to dramatise to make you curious to know the story. Their style of narration,'' Do you know the news?  or ''shall I tell you a new story?

It's Not Just Chatting:  Gossip Like a Boss is an Art

There's a certain skill to gossiping, believe it or not. A good gossiper knows how to deliver the information in a way that's both entertaining and discreet.

Quality Over Quantity

Maintain Plausible Deniability: "Oh, I just overheard..." is your best friend.
Beware the Backfire: Gossip can boomerang faster than a toddler throwing a tantrum. Before gossipers spill,  will consider the consequences.

Know Audience:  Good gossipers tailor their stories to the needs of their listeners.
Embrace the Giggles: Gossiping is a real fun! Laugh it off,  It is a time pass at the end of the day.  Do not take the gossip seriously, and remember, what goes around comes around ''hopefully not the gossip''!😉

Keep it spicy Let's be honest, boring gossip is a snoozefest. A good gossiper adds a dash of drama, a sprinkle of humour, and maybe a pinch of speculation.

The Ethics of the Gossip 

If someone tells you something in secret, keep it that way. You're not James Bond, you're a friend. Gossip should be lighthearted, not malicious

Believe it or not, gossip can actually serve a purpose, besides pure entertainment.

Social Bonding: gossipers find curious listeners to make their friend circles. and if you see society's patterns closely you will find people always discuss others. They rarely talk about themselves, finding faults in others, and discussing the life events of others is their main aim. It's like saying, "Hey, we both belong to this secret society!"

Pure Entertainment: Gossiping is like a reality show with actual people we know. When we feel dull and bored, what do we all do? we often visit our friends and relatives, and chit-chat most of the time about others. Finding other people's topics as sources of our time pass and entertainment. And after spending some time in discussions we feel time well spent!  

Moral Compass Check: In gossip, we generally feel we are the best judge of society. We give our opinions in such a manner that we are the best in the world and only we know how to live on this planet.

Information is Power: Knowing what's happening around us makes us feel informed, powerful and part of society. We all want to know what's going on around us.
 Gossip informs us about the local drama around us.

Learning from Others' Mistakes:  It is okay, to learn from the experiences and mistakes of others. But not always, sometimes gossip can be a cause of inviting a new set of problems in your life.

Is ''Gossip''A Guilty Pleasure or a Social Sin?

 Is gossiping good or bad? The answer, like most things in life, is, it depends!  As long as your discussions are respectful of others, and not spreading negativity, then it is a good refreshing session and can be a fun way to bond with friends and colleagues. Always keep in mind, that sometimes the best secrets are the ones you keep to yourself.

Gossiping is a natural part of human interaction. It can be a source of amusement, connection, and even sometimes information. But remember, with great gossip comes great responsibility.
Don't be a malicious rumor-monger. Keep it light, keep it funny, and most importantly, keep it between friends.😎

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Can't Buy Heart,

 Can’t Buy Heart; Enduring Legacy

As for some proverb that informs a reader or a listener: ‘The things created from heart, last forever’, has a beautiful sentiment attached to it. It brings out the concept that anything done with passion and emotions will always be memorable.

This is the simplest way of letting people feel your creations be it in artwork, music, writing, or even cooking. It is worth recalling that such creations can create emotions, and ideas, and unite people regardless of the time in which they exist.

That is why passion, love or any other strong feeling has a lasting impact.

Any sort of work of art created with passion touches the hearts on a deeper level and makes certain to engrave the artist’s creations in their minds.

Such creations transform into mirrors that reflect the soul and actually can reveal its emotions and experiences.
A song can touch generations, a poem can create a change in society or a painting can create a feeling for centuries.

Actually, the meaning of the phrase “forever” is not to be taken in a strict sense.

Whereas the physical surroundings can wear out, the feelings and experiences that these objects elicit can be timeless.

Friendship and love relationships with family members and loved ones do not fade with time but stay forever. For instance, a dress that was tailor-made by your mother may end up being faded, but the comfort with which it was made is a treasure that will never fade.

Everything people have done together, all the jokes have been cracked and the fun that has been shared is part of a story.

Acts of kindness and love

Random acts of Kindness and Love or selfless acts done with genuine care leave a deep regard in the heart of the recipient.
This means that whenever someone offers assistance or does a favour without expecting any material reward or expecting the person to reciprocate the favour their actions carry a lot of weightage on the other side of the equation. 
The positive energy that they pass on can in turn encourage others to pass it on in the same manner thus forming loops of positive energy.

All the relationships built with affection, tolerance, and compassion will always remain strong. These are strong bonds that exist to offer safety, comfort and happiness in one’s life.

Acknowledge limitations

It is also relevant to speak about the factor of impermanence. Things may wear out, songs could be never sung or sung again, and great friendships could transform.

Physical Objects and Time: Physical creations are not protected by time regardless of the input, labour and love, that was put into making them. People destroy structures, colours get washed away, and even murals are lost with generation shifts and technology.
Concrete objects can be considered ephemeral whereas feelings and intentions are subsistent.
The truer meaning therefore must be in the consequences or otherwise of such pressures.
This means that out-of-the-heart produced items, whether material or non-material, can produce a mark.

As the focus of this research shows, the power is in the intention. 

The fun that comes with mere passion and creation, the commitment to something, and even the simple act of spewing out one’s feelings can in the end be satisfying regardless of whether the effort results in success or not.

No matter how long the creation which has been made remains in existence, the creation itself has a unique kind of eternity.

In the end, the creations that come from the heart are forever not in a physical context, but in the mind and the relations and the ripples left for good. 😊

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Maids & Myths

Maids & Myths, "Hiccups in Harmony''

The hiring of maids by families can be convenient, especially to families with tight schedules but the process is not as easy as it is expected. However, while their contributions are often invaluable, there is a less discussed side to this relationship: the possibility of bringing negative energy into a home that maids often possess. Some behaviours may cause the experiences of frustration or disappointment.

Maid Habits"Creating a Stress''

In most cases, the introduction of maids in a particular house does not necessarily mean that it is all positive. It is important to understand that the changes that the addition of the new member brings to the house interactions may be quite unpredictable and can result in numerous complications.
These are individual and interpersonal as well as systematic and societal.

Privacy Invasion

A home is usually regarded as a haven and this is the place where one can be liberal and free from societal pressure. This room is menstruation throughout the day by the constant presence of a maid.
To fully know that one’s private space is entered by an unknown at a given time is not comforting and erases the safety and comfort that is afforded by a home.
People may not like the feeling that comes with knowing that there is always someone out there who knows their schedule, their behaviour, and even what they never told anyone. Such discomfort may result in the feeling of intrusion and henceforth development of stress and anxiety.


Living with a maid to do most of the cleaning and other chores for you have been found to have some negative effects such as making one lazy. As the disease progresses some of the most simple things one can take for granted such as cooking, cleaning or even organizing may be lost.
Such dependency is not always advantageous; whenever the maid is unable to work, it becomes difficult for the household.

Interpersonal Conflicts

People are not always compatible with each other according to the type of personality they have. The working mode, attitude or behaviour of a maid can be not in harmony with the owners and can compromise and quarrel.

Jealousy and Competition

Sometimes having a maid causes jealousy in the home. These feelings affect children and make them think that the maid is the preferred person to be around within the house. This can cause all sorts of problems within a family including disturbing the emotions of the individuals involved.
But sometimes the situation is otherwise maids develop a feeling of jealousy, maids start comparing their own lives with the lives of certain members of the family.
They start raising their eyebrows and you can almost feel jeer of comparison in their tone.
This type of situation can lead to a lot of negativity in the household it means that every day you wake up and go to bed with a negative attitude.

Over expectations and comparison

The majority of the maids have a culture of relating an experience concerning the other families where they work, how those families treat them, and what they provide in terms of monetary remuneration, gifts, food and other incentives during special occasions.
In fact, these are some of the stories they tell in a bid to pass their messages across to their leaders. They are now telling stories as a way of giving their emotions about how they want to be handled.
These are probably not to be taken as actual stories, but they seem like something to help dictate how to approach them.
Of course, we don’t need to fact-check the story, but it feels like it’s here just to push towards a particular behaviour.
And if you ignore their demands you can feel noteworthy behavior alteration. Sometimes they may decide to go on a rebellious spree which only increases tension in the household.
Inconsistent Attendance

The most prevalent behaviour seen in many households by these maids includes generally poor attendance habits such as erratic truancy. They are also likely to absent themselves from work without proper authorization, or even at short notice; the household is usually affected in the worst way.
Such unpredictability can affect the flow of day-to-day activities and cause undue stress especially because parents rely on such helpers to manage their households.

Lack of Attention to Detail

Maids sometimes miss certain spots when cleaning, which leads to dust and dirt building up in these forgotten areas. This lack of care can make the whole house less clean and healthy.

If the maid keeps doing this over and over, it can create more stress for everyone.

Reliability Issues

Showing up on time and being dependable matter a lot to families. Housekeepers who often come late or back out at the last second throw off daily schedules and cause trouble for everyone.

Unprofessional Behavior

This covers talking about family issues using personal phones too much while working, or even bringing guests into the home without permission. These actions can put the household's privacy and safety at risk.

Getting a maid can take a lot of work off your plate, but it's crucial to know about the possible downsides. Not showing up being careless missing details, acting, and not taking the initiative are some habits that can make the experience less than ideal.


There are benefits to hiring a maid, but you should be ready for any obstacles that may arise. Open and honest communication is essential to maintaining a good working relationship with your maid and a calm household. Be courteous, establish ground rules early on, and show your maid some care. You may establish a peaceful atmosphere that benefits all parties involved by doing this.

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