Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Power of Positive Reinforcement: Celebrating Wins

We tend to mark certain occasions, the special occasions such as the day we graduate, the day we are engaged, the day we get married, the day we buy a car or the housewarming occasions, our birthdays.
They are embraced as chances in which we can rejoice with our loved ones.
Big wins are those victories that give a feeling of achievement, that is similar to the emergence on the top of the mountain and the view of the trekking goals.
However, the little triumphs, being disciplined in doing your workout regimen, learning a new trade, and facing your phobia, are the paths that lead up to the said overlook.

It is also equally significant to note that such accomplishments are just as valuable as those larger, cognizable successes, as they feed the drive to continue striving, add to one’s confidence, and sustain forward progress.
In general, celebrations make us feel that we are appreciated, admired and recognised by the society. But we almost always neglect these minor achievements.

How about marking the completion of little things?

Do we take time to celebrate what we have achieved?

How many times do we clink glasses to acknowledge how far we have come, how strong and mature we have become?

But, why get happy about the little things? It is necessary to acknowledge and celebrate

Smaller achievements are stepping stones that pave the way towards that glorious finish line.

Celebrating your wins no matter how big or small helps you take stock of your personal growth.

A simple reward for any achievement no matter the magnitude is one of the more effective methods of encouraging people and ensuring that they remain on track. Did you finally do that thing you have been procrastinating to do?

You know, you know, that project that is been pending on your to-do list for years now?

And what about sticking to that healthy eating plan for a whole week? That's pretty cool if you did!

Don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back for the little things you've managed to do.

I mean, it's not just about bragging rights, right?

Celebrating those tiny wins is really about saying, "Hey, good job," to yourself for putting in the work and seeing some progress.

It keeps you pumped for whatever's coming up next.

When you finish something, even if it's small, it's like throwing gasoline on the fire of motivation.

Whether it is a very big goal or the smallest of them, each time you achieve any one of them, it builds up your morale as well as your abilities.

It's a self-confidence booster

It also helps you build up a positive view towards yourself because when you notice what you are doing right and give yourself a high five it encourages you.

The nice thing is that it is as if every first step builds the next block to the castle of self-belief.

It is very crucial because having positive feelings towards our capabilities encourages us to do more and more.

Therefore, do not shy away from celebrating all the small wins because, in fact, those are extremely important to maintaining motivation levels high and confidence.

It is all about saying it loud ‘Watch me go, watch me shine’ and feeling it from head to toe.

Did you actually do that thing that you have been meaning to do for a long time?

That project that has been with you almost more than a guardian for what seems to be an eternity?

Well, if you made it a week on your health kick then that is pretty good going in this day and age!

"You go, you!"

Don't forget to give yourself some credit for those small victories. It's not just about showing off, it's about saying "You go, you!" for putting in the effort and actually seeing some results. 
It keeps your motivation levels up, you know?

It could be the smallest thing or it can be a big event, as soon as one finishes something, it’s like fueling the fire of desire to continue doing more.
That kind of feeling about yourself and about what you can achieve is worth getting excited!

Mini Jackpot

Well then, why become so worked up over the seemingly small stuff?
Because for some reason it feels like you are getting a small bonus each time you complete a task from the list. It makes one look forward to the next level.
It’s such a delight, you know I feel so much happier if I have sweets or snacks.
Every time you pull something right and say to yourself ‘Good job’, it is as if you are building up one more block in your self-esteem castle.
It’s like very important because having a positive attitude towards the skills that you have helps you to continue with the practices you have in mind.

So, go on and party for those teeny-tiny wins, because they're a big deal for keeping you pumped and full of confidence.

It's all about saying, "Check me out, I've got this down!" and actually believing it.

It's like school for life

When you cheer on the journey and not just the prize, it shows you that hard work pays off.

It helps you understand that success is not only about the victory but the small steps you are willing to make to win.
And when you achieve those little goals, you somehow find a way of continuing even if things become all the more difficult.

It's like rocket fuel

Getting something right, no matter how little or big it may be motivates you to move on to the next thing.
There is a science that says if you relax and take it easy and attend to minor triumphs, you will get more done and you will be more alive.

A reality check

In some way, it feels like the map of the trip you are about to take.
It is also important to celebrate small achievements in life so that you may be able to realize how far you have come in life.
It’s a reality check of all the efforts put in and all the odds that have been overcome.

It's like brain candy

Doing celebrations assists you to be more effective in matters concerning concentration, planning and identifying goals and tasks.
It is a kind of motivator that rewards you and encourages you every time you are creative.

The happy chemicals

Every time you do something you’re supposed to, your head celebrates by releasing dopamine, the ‘happy hormone’.
Thus it means that, when you celebrate, you get to celebrate victory over personal failure by throwing confetti at it.

I lied, the only trick that is good for a party is a thankful one.
Gratitude is the grand prize Let me explain. When you take a moment to say, "Thanks, life," you're really just having a party for being awesome.

You don't need to break the bank

You can celebrate without spending a rupee if you want.
Just do something that makes you feel like a champ, you know?

Here are some free ways to party hard for your success

Chill with a good book.
Take a stroll in nature.
Catch up with your bestie.
Take a day off to chill and love yourself.
Play games on your phone.
Jam out to your favourite tunes.
Eat like a king or queen.
Sleep in like you're in a marathon.
Hang with the little ones.
Browse through old photos.
Cook up a storm.
Take some cool pics.
Get cosy with some tea and cookies.
Explore a new place. 
Watch a flick.
Take some munch on some good food with your posse.
Have a backyard bash.

So, the next time you get something done, do not forget to celebrate by taking a bow, or at least patting yourself on the back.
Keep it up and enjoy the fact that you are doing such.

It is important to always feel like. We must love our wins even if they are small and even if there is only a small probability they are the best ones.

Far from being a frivolous activity, Too much celebration isn’t frivolous, they copy: it is actually an integral process of growth.

It is like saying ‘I acknowledge you, I value you and let us continue kicking life’s ass!’.

I would like to live life and paint it with hues of thankfulness and joy, instead of making it drab in any colour. Cheers to the little moments! 🎉.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Path of Self-Discovery: A Journey Within- ''KABIR''

Kabir, the mystic poet of 15th-century India, left behind resilient verses that still strike a chord in the hearts of truth seekers.

One such verse, "aadi achhar hi aagam hai ta ko sab bistar,
 sat-guru daya ten paiye sattnam nij saar,"

An incisive analysis of reality, the position of Satguru, and self-realization as an ultimate goal.

The Path of Self-Discovery: A Journey Within

This verse of Kabir is not any kind of philosophical statement; it is an invitation. 
It calls us to this journey of self-realization, seeking the company and instructions of a true teacher who would guide us toward experiencing the "aadi achchar" within ourselves. Without a doubt, this will pass through practices of meditation, devotional service, or cultivation of the heart with open inquiry.

The Source of All: The Primordial Sound

The verse opens with a very interesting statement: "aadi achhar hi aagam hai" - "the primal sound is the source.

It transcends the province of words or concepts - it is a fine energy, so fine that it cannot be seen, yet powerful enough to become all things."This "aadi achhar," literally translating to "the first sound," is often interpreted as the primordial vibration, the root from which all creation unfolds.
Some people interpret it as universal consciousness, the ground of being from which all existence emanates. It is considered as "aadi achchar'' and is interpreted differently by different spiritual traditions.

" Some call it the Cosmic Sound 'Om', the Holy Syllable,
 the essence of all that is." Some others link it with the Unmanifested Brahman, who is considered in Hinduism to be the root source of creation. Whatever the interpretations, the fundamental message is the same: everything we see hear or experience has this unique source as its origin.

Beyond Duality: All Are Interconnected.

The verse progresses with the phrase "ta ko sab bistar," which means "from that, all unfolds." It Unfolds the Universe, from Source to Manifestation, a Reflection of the One

The lines of the bani show that everything is interlinked.
That singular source is known as "aadi achchar," from which the universe comes into being. Just as from one seed grows a tree, similarly, the whole universe is based on that one source. The creative source does not stand apart from its creation; it is all part of the same fabric.

Deficiency of the Intellect: The Need for a Real Teacher
It then accepts that this knowledge in itself is not enough.

It says, "sat-guru daya ten paiye sattnam nij saar" – "through the grace of the true teacher, one obtains the true name, one's own essence." In this couplet, Kabir introduces the "sat-guru," the true spiritual teacher.
Sat-Guru: A Guiding Light

The Echoes of Eternity: Unveiling the Self with the Primal Sound in Kabir's Verse

This disarmingly simple verse holds a profundity of realization about reality the road to self-realization, and the role of the spiritual teacher. Let us delve deeper into what it has to say in its many levels of meaning.

The Primordial Sound: A Source Beyond Duality.

The verse opens with that very captivating phrase, "aadi achhar hī aagam hai." That literally means "of the primal sound, it is the source."

The "aadi achhar" at present is beyond language and personalised definitions. It is generally taken to mean a primaeval vibration, some sort of sound that created creation. Some scholars have related it to universal consciousness, to a ground of being from which all existence emerged.
This "aadi achhar" is a state beyond duality, a sort of neutrality, where terms like good and bad, creation and destruction, have not yet dissociated from one another. From here everything unfolds; that is the substratum of all phenomena.

The Expanding Universe: A Mirror of the One

The verse continues, "ta ko sab bistar," which literally means "from that, all unfolds."

This line of great beauty shows the oneness of all of existence. Just as waves come up and then fall back into the ocean, the entire universe manifests from this one source.
Everything we see around us—all these mountains and rivers, stars and planets, even the thoughts and emotions that appear within our minds—are but waves upon the endless ocean of the "aadi achhar."

Beyond the Veil of Illusion: The Need for the Satguru.

Such a primordial sound can be understood only at a slightly deeper level of awareness.

Such a nondual reality cannot be comprehended by the human mind, conditioned by the senses and limited by the bondage of language.
Therefore arises the need for the "sat-guru." It means the realized one, the one beyond the confinements of the mind and who, by experiencing the "aadi achhar" firsthand, has gone beyond the limitations of the mind.
Here the role of the "sat-guru" comes to the fore.
 That relationship between disciple and sat-guru is often portrayed as a condition or state of pure consciousness beyond the reach of ego and attachments to the material world.

Teacher's Grace: Inaugurating the Real Name

The verse underlines the role of the "sat-guru" in the lines, "sat-guru daya ten pa iye sattnam nij saar."

It means "through the grace of the true teacher, one obtains the true name, one's own essence."
Here, "sattnam" does not stand for a literal name but is a metaphor, implying the realization of one's self. It is representative of the experience one has of his link with that divine source, the "aadi achhar."He says that the "sat-guru" acts as a bridge in helping the disciple shed narrow identification with the ego and connect with the vastness of one's real nature.

Thus, Kabir's verse becomes a kind of guide for any spiritual seeker. It is an assertion of the "aadi achchar," or interwoven-ness of things—how a "sat-guru" is needed to realize one's "sattnam."

Such a path is not of intellectual gymnastics, but one of devotion, surrender, and openness to the grace from the true teacher.

Relevance in the Modern World

In today's world of haste and information overload, Kabir's verse retains an important message. It reminds us to look beyond all appearances and search for an underlying unity in existence; this source of all existence is within us, waiting to be discovered.
It beckons us beyond the realm of mere intellectual pursuits to the guidance of those who have walked the path of self-realization.
This could be through meditation practices, devotional service, or simply the cultivation of the heart of open inquiry. Embracing this verse as received wisdom, we can begin our journey toward self-realization, which will bring ever greater understandings of ourselves, our place within the universe, and the connection to divine order.🙏

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Monday, July 22, 2024

Regaining inner peace and happiness,navigating disconnection

Feeling disconnected, unhappy, stuck
Maybe a bit sad and lonely.😞
You feel like days and nights are just passing.

Physically you are OK, but nothing interests you; you spend the whole day just thinking aimlessly, feeling bored, restless, and having no direction. You forget so many things in daily life. Sometimes at heart, you feel heavy.
You feel as though you are standing on an island surrounded by water and cannot see your way to escape. Isolated from every sign of life, the spark of joy feels like a memory, and peace—just a fleeting dream. Our existence feels empty of joy because we are cut off from ourselves and the world around us, and even simple activities seem devoid of delight.
When we go out of touch with ourselves and the world around us, happiness and peace become somehow estranged.
We all get disconnected at times. The world seems to fade in colour, the things we used to love to do become hollow, and life is kind of saturated with a feeling of unhappiness.
This state of emotional disengagement can be a symptom of various factors, but the way to repossess our inner light is always the same—an act of conscious will to rebuild the bridge between our inner world and the external world.

How to find happiness again?

First, understand the root causes of disconnection. It is important to understand the root causes of your feelings to find the solutions.

Occasionally, however, the disconnection might come from multiple sources; let's take a look at these.

Stress and Burnout: Work, family, and social demands leave little space for attention to self.
Chronic Health Conditions: Prolonged illness and bad health conditions can make it difficult to connect with others and experience joy.
Disconnection from Values: Most of the time, a lost connection to values results in a mind and heart in an unhappy state.
Lack of Purpose: Aimlessness can create the feeling of floating adrift.
Social Isolation: Infrequent and poor social ties will make one feel lonely and socially disconnected.
Unresolved Emotions: Trapped emotions or unresolved trauma may contribute to lingering unhappiness.
A great deal of utilization of Social Media and Technology: The advanced digital age has knitted complex threads of connectivity throughout the world.
Social media scrolling provides an illusion of connectivity which is deficient in depth and richness as compared to face-to-face encounters.
Has made us feel all alone on the other hand.

Take a big step away from the computer, and go out in the world and find real-life connections: Meet a friend for a cup of tea, check on a local event, or maybe a hobby group. Real human connection nourishes the soul.

Fear of Rejection: Ahh!, fear of rejection. We have all felt that one. Remember always that rejection isn't the final verdict about your life.
It's just a mismatch—a puzzle piece that doesn't fit your picture.
 Be vulnerable. Be a risk-taker. 
Not all connections will come into bloom; some never will. That's okay.

Every rejection you face is a re-direction to the one belonging in your life.
Emotional Disconnection: There are those times when we want to cocoon ourselves within emotional numbness.
Depression, anxiety, or life can blanket us in a thick fog that separates us from others.
Break the silence, and be honest with loved ones. Share your feelings. Let them know that you are struggling.

How to connect in the time of disconnection

Acknowledge and Validate Your Feelings: The first step is the acknowledgement of your emotional state. There is no need to suppress or even judge your emotions of disconnection and unhappiness.
Reconnect with Yourself: Most of the time, disconnection begins with disconnecting from ourselves.
Take some time to reflect. It can be through meditation, spending time in nature, or doing what you have not done in a long while but used to love.
Establish What Matters to You and Your Needs: What are your deepest needs?
Are you omitting your requirements for attachment, imagination, or growth?
We feel that life has no meaning if we lose the ability to look after things that really matter. Take time to go through what your values were.
Follow Your Passions: Are there hobbies or other interests that you may have put on the back burner that brought you joy?
Treat Yourself Kindly: Be kind to yourself. Let go of your mistakes.
Nurturing Your Mind and Body: Make Sure you get adequate Sleep ( 7-8 hours of good sleep ), Eat a Healthy Diet, Exercise and an important thing is to try to regularly be in the lap of nature. Spend Time in Nature just by sitting outdoors breathe some fresh air.
Limit Social Media: Comparisons and unrealistic portrayals are on social media to assist in feelings of inadequacy.
Take breaks or set a limit in time on these platforms.
Connect with Loved Ones: Humans are social in nature.
Strong social connections are required for our emotional well-being.
Embrace New Experiences: Moving beyond one's comfort zone will invite unexpected happiness and long-term growth.
Practice Forgiveness: Resentment is a weight one should not carry.
Even if it is only toward yourself, forgiveness is huge in terms of moving on.

The states of disconnection and unhappiness are overcome with effort, time, and forbearance.

You achieve peace and happiness by slowly rediscovering mindfulness, relationships, exercise, gratitude, meaning, and self-compassion.
There may be some setbacks on the way, but consistent efforts at self-care can help one come out of that fog and ensure peace and happiness from within. ❤️

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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Taking the Wheel: Seizing Control

Taking the Wheel: Seizing Control

Taking control of your life is a milestone toward personal empowerment.

External forces tug you in different directions, societal expectations and circumstances, leaving us feeling like passengers on a runaway train. And you feel that everything is going out of control, and you're just a passenger along for the ride.
Taking charge of your own life is about consciously shaping your path towards a fulfilling future.

But what if I tell you that you hold the steering wheel?
 The wheel is in your hands. So, grab it firmly, steer with purpose, and enjoy the ride!

Here are a few tips
How to take control and become the driver of your own journey

Self-Reflection: The journey begins within. Dedicate time to self-reflection. Journal, meditate or talk to a trusted friend. Identify your values, passions, and what truly makes you happy. 
Are you driven by creativity, helping others, or adventure? Understanding your core motivations helps set a clear direction.
Take time to reflect on what you genuinely want in life. This could be related to your career, relationships, hobbies, or personal growth. Understanding your true desires helps you set clear goals and priorities.

Envision Your Dream Life: Imagine your ideal life in vivid detail. What are your core values?
 What kind of lifestyle do you crave? 
Think about your career, relationships, hobbies, and overall sense of purpose.

Setting Meaningful Goals Once you know your destination, you need a roadmap to get there. This is where goal setting comes in.
Don't confuse goals with vague desires. 
A goal is a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound Smart objective that propels you closer to your values.
Set short, medium, and long-term goals to create a roadmap. Break down large goals into smaller, achievable steps.

Craft Your Vision: With a clearer picture of yourself, start dreaming! What does your ideal life look like?
 Imagine your career, relationships, lifestyle – the big picture.
 Don't be afraid to dream big, but also be realistic.
 This vision will serve as your guiding star.

Identify What’s Within Your Control and What’s Not: Life throws curveballs, but we can’t control everything. 
Accept the circumstances which are beyond your control.
Instead, focus on what you can influence, your thoughts, reactions, and choices. This shift in perspective empowers you.

Embrace Responsibility: Taking control means accepting responsibility for your choices. We often blame others or external factors for our choices. Take responsibility for your actions, even the mistakes. By owning both responses and decisions, you reclaim control of your narrative.

Learn to Say No: Taking charge doesn't mean doing everything on your own. It's about setting healthy boundaries and delegating tasks when necessary.
 Saying "no" is a powerful tool that allows you to prioritize your time and energy for the things that truly matter.
Not everything that comes your way aligns with your goals. It's okay to politely decline requests that drain your time or energy.
 Saying no empowers you to focus on what truly matters.

Embrace Discomfort: Growth often happens outside your comfort zone.

Self-Discipline: Self-discipline is your reliable copilot. Develop routines that support your goals.

Adapt & Adjust: Life rarely goes exactly according to plan, Be prepared to adapt your plan, goals and strategies as needed. 
Review your goals regularly and adjust them based on your experiences and growth.
 Don't be afraid to take calculated risks and explore new opportunities.

Prioritize Self-Care: You can't pour from an empty cup. Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential.
 Eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. 
Prioritize activities that de-stress and recharge you.

Embrace Lifelong Learning: The world is constantly evolving, and so should you.
Never stop learning new things. Take courses, read books, and surround yourself with inspiring people.
This will keep you sharp and will open doors to new possibilities.

Self-Awareness: Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and passions is crucial for designing a life that aligns with you.

Growth Mindset: Believe in your ability to learn and grow.
 Embrace challenges as opportunities to improve.

Prioritize and Organize Your Time and Tasks: Time is your most valuable resource.
 Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency.
Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, and time-blocking techniques to manage your days effectively.

Visualize Success: Take a few minutes each day to visualize yourself achieving your goals. Seeing yourself succeed can boost your confidence and motivation.

Practice Gratitude: Focus on the positive aspects of your life. Gratitude fosters a positive mindset and attracts more good things.

Seek Support: You don't have to go it alone. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who believe in you. Having a trusted friend, mentor, or therapist can provide invaluable guidance and encouragement.

Taking Control is a Continuous Journey

Always keep in mind, that taking control of your life is an ongoing process. There will be times when you feel lost or discouraged.
There will be setbacks, failures, and moments of doubt.
That's okay.
 Instead of viewing them as roadblocks, see them as opportunities to learn and grow.

 Reframe your perspective by adding the word "yet" to negative self-talk.
 For example, "I can't write a good story" becomes "I can't write a good story yet." 
This subtle shift encourages persistence and fosters the belief that you can develop your skills over time.
The key is to keep showing up for yourself, keep learning, and keep moving forward.
 Do not forget, you are the captain!  Of your own destiny. Enjoy the process of creating the life you desire.😊

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Whispers in the Wind ️

Whispers in the Wind ️

Humans are curious creatures. We crave information like squirrels crave nuts – the nuttier, the better. 
It's as natural as breathing. Humans have been doing this act of craving information since we were grunting around in caves.

It's time we celebrated this glorious pastime, the original social media, the provider of endless entertainment.
 Most of the time that information involves other people's lives, which is where the glorious art of gossiping comes in.

Now, before you declare yourself above it all, be honest.
 Haven't you ever widened your eyes and whispered, "Did you hear about...?" with a mischievous glint in your eye? We all have! and that's okay! Gossiping is ingrained in human society.

what exactly is gossip?

Is it just mindless chatter!

 Back before the days of tweets and TikToks,  gossip was the original social media. we relied on the trusty human grapevine to spread the news

People talk about it like it is a disease, but really, it is more like a guilty pleasure – like watching a TV reality show. , it is scandalous, and sometimes, it's downright hilarious too.

Take a look into the wonderful world of gossip

The Gossipers, We all know them the friend who can sniff out a juicy story a mile away, the neighbour who seems to have all the information of the town.

The Different Breeds of Gossipers

The Parrot: This one simply repeats everything they hear, accurately. be damned. 
Their motto? "A heard a thing, a thing I share!".

Caution: This may cause international incidents.

The Detective: Pieces together, clues like Sherlock Holmes, 

Their motto? "The truth is out, but I will dig out to the roots''
The Dramatic Narrator: Takes a rumour and runs a marathon with it, adding special effects and a soundtrack.
Every story becomes an epic saga with this gossiper.
 Prepare for exaggerated sighs, wide-eyed gasps, and enough body language to rival a mime convention.

Their aim is to dramatise to make you curious to know the story. Their style of narration,'' Do you know the news?  or ''shall I tell you a new story?

It's Not Just Chatting:  Gossip Like a Boss is an Art

There's a certain skill to gossiping, believe it or not. A good gossiper knows how to deliver the information in a way that's both entertaining and discreet.

Quality Over Quantity

Maintain Plausible Deniability: "Oh, I just overheard..." is your best friend.
Beware the Backfire: Gossip can boomerang faster than a toddler throwing a tantrum. Before gossipers spill,  will consider the consequences.

Know Audience:  Good gossipers tailor their stories to the needs of their listeners.
Embrace the Giggles: Gossiping is a real fun! Laugh it off,  It is a time pass at the end of the day.  Do not take the gossip seriously, and remember, what goes around comes around ''hopefully not the gossip''!😉

Keep it spicy Let's be honest, boring gossip is a snoozefest. A good gossiper adds a dash of drama, a sprinkle of humour, and maybe a pinch of speculation.

The Ethics of the Gossip 

If someone tells you something in secret, keep it that way. You're not James Bond, you're a friend. Gossip should be lighthearted, not malicious

Believe it or not, gossip can actually serve a purpose, besides pure entertainment.

Social Bonding: gossipers find curious listeners to make their friend circles. and if you see society's patterns closely you will find people always discuss others. They rarely talk about themselves, finding faults in others, and discussing the life events of others is their main aim. It's like saying, "Hey, we both belong to this secret society!"

Pure Entertainment: Gossiping is like a reality show with actual people we know. When we feel dull and bored, what do we all do? we often visit our friends and relatives, and chit-chat most of the time about others. Finding other people's topics as sources of our time pass and entertainment. And after spending some time in discussions we feel time well spent!  

Moral Compass Check: In gossip, we generally feel we are the best judge of society. We give our opinions in such a manner that we are the best in the world and only we know how to live on this planet.

Information is Power: Knowing what's happening around us makes us feel informed, powerful and part of society. We all want to know what's going on around us.
 Gossip informs us about the local drama around us.

Learning from Others' Mistakes:  It is okay, to learn from the experiences and mistakes of others. But not always, sometimes gossip can be a cause of inviting a new set of problems in your life.

Is ''Gossip''A Guilty Pleasure or a Social Sin?

 Is gossiping good or bad? The answer, like most things in life, is, it depends!  As long as your discussions are respectful of others, and not spreading negativity, then it is a good refreshing session and can be a fun way to bond with friends and colleagues. Always keep in mind, that sometimes the best secrets are the ones you keep to yourself.

Gossiping is a natural part of human interaction. It can be a source of amusement, connection, and even sometimes information. But remember, with great gossip comes great responsibility.
Don't be a malicious rumor-monger. Keep it light, keep it funny, and most importantly, keep it between friends.😎

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Can't Buy Heart,

 Can’t Buy Heart; Enduring Legacy

As for some proverb that informs a reader or a listener: ‘The things created from heart, last forever’, has a beautiful sentiment attached to it. It brings out the concept that anything done with passion and emotions will always be memorable.

This is the simplest way of letting people feel your creations be it in artwork, music, writing, or even cooking. It is worth recalling that such creations can create emotions, and ideas, and unite people regardless of the time in which they exist.

That is why passion, love or any other strong feeling has a lasting impact.

Any sort of work of art created with passion touches the hearts on a deeper level and makes certain to engrave the artist’s creations in their minds.

Such creations transform into mirrors that reflect the soul and actually can reveal its emotions and experiences.
A song can touch generations, a poem can create a change in society or a painting can create a feeling for centuries.

Actually, the meaning of the phrase “forever” is not to be taken in a strict sense.

Whereas the physical surroundings can wear out, the feelings and experiences that these objects elicit can be timeless.

Friendship and love relationships with family members and loved ones do not fade with time but stay forever. For instance, a dress that was tailor-made by your mother may end up being faded, but the comfort with which it was made is a treasure that will never fade.

Everything people have done together, all the jokes have been cracked and the fun that has been shared is part of a story.

Acts of kindness and love

Random acts of Kindness and Love or selfless acts done with genuine care leave a deep regard in the heart of the recipient.
This means that whenever someone offers assistance or does a favour without expecting any material reward or expecting the person to reciprocate the favour their actions carry a lot of weightage on the other side of the equation. 
The positive energy that they pass on can in turn encourage others to pass it on in the same manner thus forming loops of positive energy.

All the relationships built with affection, tolerance, and compassion will always remain strong. These are strong bonds that exist to offer safety, comfort and happiness in one’s life.

Acknowledge limitations

It is also relevant to speak about the factor of impermanence. Things may wear out, songs could be never sung or sung again, and great friendships could transform.

Physical Objects and Time: Physical creations are not protected by time regardless of the input, labour and love, that was put into making them. People destroy structures, colours get washed away, and even murals are lost with generation shifts and technology.
Concrete objects can be considered ephemeral whereas feelings and intentions are subsistent.
The truer meaning therefore must be in the consequences or otherwise of such pressures.
This means that out-of-the-heart produced items, whether material or non-material, can produce a mark.

As the focus of this research shows, the power is in the intention. 

The fun that comes with mere passion and creation, the commitment to something, and even the simple act of spewing out one’s feelings can in the end be satisfying regardless of whether the effort results in success or not.

No matter how long the creation which has been made remains in existence, the creation itself has a unique kind of eternity.

In the end, the creations that come from the heart are forever not in a physical context, but in the mind and the relations and the ripples left for good. 😊

Thanks for reading! If you find this content interesting and resonates with your experiences, please leave a comment.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

"Hello, How Are You?"

From Small Talk to Deep Connections

"Hello, how are you?" It is such a simple phrase. Uttered innumerable times a day.

A universal greeting

That is, if anything, one of the most universal greetings woven into the fabric of our daily interactions. There lies the beauty in a hello: it is universal. Any person, regardless of their age, background, and prestige, benefits greatly from this simple gesture.

An icebreaker, an acknowledgement of being present, a soft query into another's well being a hello is much more than a string of words.

A gesture of solidarity
A quick break from the daily grind to say,, "I see you, and I am here," is a show of support. In a time when social isolation is on the rise, acknowledgement of this kind is extremely helpful in preventing the episodes of loneliness and isolation that are regrettably common in modern society.

Hello and the Potent Power of a Greeting

Hello, can kick off positive interactions between people from different backgrounds—understanding and respect.

Imagine a silent suburb where everyone passes by and passes by without even greeting one another; it only takes a hello to bridge those awkward social gaps and make the atmosphere much more communal. A simple hello can be the difference in tipping someone to begin talking. It means readiness to connect and create an inviting environment.

Spark of Connection

Humans are social creatures hardwired for connection. Hello serves as that initial spark to ignite a possible interaction. It shows openness and willingness to engage, whether with a neighbour or coworker. It invites eye contact, a smile, and perhaps even conversation. This feeling of being connected, even momentarily, could make a difference in our day and theirs.

The Power of Positivity

A real hello is an act of kindness. It injects a shot of positivity into someone's day, letting them know they are seen and that they matter.

The Power of Questioning

It opens the door to a conversation. More fundamentally, though, the question "How are you?" represents an invitation to connect.

 A hello, and a legitimate interest in another person's well-being, can provide a moment of brief human connection.

Beyond Small Talk

"Hello, how are you?" can be a real springboard for deeper conversations. 
It may be the bridge to share burdens, celebrate successes, or simply to give a listening ear.
Such a greeting at work can create stronger teams that further build trust in the workplace.
Within communities, it can build bridges and understanding.

The Art of Responding

Any honest response, no matter how brief, makes all the difference.
Similar to how we ask "how are you?", so is the response.
It shows we have acknowledged the question and do care about the person asking.

The world of today, fast-moving, can make "Hello, how are you?"
sometimes a formality, like a passing-by or quick exchange. But the real question of another's well-being possesses some immense power. A sincere "How are you?" in times of growing social isolation could save a life or at least provide a chance for a deeper connection.

The Future of Greetings

In a fast world, ruled by technology, the concept of "Hello, how are you?" takes on different dimensions. Of late, most of the chatbots and virtual assistants are programmed to use similar greetings. But the real essence of that question, which forms the root of a certain human connection, is missing in all these interactions.
The future of greetings is yet to be written. Will "Hello, how are you?" go on being the bedrock of human interactions, or are emojis and virtual handshakes going to take the place?

Probably in striking a balance: using technology to better our interactions but still showcasing the power of face-to-face communication.

"Hello, how are you?" These two simple words hold the power. Within our fast-moving world, we shall not take this greeting lightly.
They are a bridge across cultures and a basis for connection—a call to empathy.
Let us use it in earnest, listen with open hearts, and really connect; for in these tiny moments lies a better world in the making one "hello" at a time.😊

In your perspective, what makes a greeting beautiful? 
 Thank you. Please share in the comments.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Maids & Myths

Maids & Myths, "Hiccups in Harmony''

The hiring of maids by families can be convenient, especially to families with tight schedules but the process is not as easy as it is expected. However, while their contributions are often invaluable, there is a less discussed side to this relationship: the possibility of bringing negative energy into a home that maids often possess. Some behaviours may cause the experiences of frustration or disappointment.

Maid Habits"Creating a Stress''

In most cases, the introduction of maids in a particular house does not necessarily mean that it is all positive. It is important to understand that the changes that the addition of the new member brings to the house interactions may be quite unpredictable and can result in numerous complications.
These are individual and interpersonal as well as systematic and societal.

Privacy Invasion

A home is usually regarded as a haven and this is the place where one can be liberal and free from societal pressure. This room is menstruation throughout the day by the constant presence of a maid.
To fully know that one’s private space is entered by an unknown at a given time is not comforting and erases the safety and comfort that is afforded by a home.
People may not like the feeling that comes with knowing that there is always someone out there who knows their schedule, their behaviour, and even what they never told anyone. Such discomfort may result in the feeling of intrusion and henceforth development of stress and anxiety.


Living with a maid to do most of the cleaning and other chores for you have been found to have some negative effects such as making one lazy. As the disease progresses some of the most simple things one can take for granted such as cooking, cleaning or even organizing may be lost.
Such dependency is not always advantageous; whenever the maid is unable to work, it becomes difficult for the household.

Interpersonal Conflicts

People are not always compatible with each other according to the type of personality they have. The working mode, attitude or behaviour of a maid can be not in harmony with the owners and can compromise and quarrel.

Jealousy and Competition

Sometimes having a maid causes jealousy in the home. These feelings affect children and make them think that the maid is the preferred person to be around within the house. This can cause all sorts of problems within a family including disturbing the emotions of the individuals involved.
But sometimes the situation is otherwise maids develop a feeling of jealousy, maids start comparing their own lives with the lives of certain members of the family.
They start raising their eyebrows and you can almost feel jeer of comparison in their tone.
This type of situation can lead to a lot of negativity in the household it means that every day you wake up and go to bed with a negative attitude.

Over expectations and comparison

The majority of the maids have a culture of relating an experience concerning the other families where they work, how those families treat them, and what they provide in terms of monetary remuneration, gifts, food and other incentives during special occasions.
In fact, these are some of the stories they tell in a bid to pass their messages across to their leaders. They are now telling stories as a way of giving their emotions about how they want to be handled.
These are probably not to be taken as actual stories, but they seem like something to help dictate how to approach them.
Of course, we don’t need to fact-check the story, but it feels like it’s here just to push towards a particular behaviour.
And if you ignore their demands you can feel noteworthy behavior alteration. Sometimes they may decide to go on a rebellious spree which only increases tension in the household.
Inconsistent Attendance

The most prevalent behaviour seen in many households by these maids includes generally poor attendance habits such as erratic truancy. They are also likely to absent themselves from work without proper authorization, or even at short notice; the household is usually affected in the worst way.
Such unpredictability can affect the flow of day-to-day activities and cause undue stress especially because parents rely on such helpers to manage their households.

Lack of Attention to Detail

Maids sometimes miss certain spots when cleaning, which leads to dust and dirt building up in these forgotten areas. This lack of care can make the whole house less clean and healthy.

If the maid keeps doing this over and over, it can create more stress for everyone.

Reliability Issues

Showing up on time and being dependable matter a lot to families. Housekeepers who often come late or back out at the last second throw off daily schedules and cause trouble for everyone.

Unprofessional Behavior

This covers talking about family issues using personal phones too much while working, or even bringing guests into the home without permission. These actions can put the household's privacy and safety at risk.

Getting a maid can take a lot of work off your plate, but it's crucial to know about the possible downsides. Not showing up being careless missing details, acting, and not taking the initiative are some habits that can make the experience less than ideal.


There are benefits to hiring a maid, but you should be ready for any obstacles that may arise. Open and honest communication is essential to maintaining a good working relationship with your maid and a calm household. Be courteous, establish ground rules early on, and show your maid some care. You may establish a peaceful atmosphere that benefits all parties involved by doing this.

Thank you for reading! please comment.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Work with Pride

Many people feel ashamed of their employment when they don't match the "high-powered" or "prestigious" mould in a society that is obsessed with status and achievement.

Society bombards us with narrow images of success making many think their jobs fall short. But the work that feeds you, no matter what it is, merits huge respect.

We need to break down this story and honour the worth of all honest work.

Stand tall!
Work gives our lives shape and meaning, offering a chance to grow and improve.
From a skilled craftsperson's eye for detail to a caregiver's non-stop commitment, each role helps society run.

 Be proud of what you do!
Working, no matter what you do, is a key part of being human.
 You might sometimes think your job isn't fancy or high-status. But don't forget, it helps you live with self-respect and give back to your community.
Powerful sense of self-reliance & dignity
Having a job gives you a strong feeling of being self-reliant. When you make your own money, you get the freedom to take care of yourself and the people you care about.
 This money safety helps you feel proud and lets you decide things that affect your life.

A sense of self-worth and accomplishment
Work's worth goes beyond just paying the bills. It builds self-esteem and a feeling of achievement.
 When we fix issues learn new things, and team up with others to reach a shared goal, it shapes who we are.
 Doing a good job brings joy, taking pride in our work feels great, and bonding with workmates adds to a rich life.
All these things make our lives more complete.

Security and independence
It allows us to provide for ourselves and our families, fostering a sense of security and independence.

The Symphony of Society: Every Role Plays a Part

A man sweeping streets or transporting garbage are not as appreciated as CEOs, but their efforts keep diseases from spreading. What would people do if the offices and public utilities of the city’s sanitation department were removed? 
This feature of glamour would be replaced by the ordeal of life in this large city.
Some examples can be hospitals without nurses, or farms without farmers, which is impossible.

It means that the huge number of people with manifold occupations makes society work organism-like. 
The nurse who attends to the ailments of the sick, the educator who fosters the development of our children, the mason who puts up our structures and roads, the deliverer who brings our basic needs. 

Thus, whether the play is called ‘’Hamlet’’ or ‘’Henry V’, it is a significant part of that symphony of great and small puppet plays.

Often, the jobs deemed "unskilled" are the very ones that keep the world running

While such jobs may not necessarily need one to go to school for years, they call for personality, stamina, time consciousness and the ability to work with all strata of populations.

These make a comfortable and healthy life possible and are indispensable.
Thus, every job is a segment of a jigsaw that collectively forms the function that maintains the existence of society.

Beyond the Stereotypes: Redefining Respectability

There is social prejudice in society that relates the worth of an individual to the job description. Societal prejudice contributes to shame because of the occupations their members perform. Sometimes stems from classist thinking that believes that work that involves the use of one’s hands is more so associated with lower classes.
This view fails to capture the modern generation’s employment situation where most of the skilled technical professions pay better than desk jobs.

Besides, it reduces the worth of human muscles and vigour and overlooks strength, endurance and techniques.

Change in mindset contributes to a more respectful work culture:

Shift Your Perspective: It is again important that you change the way you look at your job. Replace the thoughts about the low positions’ underrating with the appreciation of the practical utility of such positions. Consider what you help, what you offer and what you help create on the general scale.

Find Your Passion Within Your Work: Try to locate the positive aspects that can bring happiness and contentment to the particular job. Maybe you are skilled in communication with the buyers, like the processes of the problem-solving part of the work, or the indication of partnership with the coworkers. Thus, attention must be paid to those aspects.

Surround Yourself with Supportive People: Develop relationships with people who have good things to say about people and their worth, there is no superior profession, and everyone deserves appreciation.

Embrace Continuous Learning: Understand the job you are in as a temporary situation. A person should continuously be willing to learn and hence should be ready to acquire new knowledge in different fields. This not only increases your worth to the employer but it also gives you the much-needed self-confidence when handling tasks.

Acknowledge the value of all professions: The next time you come across a person who performs a service, take time and thank him or her for the job done. Politely acknowledging the other person is also an important aspect of showing respect and nothing embarks more respect than a simple thank you.

Support vocational training: The youth must be encouraged to go for vocational education and training as an equally good and realistic form of employment.

Promote a work-life balance: Advocating for pay, work hours benefits access and job satisfaction can lead to a better quality of life in the workplace. 
Achieving a balance, between work and personal life often results in employees approaching their tasks with enthusiasm and concentration.

''Be proud of your job'' and  ''Celebrate all your work'' because 

''Our work is a part of who we are''
 it is the work you do to make money and help your family.

''Respect and esteem all professions''
Careers are not just a source of income but should also make you proud. Always bear in mind, that no profession is low in comparison to other ones, every job plays a part in the external world.

''You contribute to society''
Remember this and take pride in providing a respectable living for your family and positively impacting someone else's life.

People may dismiss your job, but every job you take on is a chance for something good in the world to be done.
The things you get to do are part of your identity, even if the job you do is not something you do for a long time. It is also proof of your character.

Be proud of your job, work hard, and make a difference.👍

''Thank you for reading! please comment if it  resonates''

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Kabir's Wisdom

Kabir's Wisdom: Truth Over Illusion

The Hindi verse "jantar tantar sab jhūTh hai mat bharmo jag koy satt sabad jaane binā kauvā hans na hoai" can be translated into English as:

 All magics and spells are lies, do not fool the world, the crow has no idea which word can help it turn into a swan. ”

This line is derived from  ‘Dohas of Kabir’ which is a 30-verse composition that has been composed by Kabir, a 15th-century Indian Holy man.

It is a rejection of witchcraft and fake or Westernized medicine and an encouragement of the truth and knowledge, hence the Enlightenment. 

Working with its distinct tone and its words’ connotations, this verse is a clear proclamation of the value of truth and enlightenment for a human being. It is a call to shun the various beliefs that are considered to have been acquired through the spirit medium and instead turn within in search of genuine knowledge.

‘‘Jantar Tantar sab Jhuth hai’’ This eliminates the possibility of anybody using magic or chants to achieve his or her intended goals. 

This thread runs through the whole of Kabir’s work as he did not believe in the power of rulers or lords.

”mat bharmo jag koy” In fact this phrase literally translates into English to “don’t deceive the world. ” 

This is a tell that people should not propagate bad things, particularly superstitious beliefs. Kabir always looked at the possibility of wrong teachings being propagated and he encouraged people to think critically of what was being told and what was being seen. 
He indicated that knowledge existed somewhere deep within. One could only be sought and people should always be forthright in their dealings with other people.

“satt sabad jaane binā” This phrase literally translates to “without knowing the true word. ” The “true word” can be taken in many ways, but in the most basic of terms, it is considered the spiritual and philosophical or even mystical, knowledge a person has or knows of himself.

In this verse, the author is mocking the people who believed in superstitious and paranormal aspects. It claims that inner knowledge and understanding are the way to go out in a quest for knowledge and not through magic and spells.

The Power of Truthful Knowledge: Therefore, according to Kabir, the change has to be internal, which can only be brought about by accepting the nature of existence.
Thus, he stated that without this knowledge people are as hopeless as crows.

The crow symbolises ignorance and the swan represents knowledge and enlightenment. The crow is the black bird that depicted the negative omen of death and the swan is the white bird that has been shown to depict beauty and cleanness.

 This specific line infers that without insight, people remain no better than crows. With the right knowledge, we can rise above like the swans above the mire of samsara.

The verse is also a provocation towards reason as a potential source of liberation from the alleged tyrannous rule of magic or chants to achieve his or her intended goals believed in superstitious and paranormal rituals.  People should never act and believe in rituals that do so, it is without taking time and analyzing the information. 

This is the only way we are likely to develop real appreciation and understanding. As far as critical thinking is concerned we should not take everything that is said or written at face value.

In fact, the verse can be interpreted as a message that people should rely on themselves. It means that we should not depend on what people tell us regarding knowledge and happiness. However, we must not rely on external sources for answers that are said to be seeking within us.

The verse can be interpreted as a symbol or as a reminder of the language’s potential as well. This one is, indeed, a true word that is simply symbolic of the power of words that following the verse form something in existence. 
To sum up, there is nothing outside of following rituals of magic spells and superstitions, we should learn how to manage our lives properly to achieve the best result for making our lives more meaningful with true mystical, knowledge a person has or knows of himself.

It is a verse of encouragement. It provides hope to people that even though at the moment they live in a world full of ignorance and superstition one can rise above that and become enlightened.

It is not surprising that there is a heavy moral code expressed in the verse. It motivates people to tell the truth and to be productive as well as strive towards the acquisition of genuine knowledge.

The Doha is a message that teaches people to be independent and find their way to enlightenment. Unlike most fairy tales, it does not focus on getting information or solving problems using magic or spells but using our inner selves.

''Thank you for reading! please comment if it  resonates''

''Paradise in the heart of desert''- A Short Story

Rajasthan's desert was alive and breathing. The golden sands looked to go on forever, undulating in a single pattern resembling a sparkl...