Wednesday, June 19, 2024

power of ideas

The Power of Ideas: Changing Our World

deas are often considered intangible and ephemeral, but very powerful in changing the course of human events. From the philosophical musings of ancient thinkers to the groundbreaking innovations of modern scientists, ideas have propelled human progress, inspired revolutions, and reshaped societies.

The Genesis of Ideas

Ideas come from personal experience, observation of the world, interaction with others, and even dreams or intuitions. They may be very simple concepts or complex theories; but they all have one common denominator: the ability to inspire, challenge, and motivate.

The Impact of Ideas

The power of ideas can be realized by the fact that they are capable of sparking tremendous transformations in social, political, and economic spheres. For example, The ancient civilizations of the Indus Valley, particularly of the Indians, stimulated civilized thought and therefore contributed to global thought and growth. 
Figures that advanced such a transformation of society include Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, and Rabindranath Tagore who engaged in radical social and political reforms. Within a short span of his active political life, the idea of satyagraha inspired movements for civil rights and independence around the globe. 

Swami Vivekananda, introduced the idea of Vedanta philosophy to the West, emphasizing spiritual unity and universal brotherhood. His teachings inspired many to embrace spirituality and social reform.

 Tagore was an admirer of man and of cultures around the world, as well as the potential of art as an uplifting force.  his ideas influenced Bengali culture. 
It’s not hard to accept that the visions of these thinkers still define the societies and individuals willing to change the world for the better.
In the same manner that the Industrial Revolution had its birth in a technological invention like the steam engine and the spinning jenny, it succeeded in modifying societies and economies. 
The ideas the inventions take are great modifications in the lives of people, their working habits, and their relations with other people.

The same influence, yet more subtle and equally powerful, is wielded by ideas. Take democracy, for instance. The very concept of democracy has designed the political systems of many countries and it is a notion that inspires millions of men and women to stand up and fight for their rights and freedoms.

Ideas like human rights, ensconced in works such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, have fostered equality and fairness throughout the world.

The Power of Ideas in the Modern World

The advantage of living in an interconnected, modern world is that the power of ideas is amplified: due to the rapid, almost instant dissemination of information and technology, ideas bear an immense impact on the universe. In particular, social media platforms let one individual with ideas reach the entire world while simultaneously hooking up with other like-minded people. This, among other things, gave birth to social movements and grassroots activism, as people harnessed and used ideas to mobilize and thus elicit change.

Moreover, with the internet, anyone who has an idea can be an entrepreneur and even create a business. This, in turn, has increased innovative start-ups and new industries mainly through the power of ideas.

The Challenges of Ideas
  • Ideas may hold a great deal of promise, but they also pose their fair share of challenges. One such challenge is the natural resistance that the elevation of ideas may always present. People are very resistant to new ideas that begin to question their assumptions or violate their ways of doing things. This often leads to conflict and stagnation.
  • Another is that ideas could be manipulated or used to take an unfair advantage over others when wrong and discriminatory ideas of some are used to justify violence or oppression. It is necessary to critically weigh these ideas if they would serve positive ends.


The power of ideas is undeniable. It can shape the physical world, inspire progress, or compel change. By being in a position to recognize how powerful ideas can be and by harnessing that power, we will hopefully go on to fashion a better future for ourselves and others yet to come.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

"Pride Before the Fall"

"Pride Before the Fall"

A short story

In the middle of the business city of Chennai, there was a housemaid lady named Anjali. She worked as a domestic help in a well-constructed house of the Iyer family whose character was well-established, they were considered rich and orthodox Iyer family. Anjali was not only famous for her job but she became an icon because of her behaviour, which carried arrogance, greed, overconfidence, cunning, selfishness, rigidity, and narcissism.

Anjali had a proud look with a sense of superiority over the others. She felt that she was very essential to the Iyers, and told them how they would struggle to find a competent person like her. From time to time she was very arrogant and she never missed an opportunity to insult the other maids in the neighbourhood treating herself as superior.

Such people would not know how to run it without me,” Anjali would mutter to herself frequently. She always asked for more money, more benefits, and privileges; exploiting the Iyers’ fear of losing a skilled worker.

She was so greedy to an extent that it was very tough to deal with her. Always demanding things and favour and other things justifying to herself that she deserves it, in return for the hard work she puts in. She believed she deserved more than what she was being paid.

Looking at the performance of Anjali it was clearly visible that she was overconfident about the way she completed tasks. She always got overwhelmed with work and, thereby, tried handling much more than she could manage; she would then assure the Iyers that she had the best results on the way but, in the end, she failed.  But when things went wrong, she was quick to blame others, never accepting responsibility for her mistakes.

She was always ready with a comeback; “Why should I be the one to suffer? It is their fault for putting too much pressure on me” she would say, deflecting any criticism that came her way.

Anjali was also very selfish She is seen to be rude and is mostly engrossed with her own affairs. She had no regard for the welfare of individuals,  and convenience but was motivated by whatever would favour her. Focusing solely on what benefitted her.  She was not easy to reason with for she was very stubborn; Her stubbornness made her difficult to deal with; once she set her mind on something, no amount of reasoning could sway her. She would not change her mind even if heaven was to fall.

Anjali was a cunning woman and was a master manipulator. She had many negative traits in her character. Her sheer narcissism was useful in the way that she could be fawning the Iyers to keep them believing that she was in fact indispensable in their home. All of them were scared and she took advantage of that ensuring her place in their home was secure.

One day the Iyers planned a Navaratri grand celebration. This is how Anjali looked at it as her chance to put importance on herself. She took charge of the preparations, but her overconfidence led to several mistakes. They decorated everything wrong; the food was served late, and the guests were unhappy.

Mrs. Iyer, usually patient, finally lost her temper. "Anjali, how could you let this happen?"

Anjali, true to her nature, deflected. ‘It was not my fault madam, the other staff did not do as I told them. ’

But this time, her cunning excuses didn’t work. The Iyers had had enough. They realized that Anjali’s arrogance, greed, and overconfidence were more of a liability than an asset. 

 They decided to let her leave, it could probably be true that she was going through a painful process of being fired or laid off from her job and there was nothing else that could be done.

Anjali was furious. “You will be sorry for this, nobody will look after this house as I do,” She screams before slamming the door.

Days changed into weeks and the Iyers hired a new maid Lakshmi who was humble, hardworking as well and kind at heart. The household ran smoothly, and the Iyers came to realize that Anjali was a negative influence on the household.

Concerning Anjali she lost her job and she could not get any other employment. Her devious temper became known and who in their right mind would hire a difficult person? Her haughtiness and selfishness have brought her to this sorry state and she had no one to blame herself for it.

The story of Anjali was a lesson that was taught to the Iyers and everybody who ever knew Anjali; no matter how professional one can be, it is his or her behaviour that matters.

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The Energy of Words: Uplifting, Enlivening, and Transforming

The Energy of Words: Uplifting, Enlivening, and Transforming

"The Power of Words " looks at the way words and thoughts said or thought can make much difference. From the earliest scriptures to present-day motivational speeches, there is little denying the power of words in uplifting, enlivening, and transforming.

The Energy of Words

"The Power of Words" tries to see how speech and ideas can have a great deal of impact. There is little doubt as to how words can uplift, inspire, and even change from ancient text messages down to contemporary motivational speeches.

Words are much more than just sounds or scribbles on a page but dynamic energy with the potential to change our lives in some pretty fundamental ways. The energy of words is important to recognize, as also is the responsibility connected with their potency. Whether we speak for others or ourselves, our words can uplift or tear down, inspire or discourage. When heard audibly or thought over in silence, they can heal and nourish the mind and soul in a way that few other things can. It shows how powerful words and creative thoughts can uplift, soothe, and transform people's lives for good.

Words have this amazing way of perking us up. To hear reassuring words from a loved one or to read some inspiring quote gives a sense of assurance and strength. It fires within a spark of determination to keep holding on when things get tough. If spoken with sincerity and compassionate feeling, such words go way beyond mere utterances-they are strong wells that make one feel heard and less alone in one's struggles.

Words have the beauty of really shaping our perception and the world we come into. If repeated daily, positive affirmations nurture self-esteem and make one more optimistic. Words have even changed personal beliefs and behaviour. The change in the way we relate to ourselves- for instance, substituting self-criticism for self-compassion-may afford a more positive self-image and improve our well-being.

Let us deliberately choose words for their inspirational values that would encourage and instigate positive change.

The choice of words is, therefore, like the picking of a masterstroke; it requires an extremely sensitive understanding of their shades and an intentional act of will to portray precisely what is intended.

Understanding the Power of Words

Emotional resonance: Words can also cause a riot of emotions inside a person, sadness, anger, and so on and so forth. If you reflect words that denote exactly how they are feeling, then it becomes all that more memorable, and the audience is likely to remember it.

Cognitive Effect: Words may engender cognition, the thought and perception processes. They can also affect beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours. You will want to choose words that are exact, clear, and informative as you express your thoughts.

Cultural Context: Words may connote cultural associations and meanings. Understanding the cultural context in which you are writing, will help you to choose appropriate words which will not show any disrespect.

How to Choose Between Words

Know Your Audience: Know your audience; their background, interest, and level of understanding. You would want to use such vocabulary as they understand and like.

Consider Your Purpose: Determine the intent of your communication. Are you trying to inform, persuade, or entertain? Choose words that help fulfil this purpose.

Be Specific: Being specific, rather than general, allows your audience to paint a mental picture in their minds.

Use Imagery: Make your writing very colourful with imagery and metaphors to make it living and memorable.

Avoid Jargon: When writing for an audience that is not very specific, avoid technical terms or jargon that will foil the readers' understanding.

Consider Tone and Style: Your writing should reveal one tone and style since each is conveyed by your purpose and audience. Choose words to provide your tone-formal, informal, or humorous.

Revision/Editing: Take the opportunity to go back and review your draft for revisions after you have written the text. Paying attention to how each word functions and if it will serve your intention.

It is the choosing of the right words that stirs up that dynamism within you, from which powerful and impacting communication ensues. Remember, words are much more than just symbols-they change worlds and inspire revolutions.
Undoubtedly, words soothe minds and souls. The energy of words is a force that uplifts spirits, brings imaginations alive, and changes perspective while flying through and beyond time and space.

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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Identify Negative Influences to reduce the impact of negativity.


The thoughts shape the emotions and the actions. It is hard to perceive goodness in situations, people, and the self when negativity dominates the mind. Indeed, a negative mind will not create positive vibes. It is tough to fight the negativities in the mind, but it is very imperative for amelioration of mental health and improvement in living.

Let us discuss when a negative mindset blocks positive vibes. 

How to find a person with a negative mindset?
Following are the common signs that one may have when having a predominantly negative mindset:

(1) Negative thinking focuses on problems rather than looking for solutions and can even create a sense of helplessness or frustration. A negative mind mostly complains about situations, people, or life itself without showing any kind of will to solve problems or effect change.

(2) A negative mind most of the time expects the worst outcomes and orients itself toward conceivable problems rather than opportunities. And if you think things will go wrong, you may unconsciously act in ways that make this happen: negative expectations can lead to negative outcomes.

(3) A negative mind will always tend to shift the blame onto others for their problems or mistakes and seldom take responsibility for one's actions. This strains relationship since it leads to criticism, blame, and conflict features that wear down interaction.

(4) You will always find a negative person saying that they are victims of circumstance, believing that they have no control over their lives and that others are responsible for their unhappiness. They promptly judge or criticize others, mostly pointing out their flaws and faults as opposed to strengths and successes. 

Their conversations often dwell on gossip, complaints, or negative news. They often do not show enthusiasm or excitement about life and may more than often come off indifferently or apathetically.

The time spent with such people often leaves you feeling drained or down, since their negativity is contagious. Setting healthy boundaries in place can help safeguard a person's well-being while still supporting others.

It is also very important to avoid negative people to maintain your mental peace and well-being.

Strategies that can help you minimize the impact of negative individuals upon your life:

Whenever one meets someone, he should notice the behavioural aspects and how he feels after being with the person. If in contact with certain people, he feels stress, anxiety, or sadness is already a hint of their negative influence. 
Evaluate a relationship and judge whether it's more draining than supportive. And in case one finds that the person has negative traits, then comes the importance of limiting your boundaries. 

Here, I have a few suggestions for you to deal with such people.

A) Have a gentle yet firm manner of stating your need for space or boundary. An example would be, "I need some time to myself" or "I would not want to discuss anything negative".

B) Lessen interaction with negative individuals. For those who are coworkers or relatives you couldn't help but steer clear of, interactions would be strictly professional or when it would be absolutely necessary to do so.

C) Unfollow or mute all those negative people on social media who just post negativity and comment negatively.

D) Avoid discussing topics of a negative nature. You can respond with neutrally phrased comments like, "I'm so sorry to hear that." In most cases, you won't need to further contribute to the negativity. OR If the conversations are not going your way, usually ending up in negativity, try to steer them back toward more positive or at least neutral subjects.

E) Learn to express yourself and your needs with confidence without feeling intimidated or at fault; never stay 'yes' to all situations and requests that hamper your mental peace.

Changing the negative mindset to a positive one involves a very long process, and for that, one needs to put in continuous effort and patience. You as human beings cannot change others' people. Then, the only option you are left with is to avoid negative people to maintain your own mental peace and well-being.
You diffuse much of the negativity through the creation of positive space, healthy boundaries, positive communications, and activities that uplift you and others. Remember that change takes time, and even small actions, when performed regularly, can cultivate a more positive, enriching environment.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Cooking and Cleaning: Basic Life Skills Beyond Gender

Cooking and Cleaning: Basic Life Skills Beyond Gender

Conception of gender has always been associated with cooking and cleaning in diverse cultures.

 However, as we forge ahead into the 21st century, it has become crystal clear that these indeed are life skills that everyone should know irrespective of gender. 

 Why these skills are important  for everyone to learn

Let us investigate why these skills are important and how they will blow every thought of gender-based stereotyping to smithereens.

 For sure! They contribute to individual well-being, household management, and overall quality of life.

 Why is that so? 

Well, cooking is an art and one of the means of cultural expression. It should not be clearly framed in terms of the division of labour assigned according to gender roles. 
Everyone deserves an opportunity to explore different cuisines and ways of preparing them. Cooking is not only about preparing a meal, it is more like taking care of nourishment for one's self and others with a well-balanced diet. 

Being a country like India with immense cultural heritage, the pattern of eating out varies drastically from region to region, and the varieties are endless: ingredients, flavour profiles, and methods of cooking all vary by region. 
This cooking skill will help people appreciate such traditions but at the same time make food nutritious and suitable for personal and regional requirements of nutrition. 

Cleanliness: It is very important for hygiene and health. A clean living environment keeps away diseases and helps maintain general health.
Cooking and cleaning are forms of taking care of oneself and the environment a person is living in. 
Such skills allow them the power to be able to keep pace with a sound and functional lifestyle. 

You Become independent

In this fast, busy world of today, being independent is something that greatly contributes to personal growth and empowerment.

For instance, cooking and cleaning mean an individual can fend for themselves in the world, never needing to depend on other people to accomplish ordinary tasks. 
This could be the ability to take care of one's needs without seeking help from others; such autonomy carries immense significance in developing and maturing as an entity. 
Be it a quick breakfast before rushing to work or a neat and clean home environment, these skills instil a sense of self-reliance and confidence in the empowerment of individuals in taking care of their daily lives.

Organizing  and time management

In modern-day lifestyles, household activities like cooking and cleaning are shared among everyone. 
This creates teamwork between them and respect for other members of the family, therefore providing a healthier place to live in.
These skills provide good time management and organizing potential which, therefore, is helpful even at professional and personal levels.

Breaking Stereotypes

Traditionally, cooking and cleaning have been identified as gender-specific jobs in many cultures. However, this trend has been changing over time. 
More and more households are opening their eyes to the reality that such skills are important for any individual, irrespective of gender identity.

Each region had its specialities and ways of preparing them, passed down through generations. Embracing these traditions by learning how to cook not only connects one with one's roots but also makes people more appreciative of diversity and inclusion.
Besides the cultural significance of learning cooking and cleaning, it also imparts very practical life management skills to an individual. 

Acquiring these skills should be invaluable in modern competitive life scenarios, such as trying to balance work with personal obligations or trying to maintain a household efficiently. They instil organization, time management, and resourcefulness in an individual, which is fruitful in helping one lead a wholesome and industrious life.

Henceforth, we will have to sustain this message: that cooking and cleaning are life skills and the need for people from all walks of life to adopt them for their importance in daily life. In that way, not only are we empowering ourselves, but also contributing to making a more inclusive, progressive, and equitable society where all can thrive and meaningfully contribute. 
These skills help individuals to be independent, healthy, and well; whoever accomplishes these, is of no consequence.

Education systems can very effortlessly dismantle gender stereotypes. Schools can also include these in their curriculum so that boys and girls both know how to cook and clean when young enough.
For that, families provide the basic units where such changes can be encouraged. In this regard, children should be involved in household chores irrespective of their gender. Parents also need to share responsibilities with one another so that kids understand that cooking and cleaning are not gender-related but survival skills.

Some of the life skills, such as cooking and cleaning, should not be left to males and females but need to be considered as vital ingredients for an equitable society. 

Such abilities help in personality building, good health, and economic stability. Changes need to be welcomed and encouraged from top to bottom as society proceeds into greater modernity.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Mind Your Own Business

"Mind Your Own Business": The Art of Personal Boundaries

There is a lot of sense in the saying, "Mind your own business." It very often directs our attention towards our life and holds us back from poking our noses into somebody else's life. It is respect for boundaries: respecting the worth of basics of social grace, respect for space, and respect for individual autonomy.

Each has his journey to undertake and his own obstacles to cross. Minding one's own business does not interlope into the affairs and decisions of other people. It is then that a person can be free from worries and not take the extra burden and unnecessary concerns, by being worried about only his business and nothing of other people. We, in this way, facilitate those people being with us and make them feel comfortable, making them create a notion of trust and respect for us in their minds.

Encourages real connection

This approach encourages real connections and does so with empathy and understanding, not superficial curiosity or judgment. Respecting boundaries also means some people don't want unsolicited advice.

Encourages self-refinement

However, "mind your own business" essentially has the interests of the people at heart. Minding our business will, therefore, make us focus on individual efforts and aspirations. The mentality that develops from focusing is self-empowerment and self-confidence because one can take full charge of their decisions and actions.

In other words, acting in concert with what's in the best interest of ourselves and what we care about our personal goals, good relationships, or other's well-being will add to our fulfilment and content.

In this fast-moving and changing world, with so many different distractions, engaging in personal pursuits can lead to more satisfaction and success. This allows people to use their strengths and talents constructively in their own lives and communities.

No Drama

This is what happens quite often when one pry into other people's business and, in return, gets unnecessary drama or misunderstandings. Not to mention the frequent act of gossiping or spreading rumours.

 Equality and Decency

In showing respect by keeping away from other individual's business, one observes the rule of equality and decency when relating to others. It sets an environment wherein all consider a person worthy for what he is and not for what one does or is in life.

"Minding one's own business" is not merely a phrase, but much more, it's a principle to upraise respect, personal growth, and peaceful coexistence.
 Let's abide by this, regarding minding our own business, for us to make a difference in ourselves and others.

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The Inner Flow

 A Force Flowing Within

It is not just for living that one is alive. ''It is a current running within each of us''. This force enables one to work; to be active, and makes one feel alive, part of the universe. By having the ability to comprehend this inner force human beings are given the ability to live a better life and have a better and higher purpose."There is a spiritual essence within every person.", is a vital principle that is the real self of man, the soul of life. It is an energy in the depth of each person’s soul, defining who they are and to whom they belong. Life has a spiritual aspect that goes beyond the physical. It connects us to everything that exists and taps into a powerful force at its core.

Emotions and Mind

The inner force of life is also manifested in our emotions and mind. It is the interest that we feel when we are engaged in something we enjoy, the sense of empowerment that comes with facing a challenge, and the innovative solutions that arise in our minds. One can identify with it when one comprehensively tries to understand the feelings and thoughts involved.

In the aspects of emotions and psychology, the force of life is well-recognized in sensations, encouraging factors, and goals that make people satisfied with their lives. It is the cause of our pleasure and pain, love and fear. It is a natural force that drives people’s actions and choices. This energy might become a source of power that leads to self-realisation if we can identify it and use it.

Spiritual Views

This inner force is also really spiritual. People from different religious cultures know this source from one or another concept. In Hinduism, this is referred to as ‘Prana,’ meaning the energy which actually permeates the Universe and its beings. It is then considered as the wireless life energy that links everyone. The soul is the link we have to all forms of life, as we are all tied to a single spirit.

This way we understand the link and can coexist peacefully with other people as well as the environment striving for the common goal.

Personal Enrichment

When we use our inner strength, we take control of our personal growth and learning. This involves developing ourselves, transforming, and gaining knowledge by facing challenges, learning, and seeking deliverance or spiritual awakening, also known as realization. This includes the happy and the sad moments in life, and each of the moments makes us a better person and helps us discover the mysteries of life.

To cultivate spiritual strength, consistent practice of meditation, prayer, and yoga can give positive results. Volunteer work, saying thank you to someone, doing something nice for somebody, improving communication with nature, doing some inner reflection, or meditation will help the person connect with the inner force.

Imagine if life were a powerful force residing deep within us, compelling us to delve into the profound depths of our motivations. To foster this inner drive Meditation and mindfulness are central to the process as by meditating and stilling one’s mind one can reach inside and feel the flow of the spirit. 
While on the contrary mindfulness is the awareness limited to the present moment to strengthen the link with the internal source and achieve balance and calmness."To enable countless individuals and their communities to lead more meaningful, interconnected lives." This outlook changes life into a process – a fluidic process full of opportunities and meaning.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Art of Living with Joy


"Enjoying the joyful life."

It is worth stating that joyful living is an art that can be used to change our reality and make it better and worth living. It is not about attaining pleasure or pleasure activities but about happiness and happiness activities that are more long-term throughout one’s life. 

Here are some essential principles to help you master the art of living with joy. Here are some essential principles to help you master the art of living with joy: 

  1. Savour the Simple Pleasure 
 It is no wonder that happiness tends to be discovered in tiny things. Be present in a moment and admire the beauty of sunny weather, food that you have prepared or received an uplifting word from a friend. These little things that go unnoticed in our day-to-day lives make it special and happy. In the morning it might be the sun, or in the cup of coffee or even being able to share a joke that may be very fulfilling. 
 If we always spare time to acknowledge and cherish such little incidences in life, we can change our natures into being happier. 
 2 Build Meaningful Connections 
 Saying that people matter for happiness is a message we convey to children. This means that having time for people you care for is some sort of key to happiness. Catch up with friends and popcorn and watch a movie or read a book together Sometimes all that is required is to share some jovial moments with friends and or relatives in simple things like watching some movies or just reading books. 
 That means that the quality of the relationships is much more important than the number of people who are on your friend list. 
 3. Do What You Love 
 The things which make you happy, in other words, mean you should do what you love. Chasing after the thing that interests you in life can be very fulfilling. Just imagine that you are painting, gardening, writing or playing any musical instrument, it so feels very satisfying if you spend some time on these activities. 
 This will also make us happy and this will also make us realize that is worthwhile doing some things in life. 
 4. Practice Gratitude 
 Ap About expressing and genuinely being grateful for what one has. Every morning prioritize a few things that you are thankful for. It may be your family, your health or even a shelter over your head, the affection of the close ones as well as the beautiful nature around you. 
 For enhancing joy, gratitude is a powerful tool.
Acknowledging these blessings can significantly uplift your spirits.

5. Be optimistic 
 Just infer positive from whatever situation you find yourself in, or as a goal, aim at looking at the positive side of life. One can learn to have a positive outlook on life and this will enable one to be able to stand some of the tests that come with such experiences. . . Positive thinking or looking for good in every situation, searching for reasons to be happy can make you joyful even in times like these. It is important to have a positive attitude while undergoing these challenging times so that the person can overcome them. 
 What this approach is: It can make you remain happy even in the worst moments of life. 
 6. Be Attentive to the Current Moment 
 You should not have much concern about what happened in the past or what is likely to happen in the coming minutes, hours, days, months or years. No matter what your situation is make the best of it and do not regret anything that has happened in the past. Intentional and conscious presence or mindfulness in daily tasks means appreciating each activity you engage in in the time that you are actually engaging in it and this kind of attitude enhances the chances of finding joy even in the most basic of tasks like having to eat a meal, reading a book, or even taking a walk. 
 7. Take Care of Yourself 
 That is why one has to take care of his/her body and soul to be joyful. Staying healthy through diet, regular exercise, adequate rest and taking time off when you are stressed, weary or ill. Bear in mind that a healthy lifestyle, which includes exercise routines, a proper diet, proper sleep and activities like meditation or yoga also has a positive impact on one’s well-being. 
 In your body when you’re feeling well and in your head if you’re happy to boot- you can only be joy-full. 
 8. Be kind and generous 
 You may find happiness in helping others. The human gestures of sharing, giving and caring regardless of the level elicit happy feelings in the givers and the recipients. Volunteer, assist your neighbor or just give a friendly greeting to someone who might be having a bad day A gesture such as these, performing acts of kindness or being generous may bring a lot of joy not only to the recipient but even to the giver. 
 9 Stay calm 
 It is necessary to stay calm as this fosters good thinking and makes it easier to make the right decisions. 
 This in essence implies that conflict issues will rarely occur when the environment is calm hence making communication easier. Use this message when the pressure is on and remember to stay cool is a decision that you make. 
 Steadiness in life not only has a positive impact on one’s own health but other people are influenced and the situation becomes less strained. It may be good to accept and propagate stillness as a mode of operation in society as a means of handling issues that come with life. 
 Happiness that is being preached nowadays, which is to live with joy is not a call to be always smiling. It’s about living as fully as you can every day and designing a life that will be enjoyable to live. Thus, the art of living has much to do with making the most of small things, being positive, protecting the self and other people, and being calm all the time. A joyful life is a process that is practised day by day. It is a process of making specific decisions to promote individual health and happiness.

''Paradise in the heart of desert''- A Short Story

Rajasthan's desert was alive and breathing. The golden sands looked to go on forever, undulating in a single pattern resembling a sparkl...