Sunday, June 30, 2024

Beyond the Spotlight

Beyond the Spotlight: The character test

Developing authenticity in the inner self is the process of self-realization and embracing one’s identity. It is about inherent being or essence as well as about values and after all it is about living. Authenticity is not about having the perfect inside and out. It became my understanding that only if a man is thoroughly honest to himself then he can be as honest to everybody else.

Integrity is a core value of the relationships that we establish with other people in society. However, there is so much more to the concept of honesty, which means telling the truth. It is all about the positive relationship between intentions, a statement or a written word and the action plan.

Integrity, on the other hand, refers to the purity of an individual’s principles or values that he or she follows. These ones whether individual, occupational, or societal play the role of a beacon that directs our choice and personality. 

It is an integration of human conduct and speech with ideas that can be regarded as a specific set of values possessed by people. It’s about maintaining and upholding these values regardless of the chance or desire to fall for the tempting offers. 

Integrity in a person means that such an individual can be trusted and his actions will not depend on the circumstances. 

They walk the talk in a manner that would make them not compromise their ways, even if they are not observed.

Having integrity, Telling the truth when it would be more convenient to tell a lie, taking into account everyone’s interest and equity, and showing respect to those you do not accept. Accepting responsibility for the decisions that one makes or makes on behalf of the larger group and the outcomes that result from such decisions. 

They tell a story about your character, your personal standard, and a sense of what is right and wrong, right and wrong will not change with the company’s culture.

Telling the truth Applying justice because everyone has a right to that and respecting people’s rights even if we do not share the same ideas. The responsibility that is taken for the decisions that are made and the outcome of such decisions. It is about honesty, a feature that helps to make decisions without considering other people’s opinions or presence.

The Power of Intrinsic Morality: Picking the right path because of the self-fulfilling joy and not for mace or recognition as a result strengthens your self-esteem. Effectively, it strengthens an individual’s predisposed notion that he or she is a good person based on his or her own standards.

Building Trust and Respect: Praise ethical behaviour that was observed internally as it strengthens the trust of subordinates to you. It shows that you are an individual that can be depended on and this is irrespective of the circumstances of the situation.

The Challenge of Temptation: The big challenge is when they call for doing right in rods. Choosing not to take a shortcut or be greedy at a time when you do not want to be seen by other people is also beneficial in terms of moral fibre.

Habit and Character: The more often they make the right choice more often they will be able to make the right decision even in the minor options. They both want ethical behaviour to become part of one’s personality and character in the long run.

’’A Way of Living: Basil of Caesarea on Integrity’’.

Integrity is not something one can flaunt; it is a principle that has to be practised. And it is a process in which one has to learn to live an authentic and ethical life ceaselessly. 
That is the strength that makes one able to hold his or her head high knowing that the course that has been taken is right and upright. As much as honesty is, it is not always about making big impressive statements. It is about the decisions that we make in our lives on a day-to-day basis. 
Thus, through seeking intent, verbal communication, and nonverbal communication, they merely be trusted, respect themselves and others, improve relationships and create a more positive environment in and around us.

When opting for integrity, not only do we make ourselves moral human beings, but we also help create a more ethical society.

If I could give you any virtue to guide your life it would be this: let integrity be your light. ЁЯШК

Please share your thoughts on integrity in the comments. Thank you.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Introvert's Survival Guide

The Introvert's Survival Guide: How to Disappear Without Actually Disappearing

For our mental and emotional well-being sometimes, the desire to Find Your Quiet Space is perfectly normal. There are days, weeks, or certain phases of life when social interaction feels like the last thing we need.
 Maybe you're overwhelmed by daily stress, an introvert recharging after social overload, or simply seeking a quiet moment. Whatever the reason, mastering the art of avoiding people can be a valuable skill. 
The key lies in striking a balance between self-care and social courtesy.
 Here are some strategies to navigate those moments when you politely (or strategically) need to disappear, with a focus on healthy boundaries and self-care.

Understanding Your Reasons
The first step is introspection. Why do you want your Quiet Space? Identifying the root cause will help you tailor your avoidance strategy. Are you feeling overwhelmed, introverted, or simply craving some "me time"?

The Art of the Polite Decline:
Clear, straight and friendly way
 Let loved ones know you need some space. Phrases like "I'd love to chat, but I need some quiet time right now" 
The Direct but Friendly Approach 
"Hey, I'm not the right person to chat with right now. Maybe we can talk later?" 
The "Focus Time" Excuse
 "I need to focus on something right now, but let's grab coffee soon!" This sets a boundary while suggesting future interaction.

Strategic Scheduling
Planning your outings around quieter times can be a game-changer.
 Go to grocery stores at opening hours, generally very few people can afford to visit markets at opening hours.
Life revolves around routines. If you know a chatty neighbour likes to walk at dusk, consider taking yours out earlier or later. This isn't about living in fear, but about creating space for your own peace.

Embrace the Power of "No"
Don't feel obligated to attend every social gathering. It's okay to prioritize self-care. A simple "No, thank you" is a complete sentence.

Body Language
 Your body speaks volumes before you even utter a word. Keep your head down while walking, avoid eye contact in crowded spaces, or wear headphones (without blasting music) to signal you're unavailable. This isn't about appearing rude, but about creating a subtle barrier.

Find Your Quiet Havens
Seek out places that cater to solitude

Channel Your Inner Bookworm
Getting lost in a good book is a fantastic way to avoid people and recharge your mental batteries. Dive into a captivating story and let the world fade away.

Crafting Polite Excuses:
The Busy Bee: "I'm actually catching up with someone right now, maybe we can chat later?" This allows for a brief interaction while setting the stage for a future connection.

The Time-Crunched: "I'd love to chat, but I actually gotta run" is a classic escape route. Just be sure to follow through with a friendly wave or a smile.

The Future Planner: "Let's chat another time, things are a bit hectic right now" suggests you're open to future interactions, but not quite now.

Beyond Avoidance: Building a Healthy Social Life:

While avoiding people is sometimes necessary, complete social isolation isn't healthy in the long run.
 Here's how to strike a balance:
Focus on Quality, Not Quantity: Prioritize meaningful connections with a few close friends over large, overwhelming social gatherings.
Find Your Tribe: Seek out people who share your interests and understand your need for alone time.
Embrace Small Interactions: A friendly chat with a neighbour can fulfil your social needs without feeling overwhelmed.

You're Not Alone
Introverts and those who simply need alone time are not uncommon. Don't feel pressured to be constantly "on" or social. Embrace your need for solitude.

 Avoiding people isn't about being rude or anti-social. It's about managing your energy and respecting your need for solitude. Social connection is an essential human need. Avoiding people is a tool, not a lifestyle. Use it effectively to recharge and return to the world feeling refreshed and ready to connect. By prioritizing your well-being and setting healthy boundaries, you can find the perfect balance between social interaction and solitude.

Please share your thoughts in the comments. Thank you.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Whispers from the Soul

  Whispers from the Soul: Unveiling Your Authentic Self

 It is a primary question of humanities, who we are? Life is an extremely expanded scroll. It is a process that begins from the time of our childhood to our adulthood. We walk through it and come across those events which define our experiences and perception of reality. 
 Personal development is an excellent and lifelong process in which we learn all about ourselves and become better people. It is more about stripping off the layers that form experience, the layers that form expectations, and the layers that society puts on us. 

This journey of self-awareness is done by reflections, this is the process of being reflective and being able to search within ourselves. 
 Personal growth is the process of building the lifestyle that fills the life of an individual. When we know better what we important to us, what drives us, and what makes us happy, we can choose, and act in response to our inner self. 

 Elements of self-discovery
 What keeps the fire going in you
 Which are the actions that make you feel you want to do more of them

Still, it is good to know what impacts you the most: what matters to you in this world? 
 Do you have any perceived strengths and how about your weakness? 
 What makes you happy in your life? 
 What are your fears and how do these affect you? 
 That gets me to ask such questions as: What do you consider to be your core values? 
 Most of the time, we never get to tap into our strengths and the things we enjoy doing in our free time. In other words, it is possible to dig these nuggets out from under a pile of work and perhaps, reignite the passion that was once there. 
 Relationships and especially the role they play in the discovery of oneself. 
 How do you come into contact with the rest of humanity?
 The kind of connections the above theorists have sought, differ as depicted by the following classification. 
 It is quite beneficial to critically think about one’s interactions with other people in one’s life. Think about the characteristics that you expect in people around you. Are they your values or, on the contrary, do they reveal your personal potent desires? 

 Reflect on your conflicts, what makes you angry in terms of interactions? 
 Analyzing one’s relational patterns affords important information concerning one’s needs and ways of relating to other people. 
 The process of writing or keeping a diary, practising mindfulness and getting in touch with one’s inner self through being out in nature are all ways of introspection. 
One can easily argue that introspection is the means through which we go into the details of inner life.
Perhaps it should be mentioned that the process of self-realization takes a lifetime. When we commit our time and energy to these endeavors, we therefore revive the objective of living a more genuine or meaningful life. The person may decide to embrace their doubts and take pleasure in every characteristic that makes them unique.
 It is also important to be aware that while you are discovering who you are your values and wants may change. Leading yourself with this tool of introspection, you can still keep on unpacking the map of the self and discover the wonderful self that lies within. And embracing oneself is more important than being flawless to win others' acceptance. 
It’s a notion that never ends and is always ongoing: there is no countdown for self-discovery. 
 Accept this as a new change and be ready to make certain adjustments in your lifestyle. ЁЯШК 


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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Love Paints, Respect Mends


Love is a great feeling; it is profound and, most of the time, timeless in nature. It brings with it deep relationships, shared experiences, and mutual understanding certainly hefty in all aspects!

Love whispered in the significance of snatched moments,??

 The power that binds hearts across seas, a symphony that echoes beyond centuries. 
However, love, like the most delicate flower, can quickly be changed. Passions fade, flames flicker, yet embers of love may stay warm for a lifetime.

Respect, on the other hand, is far more sensitive
. It is built on consistent demonstrations of trust, admiration, and respect for ideals and behaviours.

However, the expression goes, "Love does not die in a day, but respect does."

 As much as this provides fuel for thought, the reality differs slightly.

Love in its early stages is vivid, attractive, and lively. It uses brighter inks to paint the world, ignites a fire within our spirits, and forces us to see the best in our partners. 
We appreciate defects, see beauty in blemishes, and ride out life's storms with a helping hand. 
The erosion, however, proceeds over time as it marches ahead with determination.
Love instils itself in us via experiences, whispered secrets, and profound gratitude for another soul. It relies on trust, empathy, and the willingness to be vulnerable.
 However, even the most profound love may be tested to its limits. Familiarity, habit, and life's hardships can all dampen the passionate flame, but that doesn't imply love is gone.

Genuine love transforms into understanding, a peaceful and faithful partnership.

When the flame of love flickers, it is simple to remember what has passed—silent laughter, buried hopes. The embers still carry some warmth, reminding us of the connection that once existed.

 A crackling campfire is an excellent example of this, representing a passionate love. It burns bright and warm, casting swirling shadows. Yet, as the hours pass, embers sparkle with a gentle fire.

 Respect, like the careful maintenance of coals, keeps the fire going. The listening ear validates a partner's sentiments, allows for individual growth, and provides unflinching support during life's adversities.
Respect recognizes that the path is shared.

It evolves through open discussion, in which opposing viewpoints may be heard with an open mind.
Respect allows differences to be addressed constructively, establishing a secure environment for personal growth within the partnership. 
Respect permits us to hang on to all of the wonderful qualities of the relationship, appreciate those memories, and move forward with serenity and thankfulness.
Respect does not cease with romantic affection. Perhaps more crucially, it serves as the foundation for strong friendships, family ties, and even professional partnerships. Consider a friend who will not cross your limits, a parent who will respect your decisions or a coworker who will appreciate your work: those are connections that will last. 
Respect fosters trust, overcomes gaps, and allows individuals to be themselves.

The respect inscription is exactly what it says. Love may not always be present in the same form, but its inscription of respect ensures that the legacy endures. In my perspective, love has drawn beautiful scenes with passionate brushstrokes. Respect is the thread that binds everything together.ЁЯШК

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024


To tolerate others implies to accept them and to put up with them and this is the essence of all relationships. And freedom in any relationship is not about promiscuity in some or all aspects of life.

It's a dance of autonomy and connection

It captures the essence of a long-term relationship perfectly—it is both freeing and bound by connections. It's wonderful if you can find a career that you enjoy and can stay who you are, but these partnerships involve love, care, and shared interests. This type of liberty creates opportunities for trust and progress by allowing others to bring their whole selves to the table.

It's about setting healthy boundaries

It is about balancing between saying no and saying yes while at the same time having the freedom to embrace who we are as a person.

This makes it to be a dynamic rather than a restrictive cage to make your life together fulfilling as well as meaningful.

If you do what you want, ''I will not have any worries''

This is an interpretation of the fact that it is always alright to allow people to go their own way regardless of what they wish to do. It is a kind of means not to allow their actions to affect the empathizer or bring bout stress in you.

It can also be viewed as some kind of an acknowledgement that you do not interfere with the other person’s decision-making process because you believe they will make the right decision for themselves. You are sure they will make the right decisions even if you don’t comprehend the rationale behind their actions.

Trust and Autonomy

 It presupposes that communication between the two people is based on trust. It means that you trust the other person with his or her decision-making abilities and choices. By letting them “do what they want,” you are getting to say, “I believe in you to decide on what is perfect for you and won’t worry about consequences because I know you should handle it well. ” These words make the others feel independent and bring you closer because it shows that you respect their decisions.

Freedom from worries

Most of the time, anxiety is fuelled by a need to control all aspects of life. Thus, by understanding that you cannot control things and that the other man has his or her right to act in a way that can be regarded as desirable, you will not worry in vain.
This will create a feeling of serenity, a world without the stress of trying to manage people, especially their choices and actions. This cannot be equated to detachment but it is more of a way of redirecting one’s efforts towards what one can influence which is, for the most part, one’s conduct and response.

Relief from Responsibility

 This may be enlightening as it comes with the notion that people have the power to challenge their unavoidable oppressions and have a responsibility to do so. It has the advantage of eradicating the problem-solving authority or the role that makes decisions for people with an actual human personality. Success or happiness cannot be imposed on anyone. With that acceptance, we release ourselves from the position of being let down if things do not exactly go smoothly.

Accepting the control restrictions

Last but not least, the meaning of “If you do what you want” is to accept the fact that there is a restricted area of control. If one or both parts stop trying to control the processes and look for directions, new scenarios will appear, and trust can heighten the interactions.

This means freedom of speech, complete confidence in the other person’s decision-making and accepting their decision even if you do not agree with them. This entails having the right to free expression, having total faith in the other person's judgment, and respecting their choice even if they disagree with it. 
This flexibility enhances the personality inside the relationship, leading to a higher degree of commitment because of a positive sense of mutual selection.
This serves as a friendly reminder to treat others with tolerance and understanding. Put simply, it's a way of saying that you won't let someone use their actions to control your feelings.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Fleeting Present


This one moment is all we have in truth; enjoy it, live it, and make it count. It's about being in the moment, in mind of the experiences one is undergoing, and relishing small pleasures in life.

"All there is is this very moment" is in that deep life truth

It is an expression repeated in every culture that resonates deeply within us. It's one of those powerful feelings that remind us of how short time really is, and how we must make the most of living in the present.
Life is a continuous flow. We look back or live in the past, at times with nostalgia and at times with regret. We look forward, filled with hopes and aspirations of a great future. But the only time which we have any control over is the present, and it slips by unnoticed.

However, the present often seems scary in its transient nature; one might feel overwhelmed by the urge for instant action, the fear of missing something, or the urge to immortalize those strong moments.

The whole world moves; now, more than ever, this phrase holds its strength: "It is now or never."

The catchy idiom underlines that every good opportunity has to be seized in due time and action taken, otherwise, it may slip away.
Sometimes you gotta seize an opportunity where it really counts-or it's just plain gone. Whether personal growth, environmental action, or societal change, this essence of "now or never" can be a guiding principle for impactful living. It does apply to jobs, dreams, and anything you really want.

 Now or Never: The Essence
Thus, the term 'now or never' means to convey that this is the one and only moment to seize an opportunity. 

Here's how "Jo bhi hai, yehi ek pal hai" makes sense.
It conveys a sense that not taking action at that moment could either mean a missed opportunity or undesirable things happening.

How to seize the moment "yehi ek pal":

Be Centered: Being attentive to your surroundings, notice sights, sounds, smells, and textures we are experiencing.

Appreciate small things: Enjoy each day, relish every aloo parantha or pani poori that tastes great, and chat with your loved one.

Let go of distractions: Put aside the phone, switch off notifications, and let some space be present.

 Accept impermanence: Neither cling to good nor oppose what is bad. Both arrive in this constant flow called the present moment.

Living on the mantra of "now or never" and the philosophy of "jo bhi hai, bas yehi ek pal hai," we can bring about such a big change not only in our personal lives but also in the communities and the world.

Reminding us how the present moment is so precious and what we do today matters for a better tomorrow.

It is not that the past or future is irrelevant; it's just a matter of balance. 

We learn from the past and anticipate the future, but we savour the present. Only here, at this present moment, is life truly lived with its assorted joys and sorrows and complexities.

So, take a deep breath, look around you, and really take in this moment. This is all there is, and it is a precious gift.

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Monday, June 24, 2024



Life is a journey and not a destination, an overnight and treacherous with tempests and hidden shoals. Under these circumstances, a partner needs to be strong and steady, too.
A Sanskrit verse from Durga saptshati articulates this expectation  "Patni manormam dehi manovritanusarnim tarnim durg  sansar sagrasya kulod- bhwam."
Which, in simple English, means: "May my wife be beautiful, understand my mind, and be a boat to take me across the rough sea of this world, which is full of distress. and from a good respectable family"

The following line depicts more of a wish or hope to have a wife, who should not only be beautiful and fair but also caring and sharing. It has been interpreted to symbolize the journey of life that is often considered a voyage full of hazards and perils. 
The wife plays the sailboat that carries the husband across this voyage and provides him with the strength and support he needs to achieve success.

This verse illustrates marriage as something more than the living together of two people

''Wife Being Smart and Not Just Pretty''

It describes the importance of the wife being smart and not just pretty. A good wife guesses what her husband is thinking and what he needs before he says it. 

Their presence and poise during the worst moments in life can fill people with strength and comfort. A good partner, because of the winning personality, lights up moods and brings positive vibes along with them wherever they go. 

A Bond of Understanding 

This bond of understanding creates a feeling of togetherness and turns them into a team against life's ups and downs.

Of course, charm alone isn't enough. The huge ocean is symbolic of the world with all its tricky parts. It portrays the stuff that gets heavy, problems, and surprise issues we face in our lives.
The wife keeps things steady when life gets rough, like a strong ship, supporting her husband through the turmoil. She gives him a feeling of safety when everything's disturbed and uncertain. 

A partner who gets what is in your mind listens to you without judgment.  Understanding what you are going through, is all that is worth their weight in gold. 
They provide a place where one can drop his guard and where the people actually care about what one thinks and feels.

It goes even further. A good captain needs a strong ship. One that can weather the storm and sail into the unknown. Without a capable and trusted right-hand person, though, even a good captain is useless.

But for a particularly hardy boat, a good sailor needs an equally sure compass to plot his path across the water. She is his compass, and with her insight into her husband, they power through life together, side by side, against bad weather and strong currents, and end up where they hope to be.
Life is full of uncertainties and risks. Searching for a person who is not only nice but also an understanding soul is like searching in the ocean for a sturdy boat that would see you through even the most violent tempests. You can withstand any problem that suddenly rears its head, knowing you've got each other's backs.

This part isn't about one person only; it goes both ways. A husband should try to be a helpful and caring partner, giving strength and advice to help them both move ahead as a team.

The beauty of the sloka lies in the perpetuity of its message. It soars beyond cultural barriers and speaks to the perennial humanness, to the need for a mate, a beautiful and useful mate-one who understands them and sees them through life's ups and downs. The poem reminds an age that can be vastly lonely of the sustained power of a sensitive and supportive partnership.
It is a relationship acting as a safe haven of trust, guiding one through life on earth, which keeps on changing.
So kindly, if you have found a companion who keeps you going and finds you desirable- well they are there to guide you.
 May you both enjoy a journey with loads of love, care, and plenty of trips.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Positive vibes, positive life.



        ''Success sticks, and Happiness too''


Saying that you are a magnet for success and happiness, in my opinion, is a great way to start and set a splendid course for you and your life. 
 To start a positive change in one’s life, it is vital to accept the fact and rely on the concept of the law of attraction. This means deliberately directing one’s mental energies and behaviour towards creating constructive consequences and intentionally aiming for positive outcomes and/or opportunities for self-actualization. Developing such a mental attitude, you lay a strong positive framework for attracting success and joy into your life when actively seeking new opportunities for positive change and prosperity. 
 When one follows up a statement with another statement that is very genuine, an inherent mentality in the human being can develop a subconscious mind that would be very receptive to many opportunities.
 This includes always being ready to change and be flexible, as well as maintaining optimum levels of enthusiasm. One gets to learn that success is a result of digging deep for the strength and confidence to effect major changes in one’s life.

The Power of Thought:
"Have you ever heard the saying, 'What you give out will be returned to you'?

 This phrase speaks to the power of our thoughts and beliefs in shaping our experiences and outcomes in life. Our minds play a crucial role in determining both our joy and suffering, as they influence our ways of thinking and ultimately shape our lives.

This means that we should acknowledge the fact that our mind is capable of influencing what we experience in our lives. This means that when you keep a positive attitude in life you will just draw positive things towards you. These impressions prove that the character of thinking and the consequent planning are the key determinants of the outcomes of people’s actions, which underlines the importance of controlling one’s thoughts and focusing on the positive perspective. "
The Importance of Focus and Intention: 

Focusing the mind on a single object allows you to cultivate specific thoughts and intentions toward that particular focus. This mental concentration acts as a powerful force, drawing the desired outcome or goal toward the object of your focus. No matter the challenges, there is always a pathway to change or transformation through the strength of will and conscious determination.

Nature of thoughts, beliefs and  intentions:

The direction of your life is shaped by your thoughts, beliefs, and intentions. By gaining mastery over your thoughts, aligning your beliefs with positivity, and nurturing positive intentions, you can actively steer your life towards a more positive and fulfilling existence. 
This implies that your conscious and subconscious choices play a significant role in forming your attitudes, perceptions, emotions, and consequently, your life experiences.

Belief is Brilliant, Mate!

"I have unwavering faith in my abilities, which have been bestowed upon me by a higher power. This self-belief empowers me to overcome challenges, work relentlessly towards my goals, and ultimately attain success."


"Self-confidence'' serves as a powerful driving force that propels individuals to greater heights, regardless of any challenges they encounter. It is essential to keep in mind that having confidence in your abilities leads to the attainment of remarkable accomplishments."

“Come out, Shout it out! Don’t be shy”

Affirmation is a significant and transformative process through which individuals verbalize their goals, aspirations, and desires to manifest them in reality. Now if you articulate your affirmations verbally, you are informing the universe of what you desire and who you are!!! 
So that you attract what you want into your life. Participation in this practice can facilitate the well-needed psychological and emotional strength to remain on course and focused on what you want, while at the same time creating the right environment to get there. 
 Please, bear in mind the following:
 That is why your choice of words can sometimes change your experience in the situation. 
 However, mere talk and conversations as well as explorations are different from actually going behind it with action. 
 Concerning the previous points, it can also be said that taking action is another critical step to becoming a successful magnet. 
 Encouragement and compliments with positive intent can be supported by practical actions toward some goals.
When indeed you purposefully progress towards your goals and objectives you summon success and chance into your existence. 
So, you could significantly improve your opportunity to achieve life’s goals. 

Have a positive attitude, and confidence, and make rational decisions. 
 However, it is desirable to notice that this road is not devoid of stakings and everyone will face some or other kinds of challenges.

Many times these are seen as barriers that cannot be crossed but it is important to look at them as temporary hurdles. Hence, do not dwell too much on failure, instead, gather yourself up and begin to forge ahead. 
 Smile, be positive, and positively look at things, always envision yourself as a magnet that is attracting the right kind of success into your life.

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Saturday, June 22, 2024

The All-Seeing co-resident

The All-Seeing co-resident-A short story

It was all about sunshine and the lovely aroma of filter coffee once we shifted to Chennai. The auto-rickshaw dropped me in front of my apartment; I was aware that it was not going to be easy for me, merely because of the fact that I am a north Indian.

Before I could say, Jack Robinson, my next-door neighbour Amma Lakshmi materialised faster than a fly on a sweet shop window. Her smile was as big as a banana leaf unaware of all her other reactions, and there was something in her that made me shiver: curiosity, and she was ALWAYS watching me, my serenity was destroyed by her.

“Welcome dear! New arrival in our little paradise!” she greeted me before I could even say a word to her. She was inside my apartment watching the contents of still-closed boxes with the intensity of a temple priest examining for a sacrifice.

From the first day I came home unpacked, Amma Lakshmi became a fixture. Surprised, unannounced visits were her speciality on arrival of friends, relatives or colleagues. She'd comment on everything. She would comment on the groceries I bought, the music that I played, the food I ate, to the clothes I wore.
There had been regular lectures from Amma Lakshmi on how to wear clothes, I wore a casual kurta in the evening, and it was her main task every day to instruct me ‘A married woman shouldn’t look so shabby!’
She had been instructing me to wear a saree and kum -kum on my forehead, to wear bangles, and to put a rangoli in front of my house, this would be good for a happily married life, as if she was my, mother-in-law.

Even worse were her relatives. As if receiving mangoes falling from a tree, they’d visit Amma Lakshmi's house. Her relatives were appendages of herself. And so, any relative – a cousin, a niece, a distant aunt – who came to visit Amma had to pass by my home. ‘This is the new tenant, Meenakshi,’ she would proclaim, to an open censuring turned necks of curious stares and judgemental whispers.

The real creepiness? Amma Lakshmi noticed everything.

Leaving for the market?

walking outside?

Every day, she'd be making rangoli in front of her apartment's main door while putting rangoli her constant focus was on my main door and my activities. For example

“Going shopping again, are we?''

coming home late from a movie,?”

Her lamp would be turned on as I tried to open the door with my key. . .
At what time does my husband come to have lunch, why are you eating so late, if I ate lunch late then I would have an issue with acidity was her daily concern.

Worse of all was the fact that she had sharper eyes than a hawk. . . If any person visited our house whether he or she is related to us or not, then how did you guys turn into friends. It was more or less like being on guard all the time.

Her behaviour was increasingly irritating me and, I felt as if she was getting on my nerves I decided to talk to her. I said, voice firm, ''I appreciate your. . . concern, but I need some privacy. ''

In this, she found herself incredibly constrained, and for a moment she was surprised. This was triggered by the fact that sometime later she had a wicked grin across her lips. 'You know Meenakshi, privacy is not all that important, we are a family here looking out for each other’.

And that’s when it struck me, she was not suffering from loneliness; she loved power. The pleasure that she got out of this information was immense; it gave her control over my life and other people’s lives.

I became aware, that a direct confrontation would not work. The solution came in the form of boundaries. I stopped her coming to my house politely. It was not all plain sailing, but eventually, The visits lessened. Even now, Amma Lakshmi continues to peek at the neighbouring houses but from a distance.

But now it is of a different scale, it is a more restrained observation.

Amma Lakshmi. Perhaps, and perhaps for the first time in my life, knew what it meant to respect other people’s privacy.

A Few words:

If you have a neighbour like this in your life, please leave a comment. Thanks for reading! ЁЯШК

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Mind's Paradox: Prison and Path

The Sanskrit phrase "рдорди рдПрд╡ рдордиुрд╖्рдпाрдгां рдХाрд░рдгं рдмрди्рдзрдоोрдХ्рд╖рдпोः"

"The mind alone is the cause of both bondage and liberation for humans.

This saying is from the Upanishads which are part of the sacred literature of Hinduism that concentrate on philosophical questions. This aspect specifically underscores the role of the mind in the formation of experiences as well as one’s fate in life. Thus, it implies that what we think, want and cling to or attach one’s self to befalls the realm of bondage (Bandha) or liberates (moksha).

The brain is a double-sided sword

On the one hand, it is possible to mention that it is one of the greatest sources of inspiration, pleasure and comprehension.

On the other hand, the mind can turn into a prison by itself and one which is created by the individual. This is particularly catastrophic.

When we bind ourselves to our thoughts, feelings or attitudes, they become mental prisons to prevent us from attaining happiness. It happens when we are caught in the web of fear, anger, and self-annoyance, and can never achieve harmony and satisfaction.
 Bondage (Bandha)
This state, where the action is being conditioned and limited by thoughts, emotions, and desires is Bondage (Bandha) It is the state of suffering and struggling for fulfilment from the outside world.
 Liberation (Moksha)
On the other hand, there is the state of being unconditioned and unlimited. It is the state of consciousness, the state of no mind as well as the state of transcendental bliss. This is Liberation (Moksha)

The mind is an instrument that can chosen to be used for one’s liberation or shackles. Still and all, the usage of the minds we possess is a decision we have to make.

Remember mind is a terrific force to reckon with. It can build our own heaven and hell or in simple terms, it can build our own paradise or inferno.

Understanding Mind's Nature

Mind is very flexible. It can be trained & changed & developed by practices and techniques like meditation, mindfulness and introspection.
For that one has to penetrate into the mind and see its true nature, which is liberating. 
This is not a form of repression where you shut down your thoughts and feelings, rather it’s a state in which you observe thoughts and feelings without being compelled to act on them. It compels responsibility on the aspect of thinking and doing within the society.

In fact, there exists a close relationship between the world within us and the external world  This exactly suggests the fact that most of the things that happen to us and around us are reflections of the state of our mind. 
According to Buddhism, when our minds are mired in passion or aversion or any other negative state, we contact a situation that releases those feelings, just as oil and water mix together.
It is when we think positively, having a gentle and humble heart with no desire for the things of this world that we get to feel, to experience the feelings of being at peace, being happy and spiritual. This in turn brings us towards ‘moksha’ which means getting free from samsara or the cycle of birth death and rebirth.

If only the minds can be tamed then positive thinking combined with right actions can usher in pure consciousness and infinite bliss and freedom.


The Upanishads, Hinduism's sacred literature, emphasize the mind's role in shaping experiences and life's fate. The mind can be both a source of inspiration and a prison, with bondage indicating suffering and liberation characterized by consciousness and transcendental bliss. By taming the mind, one can experience pure consciousness and freedom.

Please share your opinion in the comments. Thank you.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Magnetic Power of Originality

Your Originality is a spark that sets trends starts movements and distinguishes you from other folks. And it is a powerful force too. Creativity ushers invention, essentially replaces stagnation and has the intended effect. 
However, somebody could just take this idea and run with it, yes? 

Did it lessen your chances of success? Absolutely not. 

In fact, imitation is the highest form of compliment and a sign that you are doing something that needs to be copied.

That is why imitation speaks volumes, and it is extremely important to never give up on the idea that really seems to be interesting. And if others follow you, it can be a winning situation for you as well, that you have a different view of the world.

It helps you to conform to the many demands of being original which is in fact a total win-win situation for you. 

You try to be yourself. That is why you should stay as unique and innovative as possible and let the copycats come behind you.

Being First Matters

The adage that “being first counts” is true. It is what you call market positioning or market setting where you set the standard, dictate the market, and create awareness. Even If others are trying to imitate you, you will always be the creator and the one with the reputation. And this makes You Unforgettable.

Originality attracts attention 

It is possible to get noticed just by being different. You become unique and people will want to know more about you. It is this initial interest that can be the foundation for creating a loyal consumer base.
Originality Brings Creativity 

As you look for more concepts, you are making the way toward advancement. If you offer an obvious idea somebody will surely follow, however, your desire to create the next big idea will keep you in front of the followers.

If your creativity enables you to set an example for others to follow, then do not avoid being ‘yourself’ when putting across your ideas. As a general rule, aim to make things progress, and never be afraid to be as individual as possible with your work.

When others attempt to generalize they think of it as a compliment. In fact, a copycat is practically confessing that your idea, your point of view is right in some way. If you bother to imitate it then what it means is that your ideas are good enough to be worth copying!

 The world needs your originality

The world is missing your unique passion, so don't be afraid to shine! Let your originality blossom; there is room for your new voice and your unique approach; let your creativity flow. Do not be afraid to break out of what "you should do." The world needs your originality; even if you have an imitator, it will bring on the next innovation.

Brilliance is the spark that starts trends and distinguishes you from others. Creativity ushers invention and replaces stagnation, with imitation being the highest form of compliment. 

Being first matters in market positioning, where you set the standard, dictate the market, and create awareness. Being different attracts attention and creates a loyal consumer base. Originality brings creativity, as you look for more concepts and strive for advancement.

Being "yourself" when putting across your ideas is essential, as others may think of it as a compliment. If you try to generalize, it means your ideas are good enough to be worth copying. The world is missing your unique passion, so don't be afraid to shine and let your originality blossom. Break out of what "you should do" and let your creativity flow.

Please share your thoughts in the comments. Thank you.

Wordplay Wonders

The Story of "Listen" and "Silent"

It is a Wordplay Wonders, When "Listen" and "Silent" Share a Secret "Listen" and "silent" are both spelt using the same set of letters – L, I, S, T, E, N.

This is a fascinating quirk of the English language and is technically called a "hectograph."("Heterograph" literally means "different writing" (hetero-different, graph). However, their spellings and meanings are distinct. The key feature is that stereographs share the same pronunciation..)

They're different despite using the same letters: Listen Up! The Silent Truth About These Words
(1)Meaning: "Listen" means to pay attention with your ears to hear something. "Silent" means without sound or noise.

(2)Pronunciation: The order of the vowel sounds is different. In "listen," it's "i-e," while in "silent," it's "i-en."
(3)Part of Speech: "Listen" is a verb (an action word), while "silent" is an adjective (a word describing a noun).

Even though they share the same letters, "listen" and "silent" have distinct meanings and functions in a sentence.

Listen to the Silent Truth

Some people point out that good listening often requires moments of silence from the listener to fully understand the speaker. 
How Interestingly, they even find a connection between the meanings of "listen" and "silent." This is a fun example of how wordplay can reveal interesting things about language!

A clever way the language reuses letters to create new words. It's a fun fact to share and a reminder that English spelling can sometimes be puzzling!

May I ask you?
Can You Hear the Silence? The Story of "Listen" and "Silent"ЁЯШБЁЯШБ

Please share your thoughts in the comments. Thank you.

''Paradise in the heart of desert''- A Short Story

Rajasthan's desert was alive and breathing. The golden sands looked to go on forever, undulating in a single pattern resembling a sparkl...